Statutory Holidays Canada Discussion Forum 2012
December 27, 2012 , posted by Karol ,
I recommend that you update the information on holiday page, Here in Newfoundland we do honor our fallen heros from all war times, November 12 Rememberance day, is a paid day off so we can give respect to those whom gave there lives so that we could live in a this great country we call Canada,Defination from Indian Language means Village I think every provance of Canada should observe this day as a paid day off
December 27, 2012 , posted by Randi GODDEN ,
On Christmas Day my company was closed, I worked on Boxing day and my scheduled shift before Christmas Day. The day after Boxing day I was snowed in. If I do not show up for work on the day after Boxing day, will I lose my stat pay for Boxing day?
December 27, 2012 , posted by nobo ,
Can I get paid statutory holiday when I work only part-time? I am in BC
December 22, 2012 , posted by George Pajari ,
BC has family day starting in 2013 -- although your province page shows this, your consolidated list does not show this.
December 25, 2012
merry merry christmas everyone
December 25, 2012 , posted by Joon ,
I'm foreigner. I have a question about holidays.
This whole weak is holdays, from 12/23th to January 1th.
Can I use monthly pass during these holidays like other Sunday or statutory holidays? which means can I bring my people(from explanation on translink website) when I take a bus or go to another Zone for free?
Please, answer me ASAP!
Merry christmas. Have a wonderful day
December 20, 2012
Please re-check the Manitoba August long weekend stat. On the provincial government website, it is NOT listed as a stat.
December 20, 2012 , posted by Judy ,
I work in retail (in BC) and everyone at my work is being forced to work on boxing day which is cool, but since it's an optional stat day in BC, and we're forced to work on this day, are we entitled to stat? or is this up to the employer even though they've forced us to work on this day...
December 14, 2012
Hi, your list of statutory holidays is inaccurate. You have left off Louis Riel Day, celebrated in Manitoba. Thanks for updating.
December 8, 2012 , posted by Greg ,
Manitoba has Louis Riel Day on Feb. 18, 2013 this year
December 9, 2012 , posted by dd ,
When did Canada officially make Christmas Day a holiday
November 28, 2012 , posted by Debbie Neumeyer ,
Please note the Family Day in BC is on February 11, 2013 not February 18, 2013. Please correct. Thank you,
November 29, 2012 , posted by Kathy ,
Hi, on one page ( it says that Family day is not a stat, but on another it shows that it is a stat for 2013. Can this be corrected please?
November 21, 2012 , posted by chris calder ,
I live in New Brunswick and am a bit confused abuot the Nov 11th stat day. As it was on a Sunday, am I entitled to another day off. I do not work Sat or Sunday in my job.
November 12, 2012 , posted by Mike Cruickshank ,
I was reading your page on Remembrance Day to solve a office bet, and stumbled across the comment from Jason. It reads
""Please DO NOT make Remembrance Day a statutory holiday in Ontario. Family Day is a much more appreciated break for families in the heart of the long cold depressing winter. Remembrance Day is better observered in a ceremony at your school, community centre or place of work."
My thoughts are that Remembrance Day should be a stat holiday, across Canada. Should a person choose to honor Canadian Veterans, or not, in a public, or private ceremony is an Individuals' right and choice. Please just remember, that it's thanks to Veterans, like me, that they have the ability to choose at all.
Mike Cruickshank
1 PPCLI 1994-2005
November 12, 2012 ,
You state that Newfoundland has 6 official stat holidays yet your table show only 5, it is missing Remembrance Day for Newfoundland.
November 11, 2012 , posted by Les
Is Monday the 12th of November a Holliday in Alberta
November 11, 2012
Does anyone know if the archives in Ottawa are open on November 12, 2012. I dont want to drive up there if they are closed
November 10, 2012 , posted by Debbie ,
Why is it that the maritime provinces do not get the thanks giving holiday. I feel we are all canadians and all provinces should get the same holidays
November 9, 2012 , posted by Nadia Veronneau ,
if stat holiday rememberance day is on sunday, does employe have the monday off instead?
November 9, 2012 , posted by Shelley ,
Hello, Sunday November 11th is a stat holiday for Remembrance day. Is the monday a paid holiday for staff? if we have a staff member that is new, worked about 6 weeks and is paid by the hour, do we pay her a full day wage?
November 9, 2012 , posted by Deborah ,
After listening to a woman in my office who was saying that Rememberance day is a waste and who cares about some stupid war that was 50 or more years ago and that nobody gets it off except for those employees who are in the Union - and Unions are also a waste of time ... blah blah blah,I checked out this page and found that Ontario along with about 3 other areas of Canada do not recognize it as a statutory holiday. Your contribution and that of this Jason person did not fall too far from her tree.
