Alberta Statutory Holidays in 2024

Here is the list of stat holidays in Alberta that are different from the national holidays in Canada celebrated across the country.

You can also find details about long weekends in Alberta and elsewhere in the country.

  • Boxing Day is not a statutory holiday in Alberta but many non-retail businesses treat it as such. Ask your HR department or boss about it
  • Remembrance Day is observed in Alberta.
  • Family day, third Monday of February, is a statutory holiday
  • Heritage Day, first Monday of August, is officially not a statutory holiday but some people and businesses take the day off anyway. This is the equivalent of Civic Holiday in other parts of Canada.

Site usage stats and search history for the keyword "statutory holiday Canada" show that the residents of Alberta are more interested in learning about their stat holidays than people in other parts of the country. Albertans are also more likely to search for "Alberta statutory holidays" than other provinces for holidays in their respective regions.

Stat holidays in Alberta for 2024, 2025 and 2026.

Holiday 2024 2025 2026
New Year's Day
January 1
Mon, January 1 Wed, January 1 Thu, January 1
Family Day
Third Monday in February
Mon, February 19 Mon, February 17 Mon, February 16
Good Friday
Friday before Easter Sunday
Fri, March 29 Fri, April 18 Fri, April 3
Easter Monday
Federally regulated workplaces only
Mon, April 1 Mon, April 21 Mon, April 6
Victoria Day
Monday before May 25
Mon, May 20 Mon, May 19 Mon, May 18
Canada Day
July 1
Mon, July 1 Tue, July 1 Wed, July 1
Heritage Day
First Monday in August
Mon, August 5 Mon, August 4 Mon, August 3
Labour Day
First Monday in September
Mon, September 2 Mon, September 1 Mon, September 7
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Federally regulated workplaces only
Mon, September 30 Tue, September 30 Wed, September 30
Second Monday in October
Mon, October 14 Mon, October 13 Mon, October 12
Remembrance Day
November 11
Mon, November 11 Tue, November 11 Wed, November 11
Christmas Day
December 25
Wed, December 25 Thu, December 25 Fri, December 25

Go to the overview list of national and provincial holidays in Canada.

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Recent comments
Posted by Franco spaghettio:

There needs to be a long weekend every week end.

Posted by JustMe:

Paula, is, in fact, correct! The government of Alberta’s website clearly states that Heritage Day is NOT a stat holiday. However; it is an option for employers to designate it so if they wish.

Posted by Paula's last brain cell:

Paula/Karen, Heritage Day is in fact a statutory holiday in Alberta. Sorry you probably have to work on that day, life can get hard im sure.

Posted by Paula.:

This is misleading, Heritage Day is NOT a stat holiday in AB.

Posted by Tom:

Groceries up, taxes up, people delaying family formation due to price, progressive credentialism, rent through the roof and this dumb old man is grousing we're not working hard enough. You want it, incentivize it you crusty old boomer.

Posted by Doug:

Holidays are important to recharge any employees batteries and good for mental health in general. Senior managers generally work after hours, are on call, expected to take meetings or customer dinners outside of work hours. Often getting the position by giving up more of their free hours in trade for very good pay. Some others don't see the background, they want that kind of pay without putting in the extra time. John, it sounds like you are in a toxic workplace you should change jobs.

Posted by John:

Dayton: Holidays don't kill the spirit of hard work. Not being appreciated, respected, recognized, or paid for the work you do kills it. Seeing your bosses and CEOs make more and more while you make less and less kills it. Layoffs when companies have record high profits kills working spirit.

Posted by luc:

hey Dayton sometimes opinions are best kept to your self....

Posted by Dayton:

Less holidays and mpre workdays. My opinion. We are losing the spirit of hard working ppl who has built Canada on the first place.