National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - Comments Page 3
What do you think about the new National Day for Truth and Reconciliation statutory holiday?
Honestly, how much "compensation" is enough. Never will be, get over it. Bad things happen to people of all walks of life in various points in history. Getting a stat for it? It's laughable. I imagine a large portion of the people who this holiday is for are unemployed.
I am trying to understand how a very small family run business can now afford yet another holiday. Truth and Reconciliation day should be a day of reflection, not a day where a business now has to pay their employees to take it off. How does penalizing the small business help the reflection of the day? crushing small business yet again. We work in hospitably so that means that we have to be open now that yet another long weekend is created but the profits are not 2 1/2x what we need to pay out in wages? was anyone in small business consulted on this ever?
Giving to one group creates resentment, not harmony. There is already a tremendous amount of tax payer funded compensation. The tragedy of residential schools should be honored, but it shouldn't be a national paid holiday. How about us tax payers (only 54% of the population) getting a break?
We need to remember what happened and continue to learn as new information unfolds as this genocide was hidden by the federal government, monarchy and the churches.
It should be a recognized holiday for everyone with indigenous education and celebrations.
Just as Canada Day is celebrated, Truth and Reconciliation should be for everyone and would have been more appropriate to rename Victoria Day to the day of Truth and Reconciliation.
At the beginning government to let the church to kill these kids and now they have a day off and their celebrated why only the government
If Truth and Reconciliation lands on a Saturday, does that mean we would receive Monday off in lieu?
IF it is to be a statutory holiday, it should be for all or nobody...not just the people that could care less: GOV!!
So tired of these people complaining. What do they really want. Money, money and more money. Enough is enough. Really sad about how they were treated, but Canadians today didn't do this. No matter what we do they are not satisfied. Pay them off once and for all and be done with it. We have recognized their grief. Get over it and move on.
Was it not the federal government at the time that opened the residential schools and signed the documents to legalize them? Now it is the workers of the governing body that legalized the problem that get a nice relaxing day off while everyone ( including those that opposed the idea) has to suffer by not being able to utilize services they need on that day. Pretty hypocritical if you ask me.
The decision was not well-thought out. Just declaring a holiday for some people does nothing, meets no goals.
Wow. Some viable opinions and interesting suggestions but outnumbered by society's entitlement issues. I also wonder if those bashing today's government also still despise the Japanese or Germans for war atrocities committed 80 years ago.
I am appalled to learn this is a holiday for bankers and government employees but no one else. I can't think how this is being justified. Government employees are public servants. WE pay their wages so this day off is not just being denied us; WE are picking up the tab for it.
If it was not going to be a day off for everyone then it should not be a day off for anyone. By making it only for Federal employees that means some indigenous people will be working today, what a slap in the face that is. It should not be about government employees getting yet another day off paid for the taxpayers. Every Canadian should be off today so the indigenous can have their day of reconciliation mean something and so that all Canadians can learn more about their culture. It's not meant to have all government employees have another paid holiday, they have too many already paid by the tax payers.
This holiday is a joke. Civil servants will use it for bbq parties and an extra day at the cottage. This behaviour will only enrage native groups on their day of victim hood. Look at how Justin Trudeau was treated last year!
A native ancestry day where people remain at work or school but reflect on native contribution to Canada's past and present would have been more appropriate. Natives are not just victims. They played a large role in building this country.
I don't think it is necessary to create a day off work for every significant event that occurs throughout the year. At this rate businesses will be closed more often than they are open in years to come. That some Statutory holidays are excusive to Government employees and banks excludes everyone else and an added expense to tax payers. Besides with the current backlogs in all areas of Government services thee last thing they need is another day off. There are better way to recognize significant events. Rallies, school assemblies, gatherings, walks, religious and general services held on a weekend or evening would give more people a chance to properly recognize the occasion. This method also eliminates those who simple use the time off to sleep in, catch up on housework or go to the mall.
Clean water for all Canadians, not just one group Deb. There are many towns in BC with horrible water, and they are sick from it! many are sick from it.
A holiday does not do anything positive towards reconciliation or truth Actions speak Louder than words. the money that a holiday costs the government would be better spent on improvements to residents of some reserves that don't even have good water
If federal employees get a holiday but not the rest of us, then federal tax for that day should be waived for the rest of us. Angry.
Having another federal holiday is a waste. It screws over those who are affected by federal companies but dont directly work for one. Now I have another day where I am forced to take off but I dont get paid. Horrible and should be abolished.
It should be a holiday for everyone, so that people can reflect with those that were affected. The government were the ones at fault for this atrocity. Why do government workers get these special holidays and others don't! For example, Remembrance Day in November, we should all be in remembrance & celebrate our freedom and observe & revere those who paid the price for all of us!
I understand the significance of the day for indigenous peoples. Why not everyone off that day. Not all indigenous people work in govt offices. I agree a lot of people look at it as another day off. Some companies can't afford to pay for the day. Another way we could look at it. A holiday is usually about honoring something. Indigenous peoples are not celebrating lives lost. They would like justice and answers. Do you think the govt is going to host a memorial or speak on this day.
I don't get how a holiday aimed to recognize the governments wrong doings, rewards the federal employees with a paid holiday.
While the rest of the country is hard at work not even making statutory pay?
It's a crock government gets another day off on tax payers expenses.
I think only Federal employees is absurd. Either all or no one. My husband works at the LCBO and is getting double time for working. How insane is that.
Most Indigenous people DO NOT work federal jobs, therefore they will have to work. What a crock of horse pucky. Should be a holiday for everyone or no one.
This is a problem in this country, it's called discrimination, and it's out of control, if you do it for one set of workers it should be done for everyone, it's called equality. Furthermore, the same goes for Rememberance Day, it should be a stat holiday for everyone. Corporations are making millions of dollars in profits, and the same with the share holders. We need to get this country back to the 80's, when equality was huge. This is what's making our country look bad for the world, and I'm sure the Commissionaries in Ottawa and Sudbury would agree to this. The same goes for integrity, no grey areas just like a goal is a goal in hockey. The government, and all levels need to try harder to promote and encourage equality, and fairness among canadians, and not only this will help with the reduction of hate crimes towards certain groups of people or workers, but it will make our country a better place to shop work and travel.
Should be for everyone not just goverment workers. If they really wanted to show empathy and care for what happened it would be a national stat for everyone
It should not be a holiday at all; it would be better served to be properly acknowledged with the kids at school. Holidays just make people forget. For example, Remembrance Day; back when it was not a Stat., it was observed in the schools. We talked about it and stood for a moment's silence. Now adays kids have no idea, nor care.
I'm not against National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, but it should be called Hypocrisy Day. In fact, if the Truth part really were true, that would be a much better name. I suggest the general population call it Hypocrisy Day. Truth is not generally used by either the government or corporate business in Canada, unless they are absolutely driven to that.
As for Reconciliation, in truth--remember "truth"?--the name of this day refers to bribery, more formerly the so-called hegemony [pronounced "hedge" plus "money"--it refers to the government "lie line" or the official dictate being thrust down the population's throat]. So of course the NOT-"reconciliation" in the case of this holiday is the money paid out as sycophantism in order to "couch a hogshead", as it were. It's an insult. And sycophany won't work, any more than Chamberlain's 1938 attempt to change Hitler's mind. But I guess if the Canadian public knows nothing about "truth", then what resistance might be expected from the Canadian indigenous peoples? After all, they are merely a bunch of Indians and alcoholics, right?
Why only Government Workers? You ask the question will I attend ceremonies....of course not. I, along with the majority of the population of this country will have to work. How can people attend if they have to work and I would suspect that would include many of the indigenous people. This new holiday doesn't feel like the Government wants Truth and Reconciliation, more like a day off with pay. If the Government wants to honour the indigenous people, then addressing todays issues is far better than continuing to wallow on the mistakes of the past. You can't fix the past, it happened. Apologize and move on. We can learn from this and move forward to a better future. A holiday where only Government workers get a paid day If our Government really wants to honour our indigenous people then they should have made the holiday for all the people or brought forward a plan to work with them so we can all move forward to a better tomorrow.
We work just as hard as the government workers. We deserve to have that day off as well. Its not fair, I remember last year talking about how it's not right. But really why do we even say anything. They will not do anything, it's just like everything else.
I would love to know how many federal employees use the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to attend ceremonies. It is just another holiday for federal employees to extend their weekend at the cottage, etc. and get pay while the rest of the taxpayers work. Trudeau went on vacation with his family. I wish the government would make decisions that make sense for everyone.
Us say you got this backwards! Why is the public still working when the government, who is the fault behind the Residential schools, gets the paid day off. How about, the public gets the day off and government works have to work ...
And then the next group of wokies will come up with the next “stat” for some other fringe cause, and we basically won’t work like 50% of the year.
Oh, but all of the problems - many of which, if you’re honest, are self-induced at this point - will totally be reconciled, so… *golf clap*
It’s just like carbon tax - this day does nothing for anyone. And I’m sorry, but true reconciliation cannot actually be achieved when the majority of us are not/were not the ones who mistreated the kids who were mistreated. Like, stop it. It was a terrible thing and instead of punishing everyday white people who are so far removed from this history, why not make a nice monument or create an exhibit in museums or something that would be truly meaningful?
And THEN how about we quit it with the reserves - for goodness’ sakes fix the water issue. How heartless to yell at a bunch of us who weren’t involved in the past history yet do nothing whatsoever about the water issue! And then tell them they’re independent now - either you want to play by our rules or you fully own your house on this lane now. Do what you want with it. Drink it away, do drugs until you die, run the house into the ground…OR rise up and break the cycle. Be better. Do better. Live.
But what we’re doing now is a big old joke with no ACTUAL help for those who need it, and is perpetuating victim culture. It’s cruel to everyone involved and is VERY UNCanadian.
I completely disagree with the fact that this is a holiday for government employees only. Why should only they have the day off? I think it's a slap in the face for employees who are indigenous and still have to work on this day.
Look, it's a joke, we know it, however as typical Canadians, we'll just tow the line.
If only people who work for the government have this day off, I guess it gives them a day off to think about what they did to all these indigenous people. In my opinion, all government employees should have to work as punishment for what they did.
It’s the federal government that ran these residential schools, now, instead of being sorry, they want federal employees to enjoy a paid day off at the expense of tax payers money!! How’s that even fair to the rest of the public??
Businesses should acknowledge where the resources come from to have their business in Canada. It is from the land taken from the indigenous people, so yeah they should be able to afford another holiday.
I don’t see why this is only a government holiday when the government created this tragedy in the first place.
I am a First Nation person who has to take the day off without pay to attend my community’s day of mourning
I believe that this holiday should be nationwide as all others would like to celebrate this day as well. Why would it be only government employees who benefits from this; again more tax paying dollars from our pockets. If we only had the opportunity to refrain from giving at least the taxes from our paychecks; it would help everyone fight the already hiking inflation prices, especially seeing how much the government actually spends on things we don't want and need. As always many people including the indegenious fall short and get the small end of the stick.
I care immensely and want this day to reflect on how this great country is evolving. It's just wrong to only give federal workers this time when reflection and discussion is paramount for all. Also, I'm tired of hearing that small businesses may be negatively affected. If this is indeed the case, then that particular business doesn't have a business model that works and shouldn't be in business at all. The day is absolutely meant for reflection by all Canadians - observance for the entire nation, not just federal workers. Indigenous people live in every single community in this entire nation! We are doomed to repeat if we are denied the participation this deserves; it would be a yearly positive reminder that now we all know what happened and now we can do better. It's something that would bring us all together, a day for reflection and celebration that we are evolving into something better.
Nobody cares about this holiday anymore now that Sep 30 has passed.
So... Create a day in which everyone can reflect upon truth and reconciliation for the indigenous people of Canada but don't actually give the people that this is supposed to benefit the day off... no lets give it to the government who are supposed to be atoning. kind of got this a little backwards don't they.
Typical of lazy pompous government to give themselves a holiday while the rest of the citizens struggle to make ends meet , costing us yet more and making life a little more difficult for the rest of the people . Arrogant and aloof , showing the mentality of those that are the instigators of bad policies and practices , of which residential schools was that of their predecessors . Showing that instead of focusing on getting to work on running the country properly they'd rather just congratulate themselves with a fake feel good grab for more free money .