My dad was a vet from WWII. My grandfather fought in WWI. I lost relatives in the battles near VIMY.
Rememberance day often focuses on those lost in WWI and II at least in the eyes of many. There are and have been other more recent wars. For whatever reason they are fought, people die that others may benefit. We say, they gave their lives for our Freedom. The same goes with the veterans lost more recently over in Afghanistan and then there was that mess over in Croatia/Slovania. Maybe it wasn't our freedom, but it was somebodies. Maybe it wasn't for our rights, but it was somebodies. This day is to be set aside to reflect on their generosity. It is a reminder of the horror of going to war. It is a reminder that where injustice rears its ugly head, there will be those who draw the line and take a stand. The gift that they gave us - their lives, limbs, health and so on are precious. Not to be brushed under the carpet. So you went to school and sang songs. What did your parents do? As I sit here at work, my mind occupied by the day's issues and hassles, I wish I could have Rememberance Day off, so I can spend more than a self imposed minute to reflect on how my life has been impacted by their sacrifice. My company and those who are not union will go about their daily lives and not give a damn about what they have been given. That minute that was set aside for remembrance, is just another minute in the day. So what if I and others spend the day involved in many of the things we enjoy. That is part of the sacrifice that those who died fought for --> Freedom to enjoy our lives. To depreciate the day set aside for the veterans is not the act of those who take whatever joy they have in that day, but of those who think it is all water under the bridge and lets put it away and get on with it. How many people in these provinces actually set aside that minute? How many industries even acknowledge it as something other than a pain - oh they have to pay their employees for not working! My day would be to be at the cenataph or watch the ceremonies in Ottawa to celebrate those who made that ultimate sacrifice - a hundred years ago, fifty years ago, 10 years ago, a year ago. War never ends! I may sleep in a little longer that day... but so what!
November 8, 2012 , posted by Lorraine ,
When did Rememberance day become a stat holiday in B.C.
November 7, 2012 , posted by Christa Holloway ,
Contrary to your chart, please note that Remembrance Day IS a statutory holiday in Newfoundland and Labrador.
November 6, 2012
Hello, as I understand the Family Day will be in affect for BC starting in 2013; however this is not indicated on your viewable stat holiday tables.
November 6, 2012 , posted by sue ,
With Remembrance Day on Sunday, should Universities be closed on Monday??
November 3, 2012 , posted by Sara
My company will not give us the day off Monday when remembrance day falls on a Sunday. Shouldn't he give us the day off with pay or give us double time?
November 2, 2012 ,
Which weekday will be considered as the holiday for rememberence day, November 11th?
October 23, 2012 , posted by concerned
Our Alberta company has decided we will come to work Nov 12 and receive Dec 24 off. Can they do this?
October 21, 2012 , posted by cait j ,
I am wondering if in the context of universities, can professors legally reschedule classes that fall on stat. holidays? If not what statute/Act prevents them from doing this?
Thank you.
October 9, 2012
Just FYI, when July 1 falls on a Sunday the STAT is deemed to be the Monday following, so for 2012 the STAT is actually July 2, not July 1.
September 30, 2012
Can someone explain why Remembrance Day is not a Stat holiday in ONTARIO but in other provinces it is ??
September 26, 2012
I think your 2012 Thanksgiving date is wrong - should it be Monday 10th October (not 8th)?
September 22, 2012 , posted by Pam ,
Hello. When is Easter, and how is it determined?
September 14, 2012 ,
apparently the marked area in the statutory holiday chart for the Nunavut territory is incorrect. july 9th is not a manditory holiday but it should be marked as an optional holiday. Since some employer do not recognize it as a holiday. I have contacted the nunavut labour office and they also confirmed it was up to the employers descression to observe this holiday.
September 12, 2012 , posted by Roger ,
on your bc.php page, BC Day is describes as "Monday after the 1st Sunday of August" but wikipedia describes it as first Monday in August, and in 2011 BC Day was actually Monday Aug 1, so the rule should be changed to first Monday of August.
September 11, 2012 , posted by Bianca ,
Im pretty sure Family day is now an official Holiday in BC starting Feb 2013.
September 10, 2012 , posted by Admin
2013 dates are now posted.
August 26, 2012 , posted by Doug
What does it mean when the author says "a leap year is not divisible by 400 or 4 but is by 100'?
August 16, 2012 , posted by hu
I have an employer who worked only 10 days (2weeks) for his pay period, and he got paid for the 2weeks, but then a Monday came and it was a holiday, and he worked the following tuesday and wen, and then he didnt call just send a text message saying he quits, do I need to pay him now for the holiday in Saskatchewan?
August 2, 2012
Please update your holiday list. The Civic Holiday in August is not a Stat Holiday in Manitoba.
