2019 Canadian Statutory Holidays

The next holiday is Good Friday in 25 days.

Read about holidays in Canada in 2019 on the page below and feel free to send in your message related to Canadian stat holidays in the comments section.

2019 will be a very straightforward year as far as holidays are concerned: none of the major holidays are on a weekend. Canada Day, for example, has caused a lot of confusion in the past two years when it fell on a weekend. This time, however, it's on a Monday, which makes for a very convenient three day long weekend!

Easter will be rather late: Good Friday in 2019 is April 19 and Easter Sunday is April 21.

Remembrance Day will also be a Monday, which will no doubt rekindle the discussion about its inconsistent statutory holiday status across the country especially in Ontario where many people won't be able to attend ceremonies because Remembrance Day is still not a stat holiday.

Christmas in 2019 will be on a Wednesday and Boxing Day will be on a Thursday. What is your Christmas holiday strategy? How to make the most of the holidays while using the least amount of vacation days? Share your thoughts about this below.

New Year's Day is a Tuesday, so you have to save up one last vacation day for Dec 31st in order enjoy an uninterrupted winter holiday.

Note: in 2019 Family Day will be moved a week later in BC so it will be aligned with Family Day celebrated in other provinces.

List of Canadian holidays in 2019

Holiday Date in 2019 Observance
New Year's Day January 1, Tuesday National
Islander Day February 18, Monday PEI
Louis Riel Day February 18, Monday MB
Heritage Day February 18, Monday NS
Family Day February 18, Monday BC, AB, SK, ON, NB
Valentine's Day February 14, Thursday Not a stat holiday
Leap Day Not a leap year -
St. Patrick's Day March 17, Sunday Not a stat holiday
Good Friday April 19, Friday National except QC
Easter Monday April 22, Monday QC
Mother's Day May 12, Sunday Not a stat holiday
Victoria Day May 20, Monday National except NB, NS, NL
Father's Day June 16, Sunday Not a stat holiday
Aboriginal Day June 21, Friday NWT
St. Jean Baptiste Day June 24, Monday QC
Canada Day July 1, Monday National
Civic Holiday August 5, Monday AB, BC, SK, ON, NB, NU
Labour Day September 2, Monday National
Thanksgiving October 14, Monday National except NB, NS, NL
Halloween October 31, Thursday Not a holiday
Remembrance Day November 11, Monday National except MB, ON, QC, NS
Christmas Day December 25, Wednesday National
Boxing Day December 26, Thursday ON

2019 is not a leap year. The next leap year will be 2020.

Most school boards in 2019 start the shoolyear on September 3 - a day after Labour Day.

Daylight saving time in 2019 starts on Sunday, March 10 and ends on Sunday, November 3.

Holiday poll

Tell us how you would change Canada's holiday system an what changes you would like to see to our convoluted stat holiday rules.

Read about the new proposed holiday: National Truth and Reconciliation Day.

Share your holiday story, idea or comments

Send in your comments, tips and ideas about holidays in Canada for 2019

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Recent comments
Posted by Zrinka:

Yes, Remembrance Day need to be a stat holiday. Even in our little town of Cambridge and surrounding area, there are a lot of activities going on all month leading up to Remembrance Day. My son's in the Army Cadets and they are busy helping two local veteran's legions selling poppies around the town, holding overnight vigil at Hespeler cenotaph, participating in parades and ceremonies. So when Remembrance Day falls on a school day, not many cadets can make it and this year they really didn't have such a good turnout. Though I'm impressed at how many were excused from school.

Posted by Devangana:

All holidays should be the day after the actual even date (unless, of course, it is already succeeded by one, such as a weekend or another holiday) because almost all celebrations take place at night. This way, ever Tone can work the day of the event and celebrate wholeheartedly the night of without having to worry about having to go to work the day after when there are elevated chances of hangovers or tiredness or lack of sleep.

Posted by Trevor H:

Yes most definitely rememberance day should be a paid holiday for everyone, they are the reason why we are here today in this wonderful country and have jobs, houses, families etc... this includes the government people which I’m damn sure they are getting paid for it so all full time Canadians should get it.

Posted by Jake:

Mother's Day should be a National Holiday, in fact an International Holiday, because without a mother none of us would be here(to post a comment!!)

Posted by Dominic:

Remembrance day . should be a national holiday,as if it wasn't for the brave men & women who fought for our frebome we woulnd't be here for any of the holidays. Regardless of what is said I always take Remembrance day off as a sign of respect & to be proud of who we are and how we got here.

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