Just like the federal government to load another paid holiday on the backs and dwindling bank accounts of small business...its hard enough for them to pay holidays,sick days,and a good portion of cpp and ui.what this country needs is to get a work ethic back...a little less worrying about feelings getting hurt.and how many days you can do nothing and still get paid...our ancestors would be soooo ashamed
Is it not time that we also recognize all of our brave soldiers, passed and present, who have fought for our rights and freedoms? Why have we not approved a provincial statutory holiday for Remembrance Day? People have given their lives for this country... what more do they need to do to get the respect of a day of remembrance for all?
I get why they want to make this holiday, this issue should have been felt with when they closed the last school down, not years later… but what I don’t get is why should this be a day for only government workers? What about everyone else who works? Don’t they deserve a new holiday just for them and not the government workers? They already have a day where they get off and paid for…. But we as normal workers have to share our holidays off with them. Not fair if they can have a day then we should have a day that government should have to work and not get paid for!
Once again, only the federal employees are entitled to the holiday. What about the rest of Canada? If you are going to introduce a new holiday; it should be a Statutory holiday for all. It is unfortunate what happened at the schools. However; did the parents every investigate? How much money has Trudeau provided for them already? Move on.
I think its sickening that the government, who created the residential school system, has the day off. I think everyone but the government should have it off. How nice would it be to actually have the day off work and still be able to do banking, postal services and contact the government if needed. Besides, if we are all at work on Sept 30th how can we attend ceremonies and learn more about the true meaning behind this day.
I don't sit around on Victoria Day and ponder the merits/downfalls of a long-dead Queen. NDTR will be another day of video games and getting baked, yielding no positive change for natives. Additionally, holidays are expensive for employers, especially trying to stay afloat during a pandemic. Why is a holiday between Labour Day and Thanksgiving even necessary? Rebrand an existing holiday which has lost its lustre.
The word holiday is thrown about far too much. As a retired teacher I know children learn more about historical events, good or bad, being in class not at home on their screens. The pandemic should be a good enough reason to not gather. The government has definitely misplayed this “apology.”
I FULLY agree with Sebastion, the Residential schools and what they did was VERY wrong but, when will Canada stop apologizing for everything perpetrated by our 'leaders' generations ago when most of us were not even around. The LGBT get a 'Pride Month', Mothers get a whole day, etc.. When will Justin apologize for his fathers National Energy Policy?, etc. Has anyone heard of hoe poorly the Ukrainians were treated by the Feds in the last century? Very cynical about it all. Keep smiling, FS
Government murders children in their residential schools, destroys lives and families, then rewards themselves with a paid day of? Sickening. Time for the Liberals to go! Those who voted in favour of this should be ashamed of themselves.
I cannot believe the Government made a PAID holiday for themselves and everyone else has to work.This is not going to go over well with the general public,for them to be the only ones who get to take a paid day off to recognize the loss of the Residential Children..
Why aren't the indigenous given this day as their sole holiday? Isn't that who you are trying to reconcile with? Or better yet, spend this money trying to help indigenous communities in need of essentials like clean water. Insult to injury in my opinion...give the employees of the government responsible for this crime a paid holiday. I myself will honor/remember/support the victims by wearing an orange shirt on Sept 30 and asking my employees to do so as well.
I believe that it is the responsibility of the agencies that were the root cause of this tragedy. Therefore I would like to put forth that the government workers should work this day and NOT be paid and the church should make financial restitution to our indigenous people of Canada.
Totally against govermwnt employees getting this as a holiday..why...put the money into the indegenous charities..Or like some one mentioned make victoria day a indegenous day for everyone..
As a retail employee, I feel that this should be a PUBLIC holiday. Those who are marginalized also mostly work in my field. It is a dis service to them to only have Federal, provincial and Bank Employees benefitting from this Holiday.
Pretty ironic that its only for federal/government employees sine it was the government that was the masterminds behind these atrocities but they now get financial gains and the rest still have to work.
Typical government thinking
100% The Federal employees do not deserve this as a holiday. This is an insult to Indigenous Peoples. How does a day off for Federal employees make this situation any better for Indigenous Peoples? I agree with the other comments. Instead of rewarding Federal employees with a paid day off that they are not going to use for pause and reflection, use that money to improve the lives of the actual people who are/were affected. Shame on the Liberal government!
A holiday is fine, but it is a couple of weeks away from Thanksgiving which is a holiday for all. And I agree Remembrance Day should be a holiday for everyone.
How can the people support indigenous communities on this holiday if ONLY federal businesses get to take it off with pay?! Outrageously ignorant. This is the kind of stunt Trump would pull. Way to go Canada.
Paying the many federal workers to stay home with tax dollars is just dumb. Those same tax dollars should go to help the reserves with upgrading water systems and other needs. Just dumb.
Truth and Reconciliation belong to all people's in remembrance of what this nation was founded on. All need to be reconciled to God. Only recognizing one group to remember a community is segregating, and creates partiality.
I think it's ridiculous that government gives themselves another paid holiday that tax payers are paying for, if they are making Sept 30 a paid stat holiday then everyone should be given it! private sectors should be given the same holidays are government. we should be all equal as taxpayers. but to give out a paid holiday to government in this desperate time is just WRONG!
I don't think giving government employees a paid holiday does anything to support the purpose of this day. Perhaps if a mandatory short presentation at the government worksites were done then it would actually bring attention to the subject and not cost the Federal and Provincial offices pointless wages to their employees who may just look at this as another paid holiday. Just Sayin'.
How many indigenous people will be left out of observing the very day that is meant to be honoring and remembering their peoples? Personally I like the idea of replacing Victoria Day with Reconciliation Day. The truth that their culture was almost completely annihilated should be recognized and as a public Stat not only a federal one.
I agree with many comments on why just Federal employees? I come from an Indigenous background, and if anything it should be a Statutory holiday for Indigenous people only. I find our Government only takes care of its people, not recognizing the ones actually impacted.
Shocker, the Fed's just gave themselves another paid day off while the working class foots the bill, either everyone should have it off, or no one, you're not above the public, this is just disrespectful.
I think it should be a holiday for every one, not just government employees.
Personally, I object to my tax dollars being spent on a statutory holiday that gives yet another paid vacation day to government workers who will probably do nothing to honour the indigenous victims of residential schools.
I also feel it's time to move on. I and most people my age and younger had nothing to do with the atrocities committed at the residentials schools just as the German citizens of today had nothing to do with the atrocities their citizens committed during World War 2. We need to look forward and never allow such atrocities to occur again rather than wallowing in the guilt of a past over which we had no control.
Maybe anyone getting paid for this holiday should donate all or half of their wages to facilitate making sure that there is clean water supply!
As a federal business, where is the money going to come from to pay my employees another Stat holiday. Is the government really trying to break the last of the surviving businesses? Very disappointed it was handled this way. Lots of way to show support but at the expense of the last of the businesses still standing. Too bad the election when the wrong way.
Wasn't the Government apart of oppressing the natives? Why are they getting rewarded?! Even worse they get paid with the working class' tax dollars! This feels like more of a distraction than a discussion about the actual troubles indigenous people face.
Why do federal government and federal workers get this holiday,Don’t regular people deserve the same thing,What happened to Remembrance day that’s the same thing federal government federal workers and regular people don’t get that holiday makes no sense it should be equal
So one of the "companies" responsible for the residential schools is going to pay their workers with public money while the marginalized worker will either loss pay to observe the day or end up having to work it. Well done white man. They should be required to provide proof of observation or education prior to getting anymore compensation.
I think the holiday should be for everyone, not just government. It would be an important day for everyone to recognize.
If any day it should be Remembers Day a Statutory holiday, lost all those lives to save us from the enemy
Seems like yet more virtue signaling. Only one sector gets a "holiday". How does that help anything? Most people will just see it as a day off and nothing will be accomplished.
Seriously? Another paid holiday for government workers? How is that going to reconcile anything? Do you really think they are going to spend the day thinking about Indigenous Issues? At the very least they could spend their paid day involved in professional development activities to ensure all of our federal workers understand the issues involved in reconciliation, learn about systemic racism in our country, and develop a deeper understanding of the issues currently affecting our Indigenous populations. What federal workers actual got was a paid day for doing nothing. Surprise! Holidays are only meant for some people in our country I guess. The rest of Canada's population gets nothing. It's ridiculous. Well done, Mr. Trudeau, well done. I hope you enjoy the special day you created for yourself and your government friends.
All people in Canada have equal right, but looks some have more right.
No need for government workers to have a holiday--it defeats the purpose of bringing awareness to our Native Fist Nations People. This holiday should only be given to Indigenous people and the rest of us need to learn on how to be pro-active and learn more about our Indigenous people. Everyone at work and school need to make an effort to educate ourselves on this topic.
If we can take time out of our lives and jobs to attend Remembrance Day Ceremonies to honor those Canadians that have died oversees; surely we can do the same for those that have died in our own backyards. I implore all provincial governments to take this day seriously and allow all Canadians to have an equal opportunity to do what they feel is right with this day. I understand that, on a federal level, this cannot be made a provincial stat for everyone, but it does send a confusing/misleading message, when the first to get a paid day off are, ironically, members of Government and Schools. I, like thousands of other Canadians, will be taking an unpaid day off in order to stay home with my kids, because their teachers have a holiday.
Why is the government rewarding them selfs for something that was wrong for so many families and there children? If anybody that deserves a paid day off it should be the people directly affected not the government!!!
Another day off for government what a joke. It was the government and the catholic church to blame for the residential schools and the deaths and torture of innocent children that occurred there. Somehow I don't think there will be much reflection on Sept.30th. Every ordinary Joe will be working that day and not have a chance to attend any remembrance of any kind, same as Remembrance Day.
I'm confused if it's a Stat holiday then it should be for everyone isn't that what Statutory means? Why should the Government get another holiday? Another one of Trudeau"s lame brain ideas?
It's ironic that we are paying white government workers for a day off. I trust they will donate their pay that day to a suitable charity
No one needs another government workers' holiday. That's absolutely meaningless. How does that inspire anyone to think about the actual issues? Renaming Victoria Day would be a better solution. But really, making actual changes in people's lives, like clean water, like respecting agreements, like teaching the truth in schools, would go much further towards truth and reconciliation than giving federal employees a day off.
Just another free ride for the dredges of government to have another holiday. So much for the overworked underpaid backbone of Canada. I guess we all need to work a little harder yet again so the people who cause all the problems can have that much needed time off. Pathetic
Thanks mainly to failure to deliver decent housing, and effective education and skills training for employment, there are more Indigenous prison inmates today than at peak enrolment in residential schools. Worse, the murder and suicide rates in Canada’s hell-hole prisons far exceeds what it ever could have been in those schools. The misnamed Corrections Service has the world’s highest recidivism rate for Indigenous inmates and it costs millions. By contrast, prisons in Holland and Norway treat inmates as human beings preparing to rejoin society. Where were the useless commissioners Sinclair and Buller on this issue? Why didn’t they advocate for the education and skills training and opportunity for a rewarding carer that they had in theory own childhood and youth? They simply don’t care about next generations of their own people.
I think it should be noted that the federal government only decides the statutory holidays for federally regulated employees. For a STAT to apply to provincially-regulated employees (most people), provincial governments must also declare it a statutory holiday and most have not. If you are annoyed that as a provincially-regulated employee you do not get the STAT, then you'll need to take that up with your provincial government.
Do a month of study and reflection - like Black History Month in February - that way the students will be learning about our heritage too.
I agree with a lot of the comments already posted: "Prime Minister, who places more importantance on symbolism rather than meaningful helpful actions" "Why should employers have to pay the cost of this new holiday if their workers do not have to work." I am not sure if creating a Federal Holiday is the best way to address the problem and issues created by the past residential school policy. I am not sure how many people would even attend any ceremony.
I cannot believe that a statutory holiday wasting taxpayers money would be created for only Federal emplyees. The money would be better spent allocating it to actual Truth and reconciliation programs benefiting indigenous peoples. As far as the date selected that is totally wrong. September 30th is already set aside as orange shirt day and has a special meaning to many people. It is also being taught to our children the meaning of it, the history behind it in hopes that this terrible event is never repeated again in Canadian history.
In reading through others comments, I agree that this federal holiday benefits federal employees snd makes it more difficult for those services identified. Was this date chosen in consultation with indigenous leaders? Federal employees and federal representatives of the hard working Canadians see more of the taxes I have paid in the last 50+ years then I have.