In addition, Good Friday is not a Stat Holiday in Quebec. The holiday in Quebe is Easter Sunday and the day off provided is Monday.
July 31, 2012 , posted by Virginia ,
I believe Remembrance Day should be a Stat Holiday for it is to remember the people that fought and gave their lives for Canada. This should be considered a Federal Holiday
Thankyou for askin for my comment
July 30, 2012
Please note that Yukon also has a Stat Holiday in August.
It is always the third Monday of August - Discovery Day.
in 2012 - August 20
July 29, 2012 ,
Remembrance Day, is one day which should be recognized as a statutory holiday. It should be fixed to the specific date. Canada, under Stephen Harper chose to commemmorate the War of 1812 on a coin. 200 years ago. We should conitnue to celebrate our veterans, most specifically those who are generationally closer to "living" Canadians. My own father was a veteran of WWII, coming home after the war when many of his counterparts did not. There are many Canadians who have family who participated in these events and we are remiss to leave them out. The Highway of Heroes is a wonderful and emotional tribute. Many current soldiers, from around the globe are moved by this. We need to do a beter job for these, our own, soldiers and celebrate specific ceremonies on November 11th each and every year.
With a Statutory Holiday so that Canadians can participate in such an event. Thank you.
July 29, 2012 , posted by Courtney, NB
I agree with whoever posted on July 3rd; this discussion forum should be redisigned where you can reply to specific posts... Everyone is mainly complaining and asking questions yet no one is replying, commenting or giving feedback... It's just random banter... Lol.... I do enjoy the concept of this whole website though! ;)
July 19, 2012 , posted by trisha5
My spouse spent 14 hours of the 24 hours on July 1 at his job and when he received his pay cheque this week, there was no stat pay...this is disgusting. If the holiday was moved to July 2, then why weren't the celebrations on parliament hill moved to July 2, also??? He spent the time away from the family and got "crap" for it. The whole purpose behind moving the day to July 2 was supposed to be so folks who normally don't work on Sunday will have the day off, so what the heck was this all about??
July 17, 2012
Is mail delivered on Stat Holidays?
July 17, 2012 , posted by Richelle Lowry ,
Just an FYI - Civic Holiday is not a statutory holiday in Manitoba. You have listed that it is. See this website for confirmation:,quick_guide,factsheet.html#q12
July 11, 2012
It seems as though a. Lot of people think this is a new change.
It is not ... This movement of the stat is from the federal holiday act of 1986!
July 6, 2012 ,
Here in New Brunswick we have a paid holiday coming up (August 6th 2012) .I do not work on the Holiday which is my regular day off but,I will be getting paid for that day off is my employer intitled to give me a extra day off seeing that Monday is not my regular work day?
July 5, 2012
What the......? Now the government is changing stat holidays??? I just worked the entire evening of July 1st, which is and always will be Canada Day, expecting to be paid for my sacrifice of not being with family and friends and out just enjoying the day only to find out that I was not paid for it as I have always been in the past. When will this all end? When are we going to take a stand and say enough is enough? You can bet this chickie won't be fooled again. Utterly ridiculous!!! Shame on you Canada!!!
July 3, 2012 , posted by Steve ,
is thanksgiving day statutory holiday, is everyone get day off work and get paid?
why we dont have day off or holiday pay for thanksgiving last year? i know some other company dont have this too.
we are in Ontario
July 3, 2012 , posted by Bruce ,
Stat Holiday Long Weekend To-Do List
Every statutory holiday has some must-do activities. On New Year's Day you should either be on a cruise ship drinking champaign ...
... champagne ... is the proper spelling of this word.
July 3, 2012
I don't see the point of this "discussion forum" when it's just a bunch of people posting questions to which there are no answers ever provided! What's the point?
July 2, 2012
I think that it is time that people realize that not everyone works a Monday to Friday 8-4 job and that many people especially those that work in any type of healthcare who are required to work shift work,weekends and holidays. Therefore, anyone who is scheduled to work on any holiday that falls on their regular schedule shift whether be it a Sunday or not should be entitled to holiday pay on that day. Many people worked the entire July 1st holiday weekend therefore, missed out on all the activities with family and friends but may be off on the Monday. Then we have the people who were off the entire weekend but work the Monday get the holiday, after they got to enjoy the entire weekend of festivities with their family and friends Somehow this doesn't make any sense to me or to many others that work in the healthcare field as we are providing an essential service. It's not easy to get time off on holidays and weekends,especially during prime vacation season.
