Statutory Holidays Canada Discussion Forum

Share your holiday story, idea or comments

Got something to say about federal, provincial or municipal statutory holidays in Canada? Your comments and stories are welcome in our forum. We are unable to answer questions related to employment by-laws; if you wish to find out if you are entitled to (extra) pay on certain holidays under certain circumstances please contact your HR department or consult the official Canadian Human Resources website.

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Posted by Carolyn from Calgary:

I would like to say your comments on what “many” or “most” people do on certain holidays are bizarre, outdated and most certainly very biased towards the more affluent segment of Canadian society. I was born and raised in Alberta in a very middle class family- there were no ski holidays, no cottage at the lake weekends (we call them cabins here), no trips to warmer climates in the winter, etc. You might want to update your “stories”/“explanations” and consider the continually expanding diversity of the population.

Posted by Celestine:

Hi, Initially I was looking to see if today, August 30, was a holiday in Canada because there was a long, very noisy "air show" on (which I don't like). Then I saw your last paragraph regarding "Thanksgiving". Good article btw. It pains me every year to see millions of innocent turkeys slaughtered for "thanksgiving". In most countries around the world, Harvest Thanksgiving is celebrated with Prayers, Music and Dance, thanking Nature and God for a bountiful harvest. It's a time of Joy, where people also share their harvest with those less fortunate. In China and some other Asian countries, it is called Mid-Summmer Mooncake Festival - they make Mooncakes (I'm told they are delicious), their second largest Festival. There is absolutely no reason to slaughter millions of turkeys every year! I wish this would stop. Thank you for posting this. Thank you for being compassionate towards the turkeys. God Bless you. Namaste.

Posted by Carol A Stanzel:

Why would Canada have anything so outdated as Orangemen's Day? This is not only outdated, but extremely prejudicial, racist and offensive. This kind of thing is what caused the war in Northern Ireland to last for nearly four hundred years. Get with it, Canada!

Posted by James Kompare:

If I work 35 out of 40hr.week I'm I still entitled to holiday pay? James

Posted by Susan Lyon:

Good morning. We have employees in most Canadian Provinces. What is a national holiday versus a federal holiday? Are either mandatory? I’m looking to make sure we are in compliance as we have employees in almost all territories.

Posted by Shawn:

Can your employer move family day from February to the end of March to add it to the Easter weekend?

Posted by Pat:

I feel that if Remembrance Day falls on Saturday or Sunday that no one should get the following Monday off as a holiday day. Remembrance Day is given as a Day off work so that people can pay their respects to Veterans who have served our country, those Veterans who paid the ultimate sacrifice to our country with their lives and active members of the armed forces and RCMP who are presently serving our country. this respect can be shown by attending a Remembrance Day Service. There is no need for a "Holiday" day.

Posted by Janice Churchill :

Curious as to how giving people the day off in any way helps with truth and reconciliation? Companies should be having their employees volunteer,find a project, do something tangible to help and recognize truth and reconciliation. It is a very important day, glad the government has placed it at this level of importance. Giving people the day off to do what? Make it worthwhile!

Posted by Todd:

If our business runs 7 days/week with employees scheduled through the weekend and Canada Day falls on a Saturday, are the employees who are not scheduled on the Saturday entitled to a paid day off?

Posted by Matt:

Damn, ya’ll must be fun at parties. Sound like a bunch of old grumpy folks (I say that knowing plenty of old folks who have a great time and love fireworks). The city using not spending money on fireworks I can understand, but outright ban them? It’s also a joke if you think for a second they’re going to take that money and use it for healthcare, it will be wasted on something else. Something else less unifying by the way.

Posted by Barry:

Hi. I have a question. My work which is in Southern Ontario, Is making us take Saturday off for Canada Day instead of Monday like others are taking. Is this legal for them to do that? As I would prefer a long weekend.

Posted by Lisa King:

Make the first Monday of every month a Stat holiday for everyone in Canada.

Posted by Tami :

I was hoping for a more clear picture of the rules on getting paid for a stat holiday. Retail location closed all stat holidays. Long Time employee 10+ years. The stat holiday falls on Friday and it is your scheduled day off. Working all your scheduled days before and after the holiday. Would you be entitled to pay or not? Again a stat Holiday falls on a Sunday. It is a scheduled day off for religious reasons. would you be entitled to stat pay?

Posted by Christian:

Just wanted to point that is not a holiday recognized by the government of quebec

Posted by Caroline:

Quote from Newfoundland Holidays section: ''With respect to paid public holidays, pursuant to The Labour Standards Act, there are only 7.'' That is false. I just downloaded the Labour Relations At Work Updates from Newfoundland Labour Standards website. It was updated on April 22nd 2022 and Truth & Reconciliation is not a Holiday that province observes; they still have 6 Holidays until further notice.

Posted by sonia:

Can you please confirm if Sept. 30th is recognized as a statutory holiday for retail workers. I own a big box retail store in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. I'm finding conflicting messages online regarding who and what business remain open/closed. It only referes to government workers. Does this mean retail stores are allowed to be open and retail workers are not entitled to stat. pay?

Posted by Erika:

Hello, I am a server and I work 5 days a week. The days of love around. I’m wondering if I get paid for Victoria Day if it was a day off for me?!

Posted by Veronica:

Hey your comment section for Victoria Day is toxic and seemingly unmoderated. Other than that, awesome site, thanks for the clear info!

Posted by carol traill:

Can you give me an estimated time that the Apple Blossom's will be in bloom in Toronto's High Park? We are travelling from PEI and will be be Toronto May 21, 22, 23, 28 & 29th. Thank You!

Posted by Dee:

Newfoundland does get Remembrance Day off

Posted by Frank Guertin:

What are federal employers?

Posted by Blanche MacLean:

I work at an Inn / motel. There are 12 employees at this motel. No one was paid for the Christmas holiday. What are the rules concerning statuary pay for a small business like this

Posted by Barb Stevens:

could you please clarify re Christmas Day and New Years Day falling on weekends. For monthly paid employees - is the following Monday a paid day off. Thank you very much

Posted by Dave:

Just a head's up, in your observance list, you're using the wrong 2 letter abbreviation for Nunavut, you put NT, it's 2 letter abbreviation is NU, Northwest Territories 2 letter abbreviation is NT

Posted by Nancy Walsh:

Remembrance Day is being interpreted many different ways - most of our employees had the day off and some hourly guys were on jobs. For the people who had the day off is this with pay and for those that worked is it at time and a half?

Posted by Jackson:

Just a correction - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is not a paid statutory holiday in Newfoundland, Canada. Most businesses are open and employers are not responsible for giving their employees a paid day off.

Posted by Barry Wheeler:

It's disgusting that national reconciliation day is not a statutory holiday in all of Canada. These poor children were Murdered at the hands of the so called true believers of God. They are wolf's in sheep's clothing . They will answer for there crimes and Mr prime minister I voted for you and you have the Gaul not to make this a national holiday ? Shame on you. Myself and all of my friends will never vote for you or your party ever again.

Posted by Kyle Smith:

The fact that this newest holiday national reconciliation day and the fact that only federal employees get the day off paid his bowl funky. If it truly is a national day of reconciliation and then every worker in every workplace should be given the day off with pay. I think your new holiday is a crock of crap just so you feds can take another day off of work