Another perfect example of a government or more to the point, a Prime Minister,
who places more importantance on symbolism rather than meaningful helpful actions.
Why should employers have to pay the cost of this new holiday if their workers do not have to work. Money does not come from the sky. Every dollar is hard earned.
This is absolutely ridiculous and stupid! Teach it properly in schools and at home so things like this are never forgotten. No one thinks about this on a "holiday". Truth is from a bygone era. Hardly anyone speaks truth anymore. When right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right, what truth is there in that? And as for reconciliation - that's a joke. Look at all the disharmony and discrimination caused by leaders who refuse to do the right thing with "covid" restrictions. This is of no help.
according to stats as of March 31, 2020...only 5.1 percent of people working in the federal government are Inuit, Metis, First Nation or 'other'. I have no idea why this has been declared a stat holiday for federal gov. employees and no one else. Why are we all having to work to pay for fed. gov. stat holiday.
Another Federal only holiday, absurd. We don’t have anything like this in the real estate market.
While respect for an unspeakable “wrong” is important, the decision for this new Holiday that excludes the private sector is unacceptable-even further insult to those who have been devastated by the personal, business ans financial effects of a global pandemic. Shame on those who made this decision without apparent regard for everyone.
This is a paid holiday for federal workers. Why? Where is the money coming from for them? Are they all going to take the day off to help or honor the indigenous people that have been effected by this. If the government wanted to do something the money given to federal employees should have been given directly to the indigenous survivors of these residential schools. They deserve a day off and the money not a federal employee.
As a father of indigenous children. It’s important for them on this day . My family can not be there for are lost . As the work and can’t get the day off . All indigenous people should have a day off to recognize the lost paid or not our family should not be punished because they’re trying to be there for the elders
I agree with others, Government receives way more "paid" holidays then us ESSENTIAL child care workers who work for little to nothing per hour and could have as little as 8 stats per year, no family days in NL either. We also worked through a pandemic so others who were essential could go to work, while government worked from home!!
I totally agree with Scott, designate Victoria Day the new holiday and make it for everyone.
To remember the students of residential schools and memorialize them may a noble cause for a federal holiday. However, the holiday should not be confused with nor to stand for a position against the settlement or colanization of Canada by europeans, nor the unrepentant guilt of Canada or Canadians for the sufferage at the Residential Schools. If it were not for the colonization of North America, none of us would be here. Canada would not have come into existance. As a proud 4th generation Canadian, I call Canada home just as much as the First Nations. As a student of history, I know that the settlement of North American by Europeans was preceeded by the settlement by the First Nations, who came to North America at an earlier time. Since the inception of Canada, throught the BNA and various other treaties, the process of reconciliation and agreement wiht the First Nations is over 100 years in the making, and has generally resulted a success and fair bargain, with the vast majority of land claims and issued being resolved. The process of reconsilation is now virtually complete, with resource related rights and development being a contentious ongoing issue. Even the residental school issue was settled sometime ago, with Canada paying $500m settlement. Lets move on here recongize the day, and avoid using this day to shame Canada, but instead to remember the Residential School Children and their families.
Out of all of the many people I know who are still effected by the history of the atrocities served by the residential schools, not one of them works in a job where they receive any benefit from this new stat.
This new stat benefits the white & privileged and those of them who all have jobs that keep them well fed, comfortable and well above the poverty line.
They get this new Stat Holiday to "very comfortably, observe and reflect".
Doesn't sit well with me. I'm not Indigenous, but I write this comment and stand in solidarity for all those from the Indigenous communities who are once again being passed over.
Even natives get the short end of the stick when it comes to holidays. Seriously people, no one would be at remembrance day ceremonies, if we all had to work. Sound like corporate greed trumps good intentions every time. Will they cancel sports that day "to remember" or
concerts and shows "to remember " seem like second class citizens get second class holiday
Yes this is NOT FAIR it should be a holiday for all Ontarians not just the Feds this is absolute crap, its definitely a slap in the face. This should be celebrated as a memorial and remembrance of the tragic losses - how dare you give it only to the banks, post offices and federal workers they already get paid enough money and now heres another bonus to them - its discrimination all us others that work hard get minimum wage and are just trying to get by in life. Shame on you Trudeau and Ford.
Not enough thought went into this ... Government holiday and the banks are closed but Teraview is running! That makes no sense at all. Give everyone a holiday!
If it’s a statutory holiday then everyone should get the day off. It’s important for our school to be off so every child realizes what this special holiday commemorates.
Wait the government killed them kids and they are taking the day off for themselves? Every statuses native Canadian should get this day off regardless but hey that's our government :(
"would business owners support this / have the money to pay workers for another holiday?"
This is one of the questions in the explanation of the government only holiday. I'm a tax payer so that makes me one of the employers of government employees. No, I can't afford to pay them to for another day off when the non government employees don't also get the benefit. More wasted money by the government.
This is the most ridiculous idea I have heard to date. It doesn't fix anything or help the indigenous or honor anything but just another reminder of what has happened. Let the past be the past and move on in life.
This holiday should of been put in mid March as there are no March holiday and March is such a long feeling month.
Is this a joke? Am I reading Babylon Bee or Onion? Only the government employees get the day off to "observe" the reconciliation! As usual very unfair and one sided. Typical entitlement.
I think it should be a day that if we are observing a group, we should have efforts on such day that benefit them. Wouldn't it be better to have indigenous groups if interested to use the day to allow groups to attend educational events that give history, background of traditions, ancestries and values of ceremonies that may be practiced.
I want to have access to learn more of this with ease, not have another day I wont be able to go to bank or fed buildings.
If this was to mourn the losses the indigenous community faced at the hands of the government and churches why should the government be the ones getting the holiday?
It’s about time!
They deserve so much more than just this, but it’s a start.
A stat holiday however, should be for all citizens , not only for the ones in government positions
This is a slap in the face to the indigenous community
Firstly, if it is a stat holiday, that should mean that everyone gets it. That being said, I don't feel we need another paid holiday for something like this. I think the money that the Government would put out towards the "paid holiday" should go to all of the Indigenous Persons to help in their Communities with things they need, like fresh drinking water, housing, and other things they need so they are not having to live in poverty.
Who will be benefitting from this holiday? Federal do not call it " National Day for Truth and Reconciliation". This is hypocritical.
Recognize the day for what it is intended and make it a national holiday so it can be dedicated and commemorated to the Indigenous peoples!
Not just another paid holiday for the Feds!!
I’m excited. We didn’t get the February holiday everyone else got, so this makes up for it. All the whiners out there never made a peep when Federal employees didn’t get that holiday, now they older and stamp their feet because we caught up. Go soak your heads, you babies.
Sounds like folks are upset over a misinterpretation of the term "truth and reconciliation" but I figure I can clear it up easy enough.
You see, it is a day for everyone to reconcile themselves with the truth that their government is much like a Shepard counting his flock before shearing and sending all of the old, and troublesome to slaughter. The rest are stripped bare, left humiliated vulnerable and then cast aside until next season.
I believe that there should be a statutory holiday—renamed “Truth & Reconciliation Day”—to commemorate the lives lost in the residential school system. I don’t think that September 30 is the right day, because we should be able to show our support for Indigenous communities for longer than one single day. I also believe that Remembrance Day should be a stat holiday for all, not only federal employees—our veterans deserve respect for all that they sacrificed for our country and many non-government employees attend Remembrance Day ceremonies. Perhaps something can be created for the Indigenous peoples of Canada (maybe a simple orange bead pin designed by an Indigenous individual and with all proceeds going towards their community) and worn throughout the entire month of September just as the poppy worn in November has become a staple of Remembrance Day.
This holiday is an insult to both indigenous people and Canadians alike. The government is as responsible the Catholic Church for these killing of indigenous children. Yet, the Liberal government sees fit to give themselves and federal workers another day off? This holiday is not about truth and reconciliation because Trudeau does not have an honest bone in his body.
I think Trudeau is once again spending our tax dollars wistfully. It does not benefit indigenous and would be better spent on something like fresh water to show people care.
It is absolutely ridiculous to reward the federal employees with this extra day off. This is our Prime Minister in his finest. Rewarding the people that caused these massacres and are responsible for them with a day off. Talk about buying federal employees votes. You should be ashamed of yourselves for going along with this.
So the pigs at the public 'trough' are just getting fatter....while essentially giving the middle finger to the people who pay 'their' wages!!
This doesn't affect any meaningful change. The feds should shelve the holiday and spend the money that would be given to federal employees for their day off for actual actions to benefit First Nations peoples - clean water and better access to mental health services to start.
I am shocked...or am I? That the Govt' would come up with another holiday that only apply's to them. This holiday is not to Honour the Federal Govt' it is to Honour the Indigenous people. What is wrong with our Government! This is discrimination to the rest of the work force. If you truly wanted to Commemorate this you would be doing it around May/June when when all the mass graves were found.Get it together!
Just what public servants need. Another day to do nothing but sit at home or at the cottage. If Trudeau really wanted to make a difference he would have made good on his election promised and delivered clean water to the indigenous people of Canada. This is nothing but a vote grab. How many indigenous people have a Federally regulated job. Not as many that aren't. He's an idiot.
It's not only government employees who are getting a paid holiday, it is every employee who works for a federally regulated company. Every federally regulated company now has to give its workers a paid day off for doing nothing. Many of these companies are small businesses who shouldn't be forced to shell out money for something they had nothing to do with!
This is political day off before election to buy buy government workers votes. It is a big number by the way.. Fed gov and Trudeau are not honest to this situation. They even didn't choose June 21st because it is next year, not this year... They used situation of innocent souls, they took day off for themselves using our tax, they didn't choose real propose date - they did this for election only. Instead of paying to victims, they put the case on a trial and took day off to themselves. What a slap to the face!
This is ridiculous. A day of for government to recogize what? Will they be attending any events commemorating the indigenous population? Will they be using the day off to benefit anyone other than themselves? Most of the people this holiday is meant to celebrate and remember don't work federally and will be going to their own jobs on their own day. What a crock. I suggest cancelling this holiday and spend the money that would be given to federal employees for their day off for actual actions to benefit First Nations peoples. I don't know, maybe like clean water, better housing and access to other benefits that the rest of the country takes for granted.
I am appalled that we do not get a day off after all this. As an Indigenous person, this does nothing to make our lives better in anyway. If anything it complicates it, as now my boss is having to come up with some way to Honour Us again.
Why do the FEDS get to celebrate abusing and damaging us, if anything any STATUS carrying Indigenous should be allowed the day off.
We do not get June 19th off or this day off so what do we care...
Although I love the idea of having a Truth and Reconciliation Day, and honouring those who have been effected, I just wish the government had used a little more thought and imaginative and come up with something meaningful than a statutory holiday. Seriously, most people will take it as a day off and nothing more. And the fact that there are many indigenous people who aren’t lucky enough to have federal job, so will be unable to recognize their own past!
As a business owner in the private sector, I really don't feel that a day off is appropriate. I'd be happier to donate the equivalent of time and a half for my employees to a charity that helps survivors of the residential school system.
I think the holiday is a good idea. Unfortunately it's government employees,banks and post offices that are the only ones to have a holiday. It's the same as Rememberance Day. Everyone should have the day off to reflect on the horrible events of our past but of course the government doesn't care about anybody except themselves.
Public Sector employees have so many benefits than the Private Sector. Work less, lazy farts and crying for their pension all the time.
I think if you read the comments, this is not sitting well with, well anyone. Honestly, the wages being wasted on this would be better served elsewhere. End it now, and commit to the wages of a non stat holiday pay to directly benefit natives. Schooling, water, suicide prevention etc. Simply put.....Do better
So, the Government murders children in their residential schools, destroys lives and families, then rewards themselves with a paid day of? Sickening. Time for the Liberals to go! Those who voted in favour of this should be ashamed of themselves.
There also non gov employees who are getting a day off btw. I am a trucker and worked thru the pandemic and if I decide to work that day I get a bonus for every hour I work.
Why are government employees getting a paid day holiday for the killing of native children by government officials and church priests and nuns??? I'm pretty sure this is wrong. If you're gonna give a paid holiday , it should be a holiday for the people , not for the government!!!