July 1, 2012
So, I'm working sunday night, canada day, and I am getting paid regular pay. I get off the morning of the second , therefore not in title to time and 1/2. Since i will not be coming back tomorrow night, day off, I will receive 8 hrs stat for the 2nd. We work a 12 hour rotation by the way. Here's the kick in the teeth, the crew coming in tomorrow night will get paid 12 hours stat and time and a half for coming in to work, so they get double and a half for working.But where were they on Canada day? you guessed it, with their families at the fireworks.Those of us who missed the fire works get regular pay for working on the first.Shoul have called in sick
July 1, 2012 , posted by Ali ,
If the place i work is normally open on Sundays shouldn\'t that mean that I should get 1.5 on that day because July 1st is the actual Canada day?
July 1, 2012
I work in a hospital and naturally there is no such thing as Monday-Friday unless you are administration. My question is...since I work only weekends, (my scheduled days are Saturday and Sunday)am i going to miss out on the holiday pay? It makes me angry to think they can change the days of holidays to suit Monday-Friday people and screw the rest of the world that works when no one else wants to.
July 1, 2012
Will there be mail on July 2, 2012?
July 1, 2012 , posted by T ,
"Back in the old days" when 95% of the people did not work Sundays I could see the stat day moving to the Monday. Today we have businesses open 7 days a week in some cases 24 hrs a day!!!!.
Then I could see the stat holiday being moved to the Monday to ensure a day off. Today this ruling and guideline is out of wack with this century. The law / ruling needs to be changed to be current.
Now many of us can not volunteer in our local communities because we must work the Sunday nd get the Monday off.
July 1, 2012 , posted by Cathryn (Ontario)
WOW I am shocked. Canada Day is Canada Day! Christmas day is Christmas Day. When you work Monday to Friday and a holiday lands on one of your regular days off, then you get an extra day off in lieu. However, Canada Day is always and only July 1! That's the day for the parades, the fireworks, the barbques and that's the day that every person who is fortunate enough to live here ought to come together to celebrate.
July 1, 2012 , posted by Robin ,
I am working Canada Day July 1. I will be missing the fireworks and barbeques and other activities. Am i understanding this correctly that i will not be paid my regular rate plus 1 1/2 times. Instead i will be paid my regular rate and get paid for july 2nd? I am losing 4 hours pay this way. Who dreams this stuff up and why?
June 29, 2012 ,
Hello everyone. Why has the Gov\'t made such a mess of the JULY STAT. It should be handled the same as any other Stat. Closed on that day and an extra day off just before or after if it falls on an employees regular day off. With 5 days notice of this change it sure but a lot off people in bad mood.
June 28, 2012 , posted by brittany ,
Hello, I was wondering if both Sunday and Monday were time and a half because of the stat holiday, or is it just july 1st, or just july 2??
June 28, 2012 , posted by L ,
I would also like to know why the stat was changed to July 2. I am a nurse, and booked myself to work 3 days over the long weekend, fri, sat, and sunday. Every year up until this year I would normally have been paid on sunday. Workers who do mon-fri 8-4 would normally get the monday as a paid stat. There is alot of confusion over this issue and why it was done. Makes no sense!
June 28, 2012 , posted by Becky ,
If someone is working both July 1st and 2nd, do they receive 1.5 for both days?
June 28, 2012 , posted by Richard Close ,
Hello! July 1 2012 is on a sunday. Im reading everywhere that the stat is pushed to Monday - July 2nd... I am NORMALLY scheduled ( i am full time ) to be OFF on sundays and mondays. They are telling me the office is closed on Monday, and thats my stat.. However, I am never in on monday anyways. Am I not entitled to a day off - as everyone else got a long weekend, AND stat pay? What do I do?
June 28, 2012 , posted by adam ,
Hi there, we are a small business in BC and I would like to know the rules regarding the STAT holiday pay for July 1st, 2012.
I know the staff will be paid for the stat but is the Monday July 2nd also a paid day? and if the staff work do they get time and a half? I was told this is true because the STAT falls on a weekend.
Thank you
June 27, 2012 , posted by Don Barone ,
Hi all ... under the normal regulations in Ontario no one has to work any Sunday so long as they give their employer 48 hours notice. This I have done so I will not work, nor will I ever work on Canada's Birthday. I think it is an absolute disgrace that Ontario and most of Canada is being made to work. Spent about 1 1/2 hours on the phone arguing with The Consumers Affairs Ministry office. It is my belief that the Ontario Retail Holiday Act supersedes the Holiday act and therefore since July 1st is deemed the holiday in the Ontario Retail Sales Act I feel all those businesses that open on Sunday are in breach of the law. Since a local amendment in Ontario did away with Remembrance Day I feel that our local Retail Sales act did away with July 2nd.
June 27, 2012 , posted by Julienne Springer ,
Under Federal Holiday Act, the only holidays are Canada Day, Remembrance Day, and Victoria Day. You have not included Rememberance day under the National Stat Holidays index.
Good Friday is not listed under the Holiday Act:
Otherwise, this is a very interesting and informative site.
