The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in 2025 is on Tuesday, September 30, 2025
A new statutory holiday is held to commemorate the legacy of residential schools fulfilling one of many recommendations made by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It is observed on September 30 each year.
This is not a public holiday. Only federally regulated workplaces (such as the federal government, banks, post offices, etc.) will be closed in order to observe this new holiday.
In 2023 British Columbia passed legislation to make September 30 a statutory holiday.
Indigenous communities originally opposed to using September 30 because that's when Orange Shirt Day is currently observed. Instead, June 21 was considered as the alternate day, which is currently the National Indigenous Peoples Day. This, however, is only ten days away from Canada Day and would make the two stat holidays too close together.
As this new holiday for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is on the last day of September it will have, perhaps unexpected, implications since no other holiday is on the last day of any month. Real estate purchase and sale closing dates could be affected according to the Canadian Real Estate Association and you should be aware that Canada Post, air transportation and banks will be also closed, disrupting public services on September 30.
Many people noted in their comments that it's not fair that it's only a holiday for government workers, which begs the question: if it was a public holiday, would business owners support this / have the money to pay workers for another holiday?
What do you think? Is the new National Day for Truth and Reconciliation statutory holiday a good idea? Is it the best way to keep alive the legacy of residential schools? Will you attend ceremonies commemorating residential schools? The official name is also quite a mouthful: "National Day for Truth and Reconciliation" and there is a chance this holiday will colloquially be known as the September 30 holiday. Share your comments below.
Featured comments / editor's picks
If the government was really serious, they would have replaced Victoria Day - a much more symbolic way of addressing colonization.Scott
Clean water for Reserves should be highest priority. Start reconciliation with millions of dollars worth of good works across the country. Paying Federal employees for yet another holiday? Absurd.Deb
A lot of complaints here about the government: image what it's like in other countries! Canada's government is generally considered a pretty good one on the world stage.Leonard
I work in a grocery store. I don’t get it. Why is it different for us and government workers. In the pandemic we are considered heroes but don’t deserve the same holiday as the government. I went to work every day and the government people worked from home. Why are they different than the regular person. Jody
The church has finally issued a formal apology but the AFN chief feels "conflicted" read a headline the next day. Next in line is a papal apology. That won't be good enough either. What's next? I fully agree that residential schools and the very idea of them were wrong. But when will reconciliation come to an end? I'm getting a tad tired of this topic dominating news for a long time with no sign of letting up. Sebastian W.D.
This is a paid holiday for federal workers. Why? Where is the money coming from for them? Are they all going to take the day off to help or honor the indigenous people that have been effected by this. If the government wanted to do something the money given to federal employees should have been given directly to the indigenous survivors of these residential schools. They deserve a day off and the money not a federal employee. Gamy
What do you think about the new National Day for Truth and Reconciliation statutory holiday?
You have lost your minds.
As a payroll professional I'm just here to educate people that the holiday is for Federally Regulated employees. This means banks, rail, post office, national trucking companies and even tv phone and radio (telecommunications). This is no different than Easter Monday and Boxing Day which no one criticizes. It would be nice if everyone did the same as BC but until then its no different.
Little weird they make September 30th a federal holiday, when it should be something different for native indians specifically. More virtue signaling with a slap in the face. Just fix the water on the reserves for starters.
This is the most ridiculous 'holiday' of them all - pay government employees only, for a day off work, coming out of the people that pay their wages - the average Canadian (not Indigenous people/companies that earn wages on their own land, they pay no taxes!!) Last day of the month when majority of money in & out occur! Wonder what bozo thought this one through! Another reward for government, for atrocities! Blows ones mind!
Talk is really cheap.Action shows progress and healing.It was a evil act to decide what was "best" for kids that looked "different".Accountabolity is crucial for healing,which can take generations to achieve.We are all have the right to be.
Why should the Federal Government who are responsible for all of the Indigenous Children from their families and homes put them in those schools that abused and killed many of the children should receive a federally regulated holiday. Look at what the government has done they took away many of the true first Canadians heritage and legacy as well as their children so they could be extinct and the government gave themselves a holiday to celebrate what they did. That is a real oxymoron, we are so sorry for what we did but instead of really doing good by making progress with reconciliation they are running around figuring out how to be off work. Typical Tyrannical Government behaviour. My grandparents were the only surviving members of their family Grandfather lost 11 siblings and Grandmother lost 7 siblings.
I think it’s shameful to only give gov’t employees this day off. It should be a stat holiday and the federal govt should allow businesses to remit or receive the cost of employees being off. In addition i think there should be a concerted effort to encourage volunteers to help any indigenous families that need support on that day. Programs for helpers to show up and fix homes or water issues, days raising money cycling or anything where the proceeds go to families affected by this. We should be really trying to give back to these communities and people with our time off.