Another Federal government employee holiday????? REALLY? Why should they get a holiday to commemorate horrible events that took place in residential schools across our country. When this all took place it was denied and hidden, now the truth has finally been revealed & our government wants to make it a holiday for themselves! Our government is a disgrace and anyone who voted on passing this holiday should be fired! This should be a time when the government actually gets off its ass and starts providing the proper necessities of life that these people deserve ie: clean water to drink on ALL reserves where it is needed. Providing the proper access to ALL therapy that may be required to those you desperately need it due to the damage caused by family lost or personal abused endured at those schools and our Canadian government should be paying for this.
These people need to be able to heal accordingly. They need the funds to be able to help those that need the help from their own indigenous people and they should be paid for this pain and suffering!
Instead of sending millions of dollars to help those overseas after disasters, start helping those here that are suffering because of the disaster the government caused them.
It's time for the government to stand up and do what is right for all indigenous people! Not create another paid holiday for themselves.
Such and embarrassing government we have, one with a so called leader with NO BACKBONE!
This holiday is supposed to be for the murdered native children. Who murdered these children?? Churches and the governments who funded them to do so.....and the government gets a holiday??? Sickening to say the least.
Stupid for feds to get it off when they were the ones for the schools. how backwards! Shame on our government! You should be giving this day to the people who have to work pay check to pay check a day off PAID!
I agree with many people's comments. Perhaps a better use of time for federal employees who are fortunate enough to have the paid time off is they are required/mandated to enroll in an online course that explains all the atrocities inflicted by colonialization. Another ideas is that federal employees could be mandated to is to assist with indigenous rights and education on that specific day. When kids are in school for Orange shirt day, or Remembrance Day, they are taught to observe it. The danger is when federal employees have the day off, they would simply go shopping or take in some sort of leisure activity and the meaning and importance of the day would be lost on them.
I do not understand why the federal government insists on taking simple things and making them seem confusing. There are communities without drinking water, but we are going to give federal employees a day off? If you are concerned enough to put truth in your "new holiday", then lets find out FACTS on the burial sites.
I agree with Jody. The grocery workers, nurses and doctors, truckers and bus drivers all worked to keep us fed and healthy during the worst days of the pandemic. Their reward - praise. Government employee, most of whom worked from home - their reward - HEY, ANOTHER PAID DAY OFF. Are there any vacancies? I need some paid time off.
I'm agast. The rest of the public (beyond federal workers) aren't entitled to a day off to also recognize our past, even if they want to! A lot of the indigenous people don't nessarily have federal jobs so they can't recognize their own past as well?! Crazy!
How does this apply if your indigenous, yet you are not working for the government? How does that work?
This Stat, on the last day of the month nonetheless (causing lots of grief for real estate, banking, etc), is quite ridiculous! How does this day show respect and support for Indigenous people? All it does is put more money in the pockets of federal employees, who already have rich benefit packages with more paid days off than the average working Canadian. Shame, shame, shame on this government!
Yah, let's just hand the government another paid benefit to their list. This is another, let's declare we care, but not actually do anything meaningful ploy created by a government that is the soul benefactor. Why not ask Indigenous people how they would want Canada to honour Truth and Reconciliation? By giving the government employees a day off, isn't that for them only?
Government workers get a day off to "commemorate the legacy of residential schools" but not the general public? Is this a joke? I think the government should work extra harder to make up the wrongdoings that was made before. What about we let the general public get a day off, while the government workers stay on job. As a taxpayer, I don't want to work extra to pay government workers' stat. pay.
So the Government can get the day off but those who are working that are Indigenous still have to go to work. How does that seem fair they are not able to attend traditional ceremony but the Government can (but guarantee 90% won't attend)
I think it’s irresponsible to cause public interruption at the end of the month...Period! People are paying bills, need bank access, .deals are made and closed.’s ludicrous. A great disservice to the public which I believe would lead to resentment. Please pick another day rather than the end of the month.
Clean water for reserves, should be a right , and government should make this a priority. Federal employees have enough benefits, feels more like a slap in the face - you need a day off to show respect!
I think this is ludicrous to offer government employees, with already exceptional benefits packages, another day off paid by the public work sector. If anyone should benefit from a day off paid it should be all the indigenous working people. How many federal employees are going to sit at home reflecting on the past experiences of the indigenous people. Maybe 2% and I have to pay for their day off??? Ludicrous. This money can be better spent on actual support to the indigenous communities. We need a change in the Federal Government ASAP !!!!!!
Having a holiday to recognize the horror inflicted upon our indigenous community is a good step forward but to only allow Federal regulated employees the day off is a huge slap in the face. The Government took their children away years ago and now they are getting rewarded with a paid holiday for doing so. Absolutely blows my mind how incentive and self-serving this is. They could have passed the holiday as a day of remembrance for all and treat it like we do on Remembrance Day.
This “holiday” is absolutely ridiculous if this were a day for the sins of the past and remembering the horrors that these children and families endured why is it that the government which was to blame for the residential schools are the ones getting the day off??? Way to ensure the rich upper class get a bit more cash and the people who have to deal with the trauma can screw themselves and go to work. This country should be better then this.
Truth and Reconciliation...Where have I heard that language before? No problem with aboriginals, hate the Residential School legacy, but this smacks of Orwellian communist filth. Will 'celebrations' include standing up and publicly declaring your thought crimes? So sorry to our aboriginal brothers and sisters getting caught up in this mess, shameless pandering
Always thought Stat Holiday meant everybody gets the day off, not just the self absorbed government employees. We should have one long weekend every month.
Everyone shows up at work but the day is focused on education or field trips or projects to acknowledge or reduce trauma both past and present. It is a shame that no one is being held accountable, there are abusers still alive that have not been called out. The records have not been brought forward, distraction with a day off is kind of pathetic, a majority of people will not use that day at all for its purpose.
I have no issue with having a day to bring light to a horrific situation. I am not looking for my employer to pay me for another day off. My issues is that the Government was instrumental is these horrific acts, but hey lets give them a paid day off. Why not make it a unpaid day where the house of commons goes dark and the government take the funds they would of been paying out in wages and start to actually insure ALL CANADIANS have clean drinking water. Let's be honest would these people really miss a days pay.
If the government was really serious, they would have replaced Victoria Day - a much more symbolic way of addressing colonization.
Since only federal workers have this holiday .... How does the rest of Canada get to go to any programs to celebrate indigenous peoples? How many indigenous people are going to get this day off to celebrate?? Seems like a money grab for federal workers.
Just another way this is creating more racism in this great country of our.
Citizens should be treated equal regardless of race creed or colour.
Giving a statutory federal holiday for a specific group is wrong on all levels, and it leaves the rest of Canada's citizens saying "what about me!"
What happened to indigenous people was not right, but it was a different time. We need to acknowledge ALL rights for ALL peoples going forward. We don't need a paid holiday to remember. Again, this is creating more racism, not dealing with it.
A statutory holiday (also known as "general" or "public" holiday) in Canada is legislated either through the federal, provincial, or territorial governments. Most workers, public or private, are entitled to take the day off with regular pay.
so i am confused--is this a Nation Wide Holiday or NOT?
Seriously? They gave themselves another holiday and the rest of us don't get it? It's pure politics. They don't really care - they just want another day off.
If our Federal Gov is truly trying to promote the “Truth and Reconciliation” for residential schools by making September 30 a day to honour/remember the Indigenous people who have suffered. Maybe instead of a paid day off they should be required to spend 8 hrs re-educating themselves about why this day exist.
People complaining about this only applying to federal employees: get over it. The federal government doesn’t have jurisdiction over provincial stat holidays.
No wonder the senate passed a unanimous vote.
Another paid holiday for the Government.
This holiday cannot be called a stat holiday since only Government employees get it.
Remembrance Day is NOT a stat holiday, why??
Because again only Federal Employees get this paid day off.
Just what these Federal Employees need, another paid day off.
What a Crock. Only in Canada.
If our Federal Gov is truly trying to promote the “Truth and Reconciliation” for residential schools by making September 30 a day to honour/remember the Indigenous people who have suffered. Maybe instead of a paid day off they should be required to spend 8 hrs re-educating themselves about why this day exist.
Yet another fine example of our federal government patting themselves on the back (with pay). Way to go.
Clean water for Reserves should be highest priority. Start reconciliation with millions of dollars worth of good works across the country. Paying Federal employees for yet another holiday? Absurd.
Anyone complaining about federal employees: go apply for a federal job!
I for one couldn't do it. Despite the benefits I would slowly 'suffocate' among the red tape / bureaucracy. I thrive in a performance driven environment and couldn't work for the government.
A lot of complaints here about the government: image what it's like in other countries! Canada's government is generally considered a pretty good one on the world stage.
The federal government giving themselves a day off while it was them that imposed residential schools. Seems a little self serving. If they want indigenous people to believe they care maybe start with the water crisis and work from there!
Am I reading this right? The government has given themselves another paid holiday?
I am tired of gold plated federal employees receiving yet even more benefits, that the private sector scratches and claws to pay for. If Truth and Reconciliation was really a priority, all Canadians would receive the stat holiday and it would all be shared and paid for by all taxpayers.
This government is so unequal. What is so special wirh federal govt employees that they can have holiday for themselves but not the regular employee like me to continue to work for their salaries? Just purely unfair.
Why is it that November 11th still isn't a stat holiday for everyone so we can honour those that fought for our country?! A stat holiday should be for all not just the government. If these dates are or should be remembered than it should be done as a Country not divided as that is already a problem
The federal government caused this issue. Why are they being rewarded
Really ...Enought that we have to live with a minimum because of a lack of intelligent that works for us. When you think about it, this is discrimination and just a use of power because you work for the federal gouverment.I don't think that this should be a unique opportunity for a minor group of people to have this day as a reminder of how it must of been for all thoses families.We all need to be togheter and be one to support our rights to be there for one another.
Everyone here complaining about NOT getting a new paid day off should check their first world privilege + (for most) be thankful they and their families weren't subjected to the degradation process applied to those who went through the residential school system. As you walk by yet another homeless, addicted indigenous youth, and avoid making eye contact/say you have no change/justify that by telling yourself you don't want to support bad habits/comfort yourself by telling yourself that this person is in this situation because they aren't exercising the appropriate 'will-power' to escape it, remember how lucky you are that your life went the way it did and not that way, currently or through generational reification... Stop thinking that personal agency is all that matters and everyone gets what they deserve. They don't. Success and well-being are patterned and you would do well to reflect on the many cross-roads in your life where situational forces afforded you a benefit and during which your 'choices' had little to nothing to do with what resulted. That is often. Complaining about no paid holiday for you?? Instead of lashing out at government employees, be humble and thankful, and plan how you are going to act more empathetically towards the many who are far, far less fortunate than yourself. Anyone complaining that they don't get a paid day off as a result of new formal recognition of the residential school atrocities clearly doesn't have any meaningful problems - likely their biggest issues are those they 'deal with' as active members of their condo boards.
I work on a grocery store. I don’t get it. Why is it different for us and government workers. In the pandemic we are considered heroes but don’t deserve the same holiday as the government. I went to work every day and the government people worked from home. Why are they different than the regular person.
The date selected is further evidence there is no one at the Federal level with basic economic sense? Who in their right political mind declares a stat holiday on the last day of any month when businesses across all departments in every industry are scrambling to meet month end deadlines? Compound this further by being the last day of the third annual quarter period creating even more stress. The selected date makes absolutely no sense from an economic, business standpoint.
I find it ironic that the Federal Gov't that ordered residential schools is the same government that declared a holiday so they can earn Stat Holiday pay or a day off of work paid.
Everyone gets Good Friday, even though it's a Christian holiday and this is a multi-denominational country. I'm not Christian, and don't celebrate Easter, yet I get paid time off to do so regardless. I am Canadian, though, and would appreciate the freedom to attend Remembrance Day ceremonies to show my respects to those who fought or still fight for this country, or attend Truth and Reconciliation ceremonies to show my support for indigenous Canadians.
Not fair unless it is for everyone. Period and while we're at it, remembrance day should be stat also for everyone. Stop making things just for some and not for others. All inclusive.
I will celebrate the day, observing that Canada fulfilled another treaty obligation. Also the benefits that the Indians gained by English and French immersion education. I will also celebrate the health benefits, extended lifetime and other treaty obligations met.
Residential schools occured during a tough time, as the natives adapted from semi-nomatic lifestyle. Also to the diseases brought by the settlers. But that is not anybody's fault. So quit with the shame, surviving and other negative words.
why should governemnt workser get th day off with pay but the rst of us have to work. this is discrimination to everyone who doesnt work for the government. Tell me how it is fair for the goverenment workers to get a day off with pay. Its because of the government that all this happened so now they will be rewarded and the rest of us ge nothing and no time off.