June 26, 2012 , posted by JULIE ,
would like to know since our buisness is open on sundays and canada day falls on a sunday but it is being observed as a monday july 2 holiday I need to know which day I would pay out time and a half for sunday or monday?
June 25, 2012
When folks come to this website for advice, I see as many interpretations of the lawa as there are emailers.
My suggestion if either employee or employer needs an interpretaion look up the number for your labour standards office. Every provincial/territorial government has one and they are the final word on the Act(s)
June 24, 2012 ,
It would be interesting to post results of which holidays each person actively celebrates in some way, rather than look at it as just another day off.
i.e. I would actively celebrate Christmas/New Year, Thanksgiving, Canada Day, Easter Sunday more actively in that order than all others.
June 22, 2012 , posted by Corinne ,
I work in a hair salon and we are closed on Sunday and Monday. Since St. Jean Baptiste falls on a Sunday this year, am I entitled to another day as compensation.
June 12, 2012 , posted by Michelle ,
For the Canada Day July 1st holiday, isn't Ontario suppose to take off July 2nd, due to the statutory rules?
June 12, 2012 , posted by Jay Byers ,
I see your looking for someone to advertise on your site, where on your site would be the advertising and what is your pricing?
My site and contact info can be found at
June 6, 2012 , posted by lisa ,
are you sure that canada is a national statutory holiday? the business I work for is open that day and i don't understand how that can be when we're a unionized company
June 6, 2012 , posted by Brenda ,
July 1 holiday falls on Sunday, if it is your regular schedule day to work do they get paid for Canada Day even if they have the Monday off.
June 5, 2012 , posted by Joy
I come from the Maritimes and was very surprised to learn that Ontario does not recognize Remembrance Day as a National Holiday. Our politians might take note that if these brave young men and women did not go oversea to fight for our freedoms we might not have the freedom to vote and therefore they would not be in office!
June 5, 2012 , posted by Lori ,
Hello. I would like to inquire about advertising our website for Victoria Day,Canada Day,New Year\'s Eve, Diwali etc.celebrations.
Thank you,
June 2, 2012
With both St. Jean Baptiste Day and Canada Day on a Sunday, does it mean no long weekends for salaried workers in Quebec for the most of this summer?
June 1, 2012 , posted by jenna ,
my regular days off are sunday monday so for may long (victoria day)we took the saturday off. to my knowledge this is correct. if a stat falls on a regular day off you get another day in lieu of? so we took saturday off i should get paid for that day (saturday)
May 29, 2012
Halloween is not a stat holiday in canada
May 25, 2012 , posted by JD
Last year management decided to close the work for the Holiday Season from Dec 21, 2011 to Jan 03, 2012. As a full time employee, I was entitled to full pay during the days company was closed. However the payroll has used my vacation days for period the company was closed. My question is can they legally force us to use the vacation day when actually company was closed.
May 25, 2012 , posted by Lynne
Boxing Day is a Statutory Holiday in Ontario.
May 19, 2012 , posted by Jasmine ,
My husband has Sunday and Monday as his off days. Since Victoria Day falls on Monday will he be able to get an extra day off or in exchange for a day pay?
May 16, 2012 , posted by Karen ,
I have worked in the health care Industry for 31 years, always gov't institutions, the first 15 years in B.C. and the second 15 in Ontario. I am currently working in the first facility that does not pay three stat holidays at all to the part-time employee..keep in mind the part-time employee in this industry works more than a full-time on average and gets no benifits. The provinces have terminated alot of full-time posistions knowing workers will work multiple facilities to make up the long as these facilities don't have to pay benefits, whatever that is another subject anyways three stat. holidays are not being recognized at all for only the part-time employee, even though I work more with being on-call as well than the full-time this legal?
May 15, 2012 ,
In BC the rule is you have to be an employee for the last 30 days before a stat, and work 15 of the preceeding 30 work days (i.e. don't count days when business is closed) to qualify for a stat holiday if you work less than a regular 40 hour week. The hours are then divided into the days worked, and that is your stat holiday pay if you don't work that day. If you do work that day you are entitled to time and 1/2 AND time off or equivalent pay.Even if you are a waittress! I don't think it matters anymore if you work the day before or day after, that is the old rule, it was changed because then employers would not call people in on those days and then not pay them for the stat.Check out the BC Labour Laws for more info.
May 15, 2012 , posted by Dave Kamin
The law states that when July 1 falls on a Sunday, July 2 is Canada Day.
Look it up and change the website accordingly.
May 10, 2012 , posted by Reg
Each province has set Employment standards for Public Holidays. Click on this link for all your questions about Public Holidays pay in Ontario:
May 8, 2012 ,
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI and Newfoundland and Labrador do not have Thanksgiving OR Victoria Day as a paid holiday, unlike EVERYWHERE else in Canada.... welcome to the armpit of Canada...
