2023 Canadian Statutory Holidays

The next holiday is Good Friday in 37 days.

Long weekend 2023 information and details about holidays in Canada for 2023.

Canada Day will be on Saturday. Most Monday to Friday businesess will give Friday off in lieu but if you normally work on Saturdays you should check with your employer about this day to avoid any surprises.

Easter in 2023 is on April 7 (Good Friday) and Easter Sunday is on April 9 - approximately halfway between Family Day and Victoria Day.

Remembrance Day will be on a weekend so this year everyone can join events to commemmorate members of the armed forces - even in Ontario where this is still not an statutory holiday.

Christmas in 2023 is on a weekday: Christmas day is on a Monday and Boxing Day following on Tuesday. This makes planning for the holidays easier - other years when Christmas is on a weekend there tends to be some discussion and even confusion around which days are paid days off.

As of 2021 the new National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is observed on September 30, which is a Saturday this year. Ever since this holiday was introduced it took over as the most controversial holiday as it's for federally regulated employees only. (Remembrance day is close second because it's not a holiday in Ontario.)

List of Canadian holidays in 2023

Holiday Date in 2023 Observance
New Year's Day January 1, Sunday National
Islander Day February 20, Monday PEI
Louis Riel Day February 20, Monday MB
Heritage Day February 20, Monday NS
Family Day February 20, Monday BC, AB, SK, ON, NB
Valentine's Day February 14, Tuesday Not an official holiday
Leap Day - -
St. Patrick's Day March 17, Friday Not a stat holiday
Good Friday April 7, Friday National except QC
Easter Monday April 10, Monday QC
Mother's Day May 14, Sunday Not an official holiday
Victoria Day May 22, Monday National except NS, NL
Father's Day June 18, Sunday Not an official holiday
Aboriginal Day June 21, Wednesday NWT
St. Jean Baptiste Day June 24, Saturday QC
Canada Day July 1, Saturday National
Civic Holiday August 7, Monday AB, BC, SK, ON, NB, NU
Labour Day September 4, Monday National
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation September 30, Saturday National, federally regulated workplaces only
Thanksgiving October 9, Monday National except NS, NL
Halloween October 31, Tuesday Not an official holiday
Remembrance Day November 11, Saturday National except MB, ON, QC, NS
Christmas Day December 25, Monday National
Boxing Day December 26, Tuesday ON

Looking for more details? Check this page about long weekends in Canada.

2023 is not a leap year.

Most school boards in 2023 will start the schoolyear on September 5, a day after Labour Day.

Daylight saving time in 2023 starts on Sunday, March 12 and ends on Sunday, November 5.

Simpler holiday rules?

Do you find the provincial exceptions too complicated to remember? How you would change Canada's convoluted holiday system?

Share your holiday story, idea or comments

Send in your comments, tips and ideas about holidays in Canada for 2023

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Recent comments
Posted by Felix Lui:

Daylight Savings Time is absolutely a hassle to everyone!

Posted by Just saying:

Rememberance day and Truth and Reconciliation Day important I agree. Blue-collar make more than me so not sure your point

Posted by Janet :

Time to get rid of daylight savings time and remembrance day, and truth of reconciliation should be for everyone, not federal government, ridiculous that blue collar workers who struggle to make ends meet are the people who don't benefit!

Posted by Chris:

The time change needs to go. Why don't businesses just adjust their work times. Why do we all have to suffer. More accidents and lateness on that Monday after time change. It's still the same amount of daylight, whether the time changes or not.

Posted by Des:

Stay on DST all year round, forever !

Posted by Danae Gagnon:

Daylight Savings time is bad for our health.. we should end it. Remembrance Day should be Mandatory everywhere, and so should Truth and Reconciliation Day. Family Day is essentially just a civic holiday, and IMO is beneficial to our health since many people suffer depression during this time of year.

Posted by Silversage :

As a vetran it's disappointing that some province's don't respect Remembrance day.

Posted by Mike:

Daylight Savings Time has to go. It's time.

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