There should be a day of remembrance for these lost children like Nov 11th. Give workers the right to go to a ceremony if they are lead to, just like Nov 11th. I realize we need to remember, also we need to heal together as a nation, province and in our local communities. A day to remember and heal makes more senesce. All aboriginal people have suffered from invading industrialized overtaking through out the world but we need to share in the pain of our nation as if it were our own children that were lost, because it was. Any human should understand this but history shows us different. Federal or provincial workers should not get more rights then the tax payer, period. It is our taxes that pay for these overlapping layers of government. It's not that you are not working as hard as the rest of....I almost was able to get that sentence out...LOL but that the rest of us can't afford to work your hours because we don't get your pay or benefits. Instead we get the responsibility and concern of running profitable businesses to get paid. To those that have lost a family member to one of these schools our hearts are heavy and our prayers with you. I hope we never have to face this type of prejudice ever again for any reason. We have all been made perfectly different let's accept that not make the same mistakes again.
I don't get it....Rememberance day is dedicated to the soldiers ( ordinary people ) who give their life during the great war, so public servants , politicians and government can continue to operate back home, but only they now get the day off, regular ppl has to go to work. Now 30th Sept NDFTAR day, a day dedicated to the poor native kids died because of the Politician's decision and government worker's neglect to do the right thing back then, again, only government workers and politicians gets a paid day off. Anyone find this unjust ??!!
because surely the government/federal employees are the ones that suffered the most!
of course they need a paid day off to reflect on their historical wrongdoings.
When these holidays are defined as "Federal", please note that means ANY business that is governed by Federal-only legislation. Therefore, in addition to Federal government employees, any federally regulated business is required to shut down. There are specific rules that you can look up to determine what these are, but the critical information for most is that banks will be closed, so any organization that depends on the transfer of funds will be required to adjust their cash-flow to compensate.
I am sorry we need this holiday. It's right before another. Small Businesses can not afford this.
I can't find much information on this new holiday on When it was announced I thought it was for everyone because that is how the prime minister led us to believe in his announcement. Of course I was ecstatic since Canada does not have enough holidays like Europe does and each province has different holidays.
On your page it says National, so I am assuming it is for everyone. But if it is just for Federal employees it would not be fair and will be very disappointing if it is not for ALL Canadians. If it is just for government employees, what's the point and why exclude the rest of the people?
We need more holidays. This new one is not enough. There should be 2 holidays a month. People are dying from stress induced illnesses and holidays can help people relax.
If it were to be shortened for our new generation, why not, "NTR Day"? I don't think the day should lose its significance and "September 30th day" is a mouth full too, so what's the difference? Let the affected keep the importance of the name.
So (A) typical of our greedy Government, ALLOW a horrific situation involving our innocent children, and create a paid Statutory Holiday, only for the Federal workers, EXCUSE ME! For the record I'm not Indigenous, but as a Christian these are my brothers and sisters too! Just Federal workers get a day off with pay! Really! While the rest of the tax paying country works? What a joke, The Feds rewarding themselves with a holiday for the unrighteousness to innocent children, how selfish. How about everyone gets the day off with NO pay, EVERYTHING shuts down and we really reflect on what has been done to innocent babies and children. This country consistently fails the children and the innocent repeatedly, look at the history, it’s disgusting and ungodly. Our children ALL children deserve so much more than what this selfish country has ever given or can even begin to give. Children in this country are starving and abused. Where is the accountability? Shame on all of you! Just remember while your taking September 30, 2021, off with pay and the rest of the tax paying country is working their butts off, thousands and thousands of Indigenous children, innocent Indigenous children paid for your day off to reflect. SHAME ON YOU!
For the commenter that stated it's a bogus holiday.. Two points, 1. boxing day is not a Stat. 2. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives, that's hardly bogus. Be better at money management and stop whining. I'm sure you're and excellent boss (insert sarcastic eye roll here)
The Government was worried about the June 21 date being 10 days away from Canada Day, well Sept 30 is only 11 days away from Thanksgiving, so what is the difference?
Sorry I am not sure where it says that this is only for government workers? On the Canadian Federal Website the new holiday falls under Public Holidays along with Christmas, Easter, Ect... Everyone gets the holiday..
It’s an insult that the government who was responsible for these indecencies and atrocities gets rewarded while those who suffer get nothing. Just another way the government is doing more wrong then good.
There needs to be clarification regarding this STAT holiday. Is it for everyone or just the Federal employees? Many companies think it's up for interpretation and have opted to not honor this stat holiday.
I agree with a statutory/voluntary holiday, with the associated day salary of federal staff put in a fund for indigenous victims and their affected communities, as a contribution to the healing process.
I don't quite get the rationale of this new holiday. It is only for federal employees. but the holiday itself is about residential schools. They teach this topic in elementary schools so shouldn't they make it a public holiday if they truly want to bring awareness to residential schools?
As an employer, this costs me another $8,000 in payroll, without any revenue because all the paid staff get another holiday. If you are going to create new bogus holidays, why not respect small business and cancel one of the other ones (like Victoria day, or Boxing Day). Every time you government schmucks add a new holiday it costs me money. NO MORE!!!!!
Yet another political ploy to buy votes. Rememberance Day not a stat for the soldiers who actually died for the freedom everyone takes advantage of. If Sept 30 is for reflection then why call it a stat holiday? Liberal stupidity!
As long as the whole country(Canada) gets it. It should not only be for government jobs. What about health care workers snd everyone else, we do not count for anything. I also think Remembrance Day should be a stat for everyone.
Yup, reconciliation is important - but so is Remembrance or the Holocaust or Black Lives or any number of things. Smoke and mirrors. Perhaps justin can weave a dream catcher and smoke a peace pipe - that'll make everything better.
So if an Indigenous person is not a government employee, they can’t have the paid stat off work to observe the day and its purpose? Even though their own families likely were the ones affected? Thats just adding insult to injury.
There should be at least 1 day off every month for everyone.
Thanks, Trudeau, for helping YOURSELF out by making a holiday for you and your slimy cronies. Pricks like you get to observed while the blue collar worker has to work their ass off. I suppose any indigenous people who don't work for the government will be working that day as well? That seems like a slap in the face to them don't it? I guess since I'm blue collar I'll be paying for your little excuse for time off when in comes off my paycheck in the form of income tax.
So Indigenous communities opposed Sept 30th and the concern was the proposed day June 21st was too close to Canada Day yet when Sept 30th is on a Saturday (assuming the stat holiday is observed on the Monday) it will only be 1 week from Thanksgiving.. we should be listening to the Indigenous communities. This like Remembrance Day should be a stat holiday for all
Good idea to have a day for this reason, BAD idea to make it a government only day. It just creates more separation and exclusion. But of course, this would be how the government would do it right?
Agree 100% with this holiday-the indigenous and native communities should decide on the name and we should respect it.
Why shouldn’t it be a public stat holiday? Why is it only for federally governed businesses? Are All Canadians not responsible for commemoration and reconciliation? Why not remove the Private Civic Holiday in August, nobody knows what that is for anyways and create community oriented events focused on Indigenous Culture, festivals and learnings.
Yes, if there were events and community offerings I would attend.
Why is it only Federal holiday, Think about it this way... the federals are the reason there was genocide in the first place, they are the reason residental school even existed. This holiday needs to be for EVERYone, or even exclude federal, make them work, make them go to school and give everyone else the day off, but at the end of the day it should be for everyone. We all need to learn so we can help everyone heal, not just federal servents that wouldnt bat an eye anyways.. funny part is there no news about it anywhere, (ctv cbc etc) because they know the back lash they would and are recieving. i wont be working that day
This is the excellent idea for respect to Truth and Reconciliation .But for all Canadian not just part of them . Government created (this is good) but just for themselves ? not all people ? this is not fair .
What ever happened in this country should be useful for government employees. Does a vacation for some Canadian employees mean that other people are not Canadian? Some people have to work in any company or any jobs and only a Gove employee has to be off, this is not fair and it is not mistreatment of people who do not work for the government. Look like remembers day . They just can remember and respect of the soldier died ? we are not ? why??
So they make a day for Truth and reconciliation, yet do not adhere to the advice of the Indigenous Leaders as to when it should be observed? I get that you will never have everyone unanimously agree to one date. But this looks very reactionary and lines up with a potential election.. Should have been more consultation with Indigenous leaders to let them choose the date. Christmas and New Years are close together...September 30th can be 8 days from how is June 21 too close to Canada Day?
And yet no holiday for remembrance day November 11.
Why is it only for federal employees - the rest of us are not important enough??? Certainly is unfair and unjust as we are all Canadians, but that's the Liberals for you.
Couldn’t there just be a “Official Day” without creating another Stat holiday?
How many more Stat holidays can Businesses keep paying employees for not working?
Most businesses are already struggling to keep the doors open due to Covid and employee shortages.
Maybe the whole Stat holiday system needs a review.
Why are there only Christian Religious Stat Holidays Like Christmas and Good Friday and none for other religions?
There are many good reasons to create another Day to commemorate and remember past events… but where is the limit on how many days some employers can afford to be forced to pay
Employees for not working before they throw in the towel and close ?
I agree with Dale Ward. Expand the family day in Feb to include this, instead of another stat day added to the year.
Typical, the feds and the indians are on a permanent holiday anyway
Why have a holiday for Federal workers only??? Do retail workers not matter , we aren't good enough to deserve this holiday nor take part in any ceremonies. Bullshit
yea another free day for government workers!!! makes me sick!
Why is National Truth and Reconciliation Day even being considered when we already have Canada Day for everyone in Canada? Maybe Indigenous people don't consider themselves to be Canadian?
June 21 is better but lets have it for September 30th for 2021 first
This Holiday would make little sense.
Hi you all have very good input. To add to it; maybe a Remembrance Day would be more suitable. Like a time to remember those who gave their lives for our country, this would be a day to remember those who’s lives were taken from them. Yes this should be all across Canada and not just provincial nor governmental. This should be a time for all Canadian’s to set aside to remember the lost and the survivors. This was horrible to have happened in the first place. We may not have physically done this ourselves but neither did we physically kill all those who lost their lives to save Canada. So why not an all across Canada Indigenous Remembrance Day?
I'm not opposed to this idea however I think it should be a day to remember and our indigenous people should dictate how we honor the children gone and the survivors today. I think there should be some sort of ceremony of remembering or whatever the indigenous culture dictates as appropriate for this. I'm thinking a pow wow or something but again I know nothing and leave it to the people to determine this. I think of Maori people of New Zealand and their Haka for different situations whether it is commemoration, preparation for battle/sport, celebration etc. Regardless, honoring, remembering and changing behaviors and systems of oppression are what is truly needed moving forward.
I agree with the comments above. It is the right step to take responsibility for the cruelties done to indigenous children. However, why were the people who are supposed to be honoured with this holiday not asked what they would prefer as a gesture of truth and reconciliation? Why giving government employees another paid day off as if they did not already have many privileges that they take for granted but should not take for granted? Shouldn't it be indigenous people who should get a paid day off? Or at least all of Canada? And how about implementing some indigenous literature in public curricula in schools all over Canada? There is so much more than should and could be done. It is a well meant gesture, but honouring the collective memory of people that were suppressed, discriminated against and traumatized is a bit more complicated than giving Canadians another day off to go to their cottage.
The idea of dedicating a day to commemorate the legacy of residential schools is thoughtful.
However I don't believe it should be seen as a "benefit" to just the federal and federally regulated authorities or companies. If this is statutory make it consistent across Canada. This is not being dedicated to honor federal or federally regulated employees. This should echo and be for Canada as a country or a nation.
Aside from all this other issues this Stat is raising, date etc. As of the First week of July 2021 This Statutory Holiday is for Federal Employees. There is nothing I can find anywhere that suggests Provinces are recognizing the Statutory Holiday. I called BC Labor and employee's (4) in total had no idea what I was talking about and a couple thought I was talking about Labor Day, thinking I was stupid. This is not a slap in the face to Indiginous working people that do not work for the Federal Govenment or a Chartered Bank. Come Oct 1 when it finally dawns on the people and News what just happened Canada is once again going to look hidious.