April 26, 2012 , posted by D ,
I work for a company where the manufacturing dept works 4 on 4 off. They have decided to change the stat holiday pay structure. The way it will work is that we will only get stat holiday pay if we work the holiday. If the holiday falls on our days off, we get nothing. Because of the random outcome of scheduling vs holiday dates it is possible to end up being paid for only a couple stats in a year. Is this right?
April 23, 2012 , posted by Brad Gibson ,
If you are considered a seasonal worker and get laid off off every winter are you entilted to stat holiday pay during the time you are are working full time?(sring,summer,fall)
April 21, 2012 , posted by Balaji ,
I am working for Petro Canada as a customer service Representative in gas station and I worked on 6th and 9th of April 2012(8hours*2 days=16hrs) i.e.Good Friday and Easter day but they did\'t pay either 1.5 times salary or holiday with pay for that day I worked. For both the stat holidays So, please clarify the same.
April 20, 2012 , posted by jay ,
if a stat falls on a weekend and you dont work on weekends do you get payed for it or do you get a day off with pay
April 18, 2012 , posted by matt ,
I have a question that I cant find the answer, wondering if anyone knows.........I worked the day before a stat holiday, on the stat day and then was sick the succeding day.....I was not paid for the holiday(just timeand a half on the holiday)......I have been reading about this issue and all I can find is if you dont work the shift before the stat. Day or the next schedualed shift you are not elidgable for the 8 hour stat. But nothing about actually working on the holiday and not getting paid the 8 hours. If anyone knows the answer to this question, I would appreciate a response. Thanx
April 15, 2012
June 21st is not listed here for Manitoba\'s Aboriginal Solidarity day.
April 11, 2012
Having a bit of a dispute here at work. One of my co-workers is stating that Easter Monday is a stat holiday under the federal law. Which is what our company falls under as we are a transportation company. However we have the the booklet from the government and it doesn't include Easter Monday. Can anyone shed some light on this cause when I research it I am seeing that it is considered a stat holiday under the federal law, so I am confused
April 9, 2012 , posted by JoLoRo
I absolutely agree that November 11th should be a day that is observed Nationally! We are enjoying a great many freedoms that we might not otherwise have if not for the men and women who fought in WW1, WW2 and Korea. Shame on the Ontario Government for choosing not to recognize the contributions that these brave people made on our behalf!!!!
April 8, 2012
I cant believe we don\'t respect the soldiers who gave their lives for our freedom. Please Ontario make it a Statutory Holiday.
Thank you
April 8, 2012 , posted by Sheryl ,
Just wondering: Good Friday is mentioned and Easter Monday is mentioned but What about Easter itself?? No where is Easter Sunday mentioned...just wondering because I had to work it.
April 8, 2012
I don't understand how Good Friday and Easter Monday can be Stat days, when Easter itself is not.. really??
April 8, 2012
Obligation to work on the holiday if required in five provinces and all three territories an employee requested to work must do so, or if they do not report to work they forfeit their holiday pay.
Obligation to work on the working day preceding/following the holiday in most jurisdictions employees are required to work on their regularly scheduled working day immediately before and after the statutory holiday in order to get holiday pay
But it really up to the employeer if they want to pay you or not.IE..If you phone in sick and you were sick and your boss believes you I am sure no lost of pay would be made, but if you are a person who regulary books off on long weekends or don\\\'t show up for your shift the employeer has the right to not pay you.
April 7, 2012 , posted by Krizola
I have worked on Easter Friday 2012 which is a Statutory holiday. I have also worked a day before this holiday but failed to work my next scheduled work day. I'm i entitled for for Statutory holiday pay? If not how should my employer pay. Thank you in advance. Please help?
April 5, 2012 , posted by Andrew
THere are certainly not enough Stat Holidays in BC!! When will they make FAMILY DAY a stat in BC for FEB. already!!! March, June & October need a stat Holiday!! They should make BC day a stat,..
April 5, 2012 , posted by Snowed ,
Tomorrow is stat holiday Good Friday. I went to work today but the power was out and we were all sent home. Do I still get paid for tomorrow?
April 4, 2012 , posted by Matt
I think easter monday should be a stat holiday in alberta canada please. My fiance has it off. We need equality in this country.
April 4, 2012 , posted by Kathleen ,
For grocery store clerks - Does the employer have a choice on which day to pay 1.5 for Good Friday or Easter Monday?
April 4, 2012 , posted by Gerry Mahar ,
Just for your information, Canada Day in 2012 will fall on July 2nd, not the 1st, as the Federal legislation governing that holiday states that
"2. (1) July 1, not being a Sunday, is a legal holiday and shall be kept and observed as such throughout Canada under the name of "Canada Day".
