Viewing recent comments about the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation statutory holiday.
What do you think about the new National Day for Truth and Reconciliation statutory holiday?
You have lost your minds.
As a payroll professional I'm just here to educate people that the holiday is for Federally Regulated employees. This means banks, rail, post office, national trucking companies and even tv phone and radio (telecommunications). This is no different than Easter Monday and Boxing Day which no one criticizes. It would be nice if everyone did the same as BC but until then its no different.
Little weird they make September 30th a federal holiday, when it should be something different for native indians specifically. More virtue signaling with a slap in the face. Just fix the water on the reserves for starters.
This is the most ridiculous 'holiday' of them all - pay government employees only, for a day off work, coming out of the people that pay their wages - the average Canadian (not Indigenous people/companies that earn wages on their own land, they pay no taxes!!) Last day of the month when majority of money in & out occur! Wonder what bozo thought this one through! Another reward for government, for atrocities! Blows ones mind!
Talk is really cheap.Action shows progress and healing.It was a evil act to decide what was "best" for kids that looked "different".Accountabolity is crucial for healing,which can take generations to achieve.We are all have the right to be.
Why should the Federal Government who are responsible for all of the Indigenous Children from their families and homes put them in those schools that abused and killed many of the children should receive a federally regulated holiday. Look at what the government has done they took away many of the true first Canadians heritage and legacy as well as their children so they could be extinct and the government gave themselves a holiday to celebrate what they did. That is a real oxymoron, we are so sorry for what we did but instead of really doing good by making progress with reconciliation they are running around figuring out how to be off work. Typical Tyrannical Government behaviour. My grandparents were the only surviving members of their family Grandfather lost 11 siblings and Grandmother lost 7 siblings.
I think it’s shameful to only give gov’t employees this day off. It should be a stat holiday and the federal govt should allow businesses to remit or receive the cost of employees being off. In addition i think there should be a concerted effort to encourage volunteers to help any indigenous families that need support on that day. Programs for helpers to show up and fix homes or water issues, days raising money cycling or anything where the proceeds go to families affected by this. We should be really trying to give back to these communities and people with our time off.
There's been apology after apology. Monies paid to survivors in huge amounts and the indigenous want more money. It seems like its never enough- although it's becoming a gravey- train.We cannot change History Now!!! Yes we must remember history but we must Learn from our past actions!!! When will this " not satisfied" reaction end?Now There's crown lands in dispute, not to mention, if we want to cross lands- the indigenous say we have to ask their permission.The indigenous want to live in secluded areas but demand free internet and planes and shelter all paid by the taxpayer...How can there be reconciliation when it's only one side bending over backwards with no stoppage or resolution to forgive and put it in the past? I think this money ( paying for a day off only for federal workers is ridiculous) could be better spent- maybe help the Indigenous get through this selfish greed of wanting more( of a lot of things)!!! Pay for counseling, etc. for them to understand crap happens, and work past it.
Gawd!!! I didn't personally do these people wrong, so why is my money going in the feds pockets for this farce?)
The comments saying 'absurd' and 'shame' are correct! How is it that government employees, paid by our tax dollars are being rewarded for something the government condoned? This shows absolutely no accountability or respect. The only folks getting paid with the day off should be those directly affected by this atrocity. As we do for Remembrance day, the rest of us, including the government, should take time during the day to reflect on the arrogance, stupidity and entitlement that have brought us to this circumstance.
Powwow for unforgotten children
Shouldn't be a day off for anyone. Get back to work.
5 minutes silence for this cause wouldn't do it? then mke it 30 minutes.
And where are their ( gvmt empl) salaries/ days off from? The taxpayers dues? If that's right, why nobody asked us ( tax payers) if we want to pay it
Why is a city run gym closed for the whole day, but our good old Canadian stat holidays they only close for half a day. Doesn’t make any sense to me. Seems they should be equal. Again we are the underdog in many situations and becoming a minority.
I understand that things need to be done for the indigenous population, but it’s constantly up front in everything that is done.
Well, our current Federal government got it wrong again. Another horrendous public embarrassment for the Canadian people, while they look for a scapegoat to blame, you watch. In my humble opinion regarding this sensitive subject matter, seems to me if anyone should have the day off it's all persons who are indigenous, whether they work in the Federal government or not. And everyone in else who does not work for the Federal government. That's who should have the day off. Just one person's opinion.
Always nice to have more time off. Not big on group shaming.
Truth and Reconciliation will probably only be accepted, once all the colonialists are gone from this land. That is what I am feeling about this situation, which is unfortunate, because I am genetically not from this continent, I am from Europe. I do not have the funding to leave this land and go to Europe, nor do I have the skills required to survive there. This is probably true for a great many of us.
In this situation, what do the Native Chiefs want to see happen in regards to Truth and Reconciliation?
Wow the purpose of the holiday was to bring all people together as one then why only the federal government employees get the benefit of a day off with pay they didn't suffer the Indian people suffered once again the government dropped the ball what a disgrace and I will not vote liberal ever again
Victoria Day should have been replaced with National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The "Great Mother" abdicated all responsibility for following the treaties in her name with First Nations to predatory colonial administrators. Anishinaabe were decimated and it is a miracle that the Mi’kmaq survived. The prairie First Nations were forced onto reserves carved out of the worst land possible and their way of life was banned. This was a missed opportunity to heal. Allowing "Victoria Day" to continue keeps the wounds open. The residential schools were created during her reign.
I think Federal Employees, banks and post offices shouldn't have the day off because, in essence, we are rewarding Government employees for something that was facilitated by their employer which caused so much harm. Indigenous people should all be paid for this day and government employees should not have the day off.
It seem incredibly insensitive to only recognize National Day of Reconciliation for government offices, considering it was the Canadian government who supported residential schools in the first place, along with religious organizations.
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