I think some people are not very well informed about what actually happened in this country. The indigenous peoples signed treaties to SHARE land with colonists. What the colonists di was stole land and resources and said it was theirs and then to make it easier to do all that, they then tried to destroy the people they made the treaties with.
I think we should ask Indigenous Peoples how they think it should be recognized. Giving Canadians another day off to go to the lake doesn't seem like much of a solution to reconciliation.
I would like to offer that National Truth and Reconciliation Day be so named instead of the current Victoria Day.
The Monarchy was largely involved with the settling of Canada under which many of the attrocities followed. What allegiance do our First Nations have to the Crown?
While Victoria Day has served it's useful purpose, it no longer has the relevance it once did. It is a day we are accustomed to and we can give new meaning to.
I agree with that June 21 is as alternate national statutory holiday proposed.
i)Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada was founded in June;
ii)As National Indigenous Peoples Day, June 21 has been a statutory territorial holiday both in the Northwest Territories since 2001 and in Yukon since 2017;
iii)In June, everything outdoor becomes green in up-north, some celebrations of TRC such as the exhibitions of the legacy can borrow the open spaces like school play grounds showing to much more people, while in late September, almost already white outside, the celebrations have to be held on inside close spaces as Rec centres/arenas, People are also hard to get together from remote communities;
iv)National Truth and Reconciliation Day in June can help local holiday/festival/tourism/hospitality economy more than in September;
v)Indigenous communities oppose to using September 30 for this new proposed holiday because September 30 is when Orange Shirt Day is currently observed.
Of course, I agree with allowing Indigenous People to determine the date for the new national statutory holiday. That would realize real Reconciliation.
What do you want us to do? We'll do it if it's reasonable, then let's move on. We're sorry. We don't know how many more times to say it. If a criminal is jailed then released, it doesn't help to keep telling him every day for the rest of his life that he committed a crime. Then remind his kids every day that their dad was a criminal. I turn on the TV, radio, online news or just about any channel and all I see and hear besides COVID is how Native Peoples need reconciliation. Yes, horrible things were done. They stopped. I strongly condemn all acts that make people suffer or takes away their dignity but I also condemn the never ending need to talk about something that's now thankfully history. It feels like no matter what happens some people will never be satisfied with the outcome. Be happy you live in a country where this can be even a topic of discussion. Far worse atrocities happened elsewhere in the world and those affected by it can't say anything. You can. You have. When will this be over? If the Pope apologizes on Native soil that won't be enough because it won't be the right language, not sincere enough, not soon enough, etc.
I've had injustice done to my in my life many times. I decided to move on as it's far more productive than to dwell on it indefinitely. What's there to gain?
To those who say "I'm done apologizing" - would you still say the same if what was done (i.e. genocide) to the First Nations peoples was done to Europeans? What if it was white kids being sent to residential schools by the Natives?
To those who worry about the economic impact of a new holiday - what about cancelling Victoria Day or Thanksgiving Day to make up for it? That would make sense.
Even if largely symbolic, the new holiday is an important one to remind everyone of the atrocities committed against the original peoples of this land.
I agree with allowing Indigenous People to determine the date for the holiday. I believe it should be a statutory holiday. The atrocities suffered by them is not limited to one province. Let's honour what happened to their culture country-wide. If for no other reason than RESPECT.
Enough is enough! Pick one day and stick to it. September 30th is fine. This whole thing has gotten so out of hand it's ridiculous.
I would propose a date of March 21 as this is the first day of Spring. New beginnings happen in the spring, all things are blossoming for a new year, in my opinion it would make sense to have a Statutory Holiday on this date. The Canadian Government needs to acknowledge what was done to the Indigenous People with honour and respect. The discreditation of the Indigenous Populations Canada wide need to halt and helping to preserve the rights of the Indigenous People as is done for every other race that has entered the Canadian soil.
pick a month with no stat holiday, great idea june 21 works just expand on indegeous day
I think we should leave it up to First Nations to decide on the holiday. We've made too many decisions about them already.
National Indigenous Day should be a national holiday on June 21, to celebrate the first nations of Canada. It seems to be better supported by Indigenous People. Having a National Reconciliation Day by the federal government is a BS move, and mere posturing. If you want to work towards reconciliation, why not have a National Drinking Water Day? On it, we can count the number of treaty nations with and without drinking water and hold all of our leaders up as examples of how to effect true reconciliation.
Canada is already too late to commemorate the first nations culture, the injustices they faced and residential school tragedies.
Third Monday of June make the most sense, not the Sept 30, the importance of the day is totally reduced as it coincides with orange t shirt day. June 21 is also indigenous people day. I wish our policy makers and government and senate had more common sense.
I think we should honor what the indigenous people want. September 30 is close to Thanksgiving so it makes no difference whether it is June or September.
I feel that June 21 is the better date. Indigenous culture teaches people sharing in the natural surroundings and June 20-21 is always summer solstice. June 21 is already Indigenous People's Day, so it makes sense to make this the stat holiday. September 30th is Orange Shirt Day, and is close to the stat holidays of Labour Day and Thanksgiving already. June 21 may be close to Canada Day (which is a whole other debate given that it is a celebration of the colonization of what is now Canada), but wedged between two other stat holidays seems even more ridiculous.
June21 makes sense for this holiday as Indigenous Community Should be respected and after all the horrible things that happened to them.
I think June 21 makes sense for this holiday. I think the indigenous community should be the ones deciding on which day. I disagree with the person that said Rememberance day because it is a federal holiday already, it is for a different reason, and mostly, it would diminish the very reason a new holiday is being tabled.
The argument that it is too close to Canada day is silly. Good Friday and Easter Sunday are two even closer together.
For all the statutory holidays we have, its about time one was set aside for the whole country as an opportunity to show our respects for the treacherous things that were done to our First Nations People and for the continued lack of care and respect they still have to deal with. Let's add to that making sure that every first nations community has safe drinking water.
Great idea - Could coincide nicely with the National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21)
I agree with Dale Ward. thank you.
I think June 21, or National Aboriginal Day, should be the holiday. It give us a day off in June and it doesn't interfere with Orange Shirt Day.
Couldn't it be combined with Remembrance day, and make it a stat, as a general day of remembrance?
No more stat holidays! It’s one thing for employees to want more stat holidays but business owners are trying to increase productivity and run a successful operation to continue to employ those employees, and yes, make a profit. The government has less interest in this as their costs are passed on to the taxpayer.
If recognition of the National Truth and Reconciliation Day is deemed worthy then it should replace Family Day and made a national holiday.
Why not use the date the 215 murdered children were discovered? It has been a pivotal moment and caused more light to be shed on the terrible events that occurred. We need to remember the day the country realized how badly we treated the indigenous people, original occupants of Canada.
June 21 was considered however it is too close to Canada Day! Sept 30 is also too close to the Canadian Thanksgiving holidays which is 1 week later.
Change Thanksgiving to the third Monday in October to spread out the holidays
This proposition is beyond me. Instead, this day should be a day to do volunteer job to indigenous people so as to pay back the past sins, not to give one day off to rest at home.
First off, it should be a stat holiday for everyone. Secondly, that day should be used to organize and promote events to educate and fundraise for organizations that help the indigenous communities. Lastly, the Catholic Church should take responsibility; apologizing and admitting their atrocious actions is the least they can do. The fact that they’re silent is unacceptable. They need to donate the most funds to help find more buried children, because you know there’s more. And atone for their sins. I’ve become agnostic years ago having been raised catholic, and they continue to show me that I made the right decision.
Why does it matter if there's another holiday in the month? I see comments like "June make it in June, there's nothing in June". Like this is just going to be another paid day off so lets make it even through the year. How about we ask our Elders for their opinion? How about we consult with the survivors for their thoughts? AND this should NOT be just a "Government" Holiday....where the banks and municipalities are closed. This should be a day for all to stop and reflect and educate on the REASON for the day and the actual reason for the colour orange vs. any other colour. I am not a full blooded aboriginal but I am aboriginal none the less and I am so ashamed of the Canadian Government and the RCMP, the churches and those who continue to deny things were as bad as they were. Or the people who say this was "generations ago"; is 1996 a generation ago? I think not. I knew nothing of generational trauma until these past few weeks but I now have a firm grasp of it. Mr. Trudeau, with all due respect, you sir must do better. "Concrete action" and empty promises are not acceptable; seek the guidance of our Elders and allow them to help us heal.
Just the government ripping off the people who pay their wages ,once again stealing from the poor to give the rich more paid holidays. What makes the government think they deserve a holiday when they’re the ones that let this go on in the first place it wasn’t just the church the government was enforcing the churches insane whims. Disgusting!
Why don't we end all the controversies once and for all - everyone go back to the origin of their ancestors. I've always wanted to see Scotland, but the Scots came from Ireland, or maybe Norway. Then again, the Irish came from mainland Europe across the land bridge and the Scandinavians came from the Russian steppes, and before that...?, so that wouldn't work. But how about we ask the cause of these deaths - indigenous peoples have been decimated by first exposure to disease, people of all walks of life have fatal accidents, cultures have displaced cultures through war or assimilation, as well as several other causes of premature death. Because the funerals for these children were not solemnized by a ceremony and the graves discovered later, the word "murdered" comes up, with demands for apologies, and the probable eventuality of "retribution" once identifications are made. "Europeans" are blamed for every possible wrong in the world, because of colonization. But those same European colonial powers made the conscious decision to educate the indigenous peoples of those colonized areas, which was the intent of the residential schools . So how about we determine the causes of death before calling names and pointing fingers, and creating holidays to make up for "injustice".
I think non-Indigenous people need to learn as individuals, but 6 years after the TRC, for non-Indigenous institutions, Reconciliation Day should be a day of accountability. Specifically, Reconciliation Day should be the day non-Indigenous institutions report on what TRC recommendations they focused on in the past 12 months, how they consulted with Indigenous communities on what outcomes are meaningful to them, and how they achieved those outcomes.
Why does it matter if there's another holiday in the month? I see comments like "June make it in June, there's nothing in June". Like this is just going to be another paid day off so lets make it even through the year. How about we ask our Elders for their opinion? How about we consult with the survivors for their thoughts? AND this should NOT be just a "Government" Holiday....where the banks and municipalities are closed. This should be a day for all to stop and reflect and educate on the REASON for the day and the actual reason for the colour orange vs. any other colour. I am not a full blooded aboriginal but I am aboriginal none the less and I am so ashamed of the Canadian Government and the RCMP, the churches and those who continue to deny things were as bad as they were. Or the people who say this was "generations ago"; is 1996 a generation ago? I think not. I knew nothing of generational trauma until these past few weeks but I now have a firm grasp of it. Mr. Trudeau, with all due respect, you sir must do better. "Concrete action" and empty promises are not acceptable; seek the guidance of our Elders and allow them to help us heal.
This proposal is ridiculous. Federal employees only the ones with the day off??
Also Remembrance Day not allowed to have a stat for that ?
Let’s beat ourselves with whips and dress in sack cloth and ashes. Pay forever for the sins of the past.
If you want genocide and atrocities look elsewhere in the world.
Proud Canadian!!
I refuse to
I think the Federal Government should recognize the 1st weekend in June every year in every province. I believe we owe every Residential School Student be them alive or deceased the Recognition of being given their own day that everyone acknowledges their pain ans suffering We owe them this recognition.
In the wake of newly found evidence of 215 children buried on the grounds of a British Columbia residential school, one of the many in Canada set up to forcibly assimilate First Nations communities, it is time that Canada recognizes its continuing genocidal treatment of our Treaty partners. The Truth & Reconciliation holiday (Sept 30th) is a time to reflect on how Canadians must change our behaviour and seek redress of what our settler ancestors did to First Nations and how we must learn & act as reconciling Treaty partners to right the terrible wrongs of our settler colonial past. Read: ‘Horrible History’: Mass Grave of Indigenous Children Reported in Canada:
It would be wonderful for a Reconciliation Day stat holiday. It should be for everyone NOT just government employees. The Government had a hand in the horrible residential schools and many children were murdered. SO WHY would you make it only for those employees. I think the general public would protest to that idea.
Agree with Eva Brasko! Respect what the indigenous peoples want! It should be in a month where it doesn't need to share the limelight with any other holiday but what makes most sense to the indigenous as to when it should be observed! Absolutely across Canada. We are a country WAY TOO divided!!!
I think company's are already struggling to be profitable. Having another day where employer's are required to pay overtime is too much. There is already orange shirt day and Indiginous people's day. We may need to have Immigrants day as they also built this country, the list of reasons for a holiday could go on and on. Thanks.