(2) When July 1 is a Sunday, July 2 is a legal holiday and shall be kept and observed as such throughout Canada under the name of "Canada Day". "
Most calendars in Canada don't seem to be aware of this fact.
April 3, 2012 , posted by Len ,
if I work less than 40hrs in the week before a stat holiday, is my holiday pay reduced accordingly?
ie: 35hrs=7.5 hrs stat pay
April 3, 2012
I work a 12Hr "continental Shift" schedule.
When does a "statutory holiday" begin?
For example. If I were to work Thursday Night shift (7:30pm to 7:30am), and Friday is Good Friday (a stat), should I get paid premium pay from 12am to 7:30am?
It is not my companies policy to do so, and they only pay "premium pay" to workers scheduled to work beginning at 7:30am to 7:30pm, in which case, they are paid at 1.5 times the regular rate + 8hrs stat.
I would only receive 8hrs Stat time.
April 1, 2012 , posted by Nick
Hmmm... I don't see any reference to Manitoba's "Louis Riel Day" which falls on other provinces' "Family Day".
March 30, 2012 , posted by JoeW
It would be nice if your site was iCal friendly. i.e. the ability to download/import directly into iCal (for us OSX users)
March 26, 2012 , posted by Hugo ,
Hi there. My name is Hugo Guardado. I live in Ottawa and I would like to receive information about advertising in your site i.e. types, sizes, pricing, frequency, etc.
You can reach me at
March 23, 2012 , posted by Stacy ,
Hello, I really like your site. However, for the web page "2010 Holidays" your first paragraph contains the following:
{Then there are no stat holidays until Family Day (3nd Monday of February) in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario and Islander Day in PEI}
Did you mean to say 2nd, or 3rd Monday of February? Please correct and update when you get a chance. Thanks!
March 22, 2012 , posted by Rob
I work at a 24/7 non union Security company and have a set work schedule (40 hours a week). If, for example, Christmas falls on my work day, I have to work it, as with every other Stat. Do I have the option legally of choosing not to work Stats and willingly losing that day of pay if it falls on my work week? Can my company force me to work it, unless I take it as a prebooked vacation day? Can they fire me if I don\'t work Stats? I get payed 1.5 + Stat Worked pay when I do work a Stat. I feel one should have the choice, although it would result in losing a day of pay occasionally. Comments and feedback appreciated.
March 20, 2012 , posted by Tarin ,
Our company policy is any hours exceeding 44 hours in a work week is considered overtime. I work Monday to Friday. 8 hours a day. I was asked to work Saturday April 7/12. Friday the 6th is a stat holiday and therefore I do not work but still get my 8 hours pay. Technically I will work 32 hours. But I will be paid for 40.
If I work the 9 hour shift on Saturday, should I receive 5 hours of overtime pay? Or should it be all straight pay?
March 16, 2012
RE: Canada 2012 holiday grid
The printer friendly and PDF versions are different from the grid on your website for the 2012 civic holiday on Aug 6 for SASK.
March 12, 2012 , posted by Darakshan ,
What if the holiday comes on a Sunday? Like this year Canada day is on Sunday so do yu get extra holiday on the next day???
March 8, 2012 , posted by marek ,
I was on a sick leave two weeks before the family day long weekend in Feb. this year 2012 and still continued to be on the leave three weeks after the long weekend. my employer told me I am not entitled to stat holiday pay because I didn\'t work 20 days prior to the weekend. I think he is wrong. What does the law say about it? Anybody knows?
March 6, 2012
Does a part-time employee who does not work on Fridays get an extra day off for Good Friday?
March 5, 2012
\"a leap year is a year that can be divided by 400 or 4 but not by 100\"
Can anyone see what\'s wrong with this? How can something be divisible by 400 but not 100? A leap year is divisible by 4 but not 100.
March 5, 2012 , posted by Kim Love ,
if you are a new employee, still on 3 month probation period, are you entitled to a statutory holiday within that 3 month period. Should the employee work that day, in this case, Family Day, is the employee eligible for time and half?
March 3, 2012
Is there a maximum # of hours to pay holiday pay in Ontario?
February 29, 2012 , posted by Russ
Re: July 1st 2012
Provincial legislation generally specifies \'Canada Day\' NOT July 1st as a statutory holiday. I know Manitoba does. There is a reason for that. Canada Day does not always fall on July 1st. Read the Holiday Act:
Canada Day
2. (1) July 1, not being a Sunday, is a legal holiday and shall be kept and observed as such throughout Canada under the name of \"Canada Day\".
(2) When July 1 is a Sunday, July 2 is a legal holiday and shall be kept and observed as such throughout Canada under the name of \"Canada Day\".