There is no need to change any of our Stat Holiday names based on gender or for any other reason. I agree that Spring Equinox would be a great date for the holiday. Christmas Day is exactly what it is and should not be lumped together so we can use that annoying greeting Happy Holidays. We are not referring to any specific holidays.
Honouring Canada's commitment to Reconciliation with all Indigenous people by telling the 'truth' about our past relationship is important - to all Canadians - who should know and respect that learning.
In the spirit of our renewal of 'new beginnings' each year, I would suggest the Spring equinox - first day of Spring March 20 this year (sometimes on the 19th). Honouring this day, as our Indigenous ancestors did for Millenia and fixing it to a 'natural' day, not a date would better reflect the willingness of Govt to better recognize Indigenous ways.
A paid vacation day might encourage educators to look at Reconciliation and Truth Weeks in the schools, and Indigenous event holders might host (in partnership if they wish) events based on renewing better relationships with Canadian institutions and government.
My thought, J McKay (Metis Knowledge Keeper, Kistapinanihk, Prince Albert region, Canada
I think we should go by what the Indigenous People request. They were here, even before "Canada" happened. If we have to have two stats in one month, so be it.
It should also be recognized and practiced by all provinces and territories. We need more education to our Canadians about our correct history.
... maybe in November....we respect Remembrance date.... not mandatory.... The National Truth Day would be appropriate...
Truth and reconciliation speaks to me, I would be in favour of this holiday. Its purpose, to remember residential schools, isn't broad enough. Yes, residential schools, but what about the death of uncounted tribe and band members? Their displacement? The history, culture and languages that have been forever lost? What about the valuable contributions, the insight and courage of our First Nations, that can be unlocked with reconciliation and healing? Its purpose should be a commemoration of our First Nations, the injustice that they have been subjected to, and the promising future that they deserve. I'm grateful to Richard for demonstrating that we may not be ready for reconciliation. I really hope that we are soon, but I'm just one voice.
If you want a true reconciliation, change the name of the Victoria Day's holiday to remember residential schools. We do not live in the middle ages to honour kings or queens. Come on.
An official holiday should be for all Canadians; this would not be.
If reconciliation day could observed on November 11 and observed as holiday all over Canada. This will allow parents to stay home with kids.
This is a direct quote from another person. As I could not have put it in words any better than "Kim", I give you her quote. "Such an excellent idea!!!! What a fantastic way to acknowledge the progress we are trying to make to heal our relationship with the Indigenous people of Canada. I propose that we put the day of Reconciliation in March and the day of celebration on June 21 and make both statutory holidays for the entire country." This is such a clear choice for all Kanada/Canada!
It would be a great idea
No thank you
Such an excellent idea!!!! What a fantastic way to acknowledge the progress we are trying to make to heal our relationship with the Indigenous people of Canada. I propose that we put the day of Reconciliation in March and the day of celebration on June 21 and make both statutory holidays for the entire country.
September 30 and June 21 should be considered as statutory holidays
June! We need a holiday in June.
make it in june. there is nothing in june
I propose that we make November 11 the Stat Holiday. Only banks and government are closed on this day. Let everyone remember - and not just veterans new and old - all people that have died in the line of duty for our country: fire, rescue, police, etc.
I agree that Orange Shirt day is not appropriate.
NOTE: The discussion here is becoming rather heated. An exchange of differing ideas is most welcome but please remain respectful and engage in a debate rather than attacks. Lots of comments had to be blocked due to inappropriate language. If you want your thoughts, opinion, ideas, etc. posted keep it civil otherwise it won't be published. - Site Admin
No one expects people like “John Wick” and “Get on with it” to understand the issues, racism and generations of debilitating experiences First Nations people have suffered. Ignorance along with the privilege both of them clearly enjoy has given them a false sense of righteousness. Bigoted comments against First Nations is very common in Canada, and these two have proven racist sentiments are alive and well even today. If they had the ability to learn about the history of this nation instead of throwing around ignorant comments and opinions on the internet, I would say there could be hope for them. The First Nations people survived the genocide perpetrated by people like “John Wick” and “Get on with it” clearly come from. We are not going anywhere, I’m sure your ignorant, racist existence is offended by that. So if you don’t like the fact First Nations people are getting some help in this country, then why don’t you pack your bags and go back to where you truly come from. Trust me, no one will miss you here.
I can only sign and re-hash what the first poster "Get on with it" already wrote - we don't need another burden on the taxpayers. I really don't understand the point of this holiday observation and also this endless apologeticism about what happened 50 or 100 years ago. Let's write all that in the history books and teach our children what happened so that it never happens again - and that's it. Stop complaining, stop abusing the benefit system, stop living in the past and start **working**. If you don't want to work - that is fine - but then don't expect someone else to pick up your tab. With all its many problems, this is one of the finest countries in the world and if you don't like it here, you're free to pack your bags and take off to wherever you feel is a better place for you. You're even free to slam the doors behind you, should you feel so inclined.
June 11 would be best because we need to have a separate day to honour those that didn't survive and those that did. this wasn't just an assimilation but it was abuse and we need to remember that. Put yourself in indigenous shoes and imagine if you were ripped from your parents arms and put into a school that abused you, didn't care for your health, made you speak a different language without any "subtitles" or a "translater." what if you weren't allowed to see any of your family until you were 18 years old. We need different dates so everyone knows what ways the first nations suffered
What I don't understand is this: Almost always an invading/new force (army) takes over existing land in such a hostile manner that little, if anything, remains of the existing culture if they can't successfully fend off the invasion. That's it. They are assimilated and nobody apologizes a century later, there are no tax exemptions or treaties.
So why is it that in this case this is still such a big deal? The French and English came and conquered. The end. Let's move on. Let's treat everyone equally. And this equal treatment means no special benefits. Go get a job. If you do good work you will be promoted and the next generation will be better off.
So either, give everyone tax benefits and special deals and let's everyone block railroads and complain, complain and complain OR let's get on with it. If anyone wants special treatment, do something special. Being the ancestor or people whose land we live on is not a special achievement. It's no longer your land. It's Canada's land.
Millions of people who come to Canada get to practice their religion freely, speak any language they want and they are happy to call their new home Canada.
I'm sick and tired of turning on the radio and every day hearing this never ending "but I was here first" argument. Yes you were here first. That was then. It has changed. Now we're here together. Thank your lucky stars you live in Canada, which is a damn great country and get to pursue whatever it is you want in your life.
June 11 sounds good to me. There are some lessons to be learned from this history that continues to impact all of us today. Sure we cannot be responsible for the past but we can learn to understand how the past influences the present situation and what is required to move forward towards peace and reconcilliation.
If Rembrance Day was a stat holiday it could be used to remember both our veterans and idiginous at the same time in an effort to come together in honour of peace for all....?????
This doesn't need to be a holiday. Enough with the constant guilt of the alleged sins of our forefathers.
Instead of a holiday I think it wold be more appropriate to have an Indian history month where an emphasis on truth an reconciliation would be observe.
June 11th. That's the anniversary of the date the federal government finally apologized for the atrocities.
Aboriginals are perhaps the most neglected minority group in Canada and the one we should make the biggest effort for. I think we should have a day, I don't see the issue with June 21st, seems like still the best day for it.
Also to clarify to Fran - I don't think the "Japanese lost a lot of land" - very few did, and not a lot.
Personally I've never understood why Remembrance Day isn't a statutory holiday. So many Canadians, of all backgrounds, (including indigenous) lost their lives in the world wars, and I know that many people given the chance would attend a Remembrance Day event if they had the day off. I agree with the National Truth and Reconciliation Day, but if they do pass a bill to make it a Stat holiday, and Remembrance Day ISN'T, then the government is basically saying it's more important to recognize that we're sorry for the way Natives were treated than to recognize all the people (indigenous included) who sacrificed their lives to make Canada a free country in which we all now live.
They should just scrap the entire Idea come up with something better like Heritage day would be a appropriate holiday commemorate what are ancestors to make this country great.
I think the entire subject is crazy.The event was horrendous but is passed & done! In those SAME yrs & SINCE, Dads,Uncles, Brothers etc have been raping,
hiding & burying babies, little sons & daughters!! THOSE victims were robbed in its TOTAL LIFE SENSE, not just molested but they aren't remembered or recognized with
special orange shirt day,
families given land, gov't-
paid APOLOGY $$$, subsidies etc!!!! Do these orange shirt folks want a Green Jeans Day or New House Day too? Enough, already! Parish Priests, Deacons, Bishops... to the Pope have apologized orally & in writings in VAST amounts
,they fasted for reperation, prayed, offered compensation ...the family rape & torture victims (& stranger violators) get prayed for by a Priest at the funeral & that's it. Haulocaust victims & their families have been remembered but rec'd nothing. No SPECIAL day or anything else. War victims the same. The broken survivors moved their feet by inches, mourned alone, had nothing,were skin & bones, no food/clothes/home/town, some with no relatives to be found, etc but in that horror, broken in spirit, no hope, nearly insane with their grief & fear found their sanity & picked up life and rebuilt their lives; moved forward and only looked backwards as a lesson to never be repeated. So this indigenous story is done, over , finished, many or most of them deceased. Millions of men,women,boys & girls of every age have suffered their fate and after looked FORWARD toward healing. Let the old record album stop skipping at the same scratch and move on. Pleeeeeez! Enough special treatments. God bless every victim but change the mentality.
I think the day they decide to make make the stat should coincide with the Spring Equinox. In many indigenous cultures Spring is looked at as a new beginning. I think it's time to start a new and for those of us affected by colonialism and it's inter-generational effects to let go and start again. I think the National Indigenous Peoples Day should remain just that. A time of celebration and pride. Whereas the this holiday should be a time to reflect and remember those that came before us. I think remembering all those that attended residential schools is a way to honor their spirits and and strength, much like Remembrance Day is a day to pay respect to those who fought and triumphed this should also be a day to remember, mourn and unite. I don't see this day as a day to celebrate but a day to reflect and give thanks to our ancestors for all they have endured.
I think that this proposed holiday is a good idea. I agree that it should not fall on the same day as Orange Shirt Day, but I think it could take place on the day after that, as a day of remembering and mourning. It should be optional for each province, but very strongly recommended. Finally, it should allow all Indigenous people to request and receive work leave; however, leave from work would be optional for those who were not affected by residential schools. Moreover, Orange Shirt Day should make its way into a brief classroom announcement at every Canadian school as a method of continuing the reconciliation (two of my teachers covered the topic in order to bring it to our attention, despite the fact that it was unrelated to the curriculum). An indigenous representative should approve all decisions.
I agree very much with violets comments, except do not just give them the land. Other wise fine. The Japanese lost a lot of land. We do not hear them complaining.(not that that was the right thing for Canada to do}. No They have real Pride. They have worked very hard to get where they are with no thanks to the Canadian Govt, or most Canadians.Natives could take note, and try a little work, and stop the demands. So many natives treat white people like crap, it is hard to be pleasant in return.
the Japanese lost there land when they were sent off to camps
It is very important to remember what transpired against the Native peoples of Canada. Also, to celebrate indigenous peoples to what day that will be and whether those two precepts are incompatible - I'll leave that to those above my pay grade. PICK ONE!
I do think this day needs to be remembered but if this was to be a holiday I feel Remembrance day should be made one. The orange day needs to be discussed more in school. My kids are in grade 5 and still don't know what it is about.
Historically, a statutory holiday is a day of celebration. I would much rather see a holiday to celebrate the indiginous / aboriginal HERITAGE, not the horrors of historical residential schools.
If this is to become a national holiday, then are we to CELEBRATE the facts linked to the residential school system? We will rest on that day and be thankful to the events that created the holiday...
In my humble opinion, remember it, yes; a stat holiday, no.
This should be a holiday FOR SURE. Not on orange shirt day or national aboriginal day. Out of respect for the history of Canada, this deserves to have its own day to remember the lives that were taken but not forgotten.
Enough is enough. Residential schools were not nice, but I wonder what would have happened if the Canadian gov't of that time had simply left aboriginals on their own, up north somewhere to fend for themselves. Would they be better off? I also find it funny that no mention about the aboriginals that were enslaved by other aboriginals, or so many killed in tribal wars? What about the British children who were spirited away from London and brought to Canada to become basically slaves? What about their day? If the natives want to have land back, give it to them. Give them a space that is no longer any part of Canada, we are no longer paying them the billions we have, and let them look after themselves. Isn't that what they want? Land? Have it.Like I said, enough is enough. Nothing will ever be enough when one thrives and makes a living off victim hood.
Reply to Neil Roth: internment camps. The fear made good sense. Takeo Yoshikawa was living in Hawaii and was a spy for Japan. He began by familiarizing himself with the principal Hawaiian islands and their military installations.To explore the places Japan wanted info on, he frequently relied on a cab driven by John Mikami, a Japanese-Hawaiian. Other times, the spy used a 1937 Ford chauffeured by Richard Kotoshirodo, a nisei consular clerk. It's unfortunate, but at that time it made absolute good sense to place 'some' people into internment camps. Not nice, but that's war for you and Canada did not start it.
I absolutely do not agree with the need for this to become a stat holiday.
Attempting to reach back into the past to redress what is now seen as immoral is an exercise in futility. It cannot be done and should not be attempted.
It is my feeling that we should not impose our beliefs cultural and otherwise on a previous time. We cannot look at what was done what decisions were made and why. It should be just left alone period. Just walk away from it . More later No time now.
We should have the holiday in June, then have one at the end of September to remember all the Canadian citizens we put in internment camps during WW 1 and WW 2 out of ignorance, prejudice, and fear.
I think June 21 should be just fine as a statutory holiday. We have Christmas and New Year’s 7 days apart so why be concerned about 10 days before Canada day?
June or November as it needs to be recognized as its own day not mixed.
This holiday should be given nationally and be in June. I could be a floating holiday like Victoria Day, Thanksgiving, or Labour Day. Say the second Monday in June as an example. This would give every one a chance to have a break. We could think of those who were treated poorly, and how we can ensure this terrible treatment does not happen again.
Our country, Canada, is beautiful and the First n\Nations were the keepers of this land before confederation. We need to salute these wonderful peoples who lived here before Canada
September already has Labour Day, and Thanksgiving is not far into October. This holiday, if it is created, should fall around the 10th of June (a month which is devoid of holidays).
That would keep it about 3 weeks away from both Victoria Day and Canada Day, and it should be clear of collateral celebrations.
Move it to around April 21, so as not to interfere with other holidays.
Also, to be all-inclusive, let's name it: National Guilty Liberal Apology Day.
100% agree that we need this Nationally, but couldn't it be earlier in June or in Nov? It's a special day in and of itself, so pairing it with an existing day shouldn't be important. In fact, wouldn't we want a unique date to avoid taking away from existing days?
I feel we have beat this drum long enough. We the taxpayers have paid millions of dollars in compensation for the victims and their families for this terrible ordeal. Enough is enough. It is time to accept the Government of Canada’s apology, forgive, but not forget and move on. There have been many many other groups of people that have been hard done by, but none have carried on over and over like this has. As a Canadian, I am sorry for what has happened, but we need to move on.
This sounds great
I totally agree either month
I propose that the date should be June 21st, in order for community to be involved in events celebrated for the National Aboriginal Day festivities for natives and non-natives.
I can't believe you would observe residential schools and not celebrate Aboriginal day on June 21st with those provinces the do. This happened in the past and with Human Rights will not happen again in Canada. Why can we drop the mistakes of the past and celebrate the future? If you want to remember the past make Remembrance day a stat holiday and remember those who died for our freedom. This celebrates all people including the indigenous community!
There is nothing wrong in celebrating Indigenous People of Canada by having a holiday for Canadians to participate....the big question is how is that celebration furthered in any way by requiring businesses to pay their employees for not working on that day? Same goes for any stat holiday to be honest. Several mandated days off during the year entirely makes sense. Employee required to work on any of those days, make the employer pay double time. Making employer pay even though employee is not producing anything for the business? Makes no sense at all, especially since employees already get vacation pay added to wages.
It would be a blessing to have a celebration stat holiday on Jun 21 and if the indigenous do not object, a truth and reconciliation stat holiday on Sep 30. For Ontario, it has the least stat paid holidays in Ca. because Civic Day, Remembrance Day and Easter Monday are not public holidays. Please also consider it seriously.
It would be a blessing to have truth and reconciliation as a holiday. It will symbolize the relationship between non natives
I concur with Donald N Paul - Remembrance Day is only a holiday - most people dont know what is being commemorated - bring back the minutes of silence and remind people why they are being reminded about that tragic time in history - same with the residential schools - be aware and move forward to a future with more compassion and understanding of all peoples, races and religions.
If indigenous communities oppose the proposed date of Sept 30 due to what they see as inappropriate then I believe this must be respected.
As mentioned, June 21 Is 10 days away from Canada Day, however Sept 30 Is 14 days away from Thanksgiving Day. Seeing that March, June and November are the months without a stat holiday...So June or November would be highly suitable months for a statutory holiday.
I didn't steal any land. I didn't put anyone in a residential school. I live in the present and plan for the future. I'll take the holiday and I'll be paid for it. And to those reserves who decide that they don't want to do anything more than ask for more handouts, I suggest that you talk to the reserves who have money, make their own reality and plan for the future. If you don't, you simply victimize yourselves and I'm not to blame for that either.
For all of you people who disagree with this "Holiday", and say enough is enough. Why don't you go to a reserve and stay there for at least one week! I doubt you could even last one weekend! Then come back and tell me we are all Canadians... I'm not. The British gave us that label. We are Nishnabek who were forced to give up our language, traditions, and customs. Why don't you try and learn our language like we did yours. Miigwech.
Land stolen from aboriginals? In most other placed in the world after an invasion of a land people are (forcibly) assimilated and get no concessions whatsoever and lucky to have any freedoms at all.
In Canada, we give tax exemptions and a myriad of special deals and special treatment and no matter what we give it's never enough. Perhaps the chiefs should look at how similar "stolen" land issues are dealt with elsewhere and realize that the deals they get are actually pretty sweet.
I'm supportive of keeping traditions and languages alive as part of our/their heritage but it's been long enough since the "stealing of the land" and at some point we need to stop the special treatment and give all citizens the same allowances and responsibilities.
This, of course, also means providing good education, welfare and access to services. But no tax breaks and special deals.
I disagree with any day becoming a national holiday where the point is to remember something tragic. For this reason I am against the new proposed holiday to remember residential schools being a national holiday. If it is a named day but not a holiday I am fully in favor of it. However, I live in BC where we have a holiday on November 11 for Remembrance Day. Very few people seem to take much cognizance of that day other than to wear a poppy and even that seems to be on the decline. As a child I remember going to Remembrance Day assemblies in my school on Remembrance Day. That stopped by the time my children (who are now in their 30's). I also remember when it was not a holiday in BC that everything stopped for 2 minutes in offices, on the road, etc, and for 2 minutes, at 11:00 a.m. we stood in remembrance. I think that both a Residential Schools Day and Remembrance Day would be more meaningful if they were not holidays but that we used school assemblies and mandatory work ceremonies, traffic stoppages and ceasing of store operations for at least 2 to 5 minutes and preferably 15 to 30 minutes to remember these past issues would do far more good than proclaiming another holiday where people just enjoy themselves and do not think about the issues that gave rise to the holiday.
I agree it should be in March. I think the 2nd Monday in March aka the day after the time change.
To date, non of our Aboriginal holidays are stat or general holiday dates, therefore no one gets paid. They are only memorial dates, which only Aboriginals take the day off and it is only on the reserves that we are on. So in essence, it is only recognizable by the Anicinabe people. We are only paid stat or general holidays on which the government has considered stat or general holidays, same as everyone else, therefore our memorial holidays do not effect the businesses off reserve. We only recognize these holidays for our people because it is a milestone of what we had come out of. It is the government that tax the businesses not Aboriginal people. We have no control of who they are going to tax for stat or general holidays. If they do decide to make a new holiday, so be it. Lest we forget. Peace to all mankind.
Kathy, may I remind you that Canada is originally Aboriginal land. This is why there are no stat holidays to reconcile the atrocities against other races/ethnicities...please don't forget that Canadian soil was stolen from the natives of our country.
Kathy, may I remind you that Canada is originally Aboriginal land. This is why there are no stat holidays to reconcile the atrocities against other races/ethnicities...please don't forget that Canadian soil was stolen from the natives of our country.
Of course there should be a holiday for all on North American soil to remember what was done to the natives of this land unwilling to them. Natives were stripped of their land, culture And ultimately their whole way of live so others could live how they want with all power and disregard to other humans. I understand others don’t feel the same way because they are most ignorant to what happen to natives and some are just plain nasty but natives belong to this land not any other race. Natives offered their land as friends and were totally disrespected and spit in the face by the newcomer. So yes they deserve a day, and a whole lot more.
I think it should be a day of it's own, the end of September in all its colors is a time of beauty and healing with fall and winter as a time of rest and recovery, would be beautiful and symbolic time. Pick a date and make it a statutory holiday for all of Canada to remember, learn from mistakes and move forward
They are the only race who wants special treatment. I see no Canadian holidays around slavery of Africans or Irish. Yes Irish have St Patrick's Day but it isn't a stat, and is a day of celebration. Cater to this, there may be other cultures wanting a holiday for any trials and tribulations they had.
Let's put it in March since we have no stat holiday there :P
With all due respect, our indigenous people our only one of many minority groups that have suffered in many ways over the years. But it seems our indigenous people are the only ones that keep receiving more and more concessions. When will it ever end.
Residential schools were requested by natives, and most attendees have a happy memories of the experience, and it was successful in educating students. What would we be remembering, the entitlement of the current generation, or the pandering of the government/courts?
Definately this should become official holiday for all Canada and it should be observed by everyone, not only federal employees.
The Holiday should be for everyone to remember. Then there is no confusion. The make it a floating day. The fourth Monday in September. Or the third Monday in June, for example. This allows for weekend rememberance services, that more people can attend. This does not need to be difficult. Pick a day so we can begin the healing.
Seriously, indigenous unemployment? Get a grip haters. Unemployment runs deep in Canada; no longer just amongst indigenous peoples. You ask when "we will stop paying"? When will they stop paying? When will our "so-called", all inclusive, accepting country understand what was taken and continues to be taken from these, and other people.
Who wants to remember the negative impact of residential schools? It was a horrible mistake, admitted, and apologized. If we celebrated all the wrongs the world and this country has made there would be a holiday of remembrance 365 days of the year. Remembering this would just add fuel to the fire to both sides of the equation.
I think it's an excellent idea. Like Remembrance Day, we should never forget. Future generations need to know the true history of Canada, and that includes the atrocities committed in the Residential Schools. Children were torn from their parents, many of whom were never heard from again. These events had an enormous impact on the First Nations people, and impact that affects many First Nations peoples today.
Let's drop Victoria Day and put this somewhere between mid-May (say second Monday in May) and early June (say first Monday in June). I'm in my late 60s and born in Canada and Victoria Day means nothing to me. The new holiday should be when school is in.
For once in your colonizing life, respect the Indigenous communities. After all, this land belongs to them and them only. The least the government can do it listen to their requests and abide by them.
It's about time we pay homage to indiginous people for their suffering at the hands of others. It is time for indiginous people are treated with respect. We wouldn't have allowed these injustices to happen to our children. Why are reserves kept away from everyone. Wouldn't you call that segregation. Why are their communities so secluded from ours. Their youth are committing suicide because of the conditions they live in. Why aren't they allowed to be prosperous. Why don't they have movie theaters pools gyms malls good education clean water why are they treeated so deplorably its time for everyone to be educated on our past history and why we allowed all these things to happen to them.
This country will tip over from a PC overdose. Lots of people have nothing but happy memories of their residential school days, and laughed as they took the money.
Tired of apologizing. Enough is enough. What's next National Chinese day, Italian Days, Korean Day. Where does it end. I thought we are all Canadians??
As far as I'm feeling Statutory Holidays should be paid by the Federal Government,5 at least. They are coming up with all these new holidays. It's up to 19 holidays now. One a month would be nice. Please go back to having holidays on the day it was made. It makes more work for us small business people. Join some of the holidays together if people feel they are that important.
Finally. We need to treat this day with the same importance as Canada Day. It's taken long enough to get here.
I am done apologizing. Move on.
How long will the rest of Canada pay for indigenous unemployment?
Who will pay for this holiday? Especially for small businesses this is a significant financial burden. How much consultation took place? I didn't hear about this until now.
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