So if you work on July 2nd, 2012 you are working on Canada Day, a statutory holiday.
February 28, 2012
And check out this one too!
February 28, 2012
Hey everyone....check out our government website!
February 27, 2012
Re: Ontario... Is Family Day a paid stat ? Is Remembrance Day a paid stat ? The website info varies depending on which site I go to.
February 27, 2012 , posted by James T.
My parents immigrated to Canada in the sixties, and as a family we love this great country of ours.What I can\'t understand is why there is any debate on making Remembrance day a national holiday all across this great land in the first place. After all, was it not the sacrifice made by so many that ensured the greatness and liberty of this nation? A day off would give more of us the opportunity to visit local memorials to reflect, and give thanks for our freedom.Furthermore, to those who feel that November 11 is meaningless to them I say \"be grateful to those who laid down their lives for you too\".The perpetrators of the last great war had plans for all peoples along the lines of ethnicity, race, color, creed, and gender preference. In fact, some of us would not be around today. Through patriot love: Oh Canada!!!
February 27, 2012 , posted by Betty ,
Is the Monday after Sunday July 1st 2012 a holiday in Manitoba? I am planning a wedding and need to know this asap please...
February 23, 2012
Did you know that the NCC of Canadian Blood Services makes their employees work 2 extra hours each shift after a stat holiday to make up for giving them the Sunday off? so it really is not a stat holiday for them.
February 21, 2012 , posted by CP
November 11 should be a stat holiday. No doubt about it. I take the day off without pay I might add and attend a nearby
ceremony at a local park. My father gave 6 years of his life and was wounded twice. We should have time to reflect about soldiers lost past and present. Those of us who care
should have the day to reflect. I'm sure everyone used Family Day for the purpose it was created!! SHAME ON US FOR
February 21, 2012 , posted by Suzette Lawniczak ,
For those in Calgary...what is your practice for the Calgary Stampede? Budiness as usual, half or full day off?
February 20, 2012
The stats you list for MB are incorrect according to the Manitoba labour standards website.
February 20, 2012
Boxing Day is not a stat holiday in BC
February 18, 2012
Just a note on your explanation of a leap year... if a year can be divided by 400, it can be divided by 100. So, something incorrect in your explanation.
February 14, 2012 , posted by daddy warbucks
Why should employers have to shoulder the cost of employees wanting time off during the week? When did people start getting the idea they should be paid for not working.
February 14, 2012
In Quebec, we have one statutory holiday for Easter but it is not always the Easter Monday. Good Friday or Easter Monday is at the employers choice and can change from one year to the other.
February 13, 2012
i was just wondering if the holiday lands on one of your shecduled days off does the company still have to pay you for that sat holiday.
February 10, 2012 , posted by rj
You sir are a fool and uneducated as to why jobs are leaving our country. They leave because there is more money to be made by taking advantage of cheaper labour markets in developing countries. The savings these big corporations are getting on labour are not being passed on to the consumers of this country. They are being used to pad the bottom line of these very same corporations. You say you work 90 hours to sustain a moderate living??? Do you believe this is the amount of hours you should work to sustain a moderate living?? If you do you are a fool and are sacrificing your whole life to make others rich. There is nothing wrong with corporations making huge profits as long as their employees can also live comfortably. By comfortably I mean a decent house, health care and time to spend with their family. Luckily enough this is a self solving problem as corporate greed and government greed (which are by the way one in the same) are going to lead to anarchy and a rising up of the working class to seek what is rightfully theirs (a comfortable life). Take a look at Greece right now to see the future of what is to come in North America. You keep working 90 hours and when your children grow up and don't know who their father is or was, will it have been worth it??
February 9, 2012 , posted by St. Party\'s Day ,
We believe March 17th - what we call St. Party\'s Day - should be a statutory holiday in Canada. For more information pls visit
January 30, 2012 , posted by James Bannister ,
I work in a pub in BC. I have a question about new years as a stat holiday. I know if you do not work you recieve a paid day off. If you do work new years day are your employers required to pay time and a half? Thannk you
James Bannister
January 27, 2012 , posted by Editor
To JS in BC.
Dear JS. I appreciate your comments. I would support making Remembrance Day a stat holiday if the government somehow regulated what people do with that day off. Currently at workplaces, private and not, many employers set aside a minute of silence at 11am and schools also have organized events to remember all those who gave their lives in wars. I think if this was a stat holiday people would go to the mall and watch TV all day and wouldn't spend time reflecting on the past and thinking about the future.
January 27, 2012
We are shift workers on a rotating schedule. We are off on July 1\' 2012, however, July 2 we will return to work. In this case as someone is working on July 1 do they not receive stat pay compensation, or is that only for workers who are at work on July 2
January 24, 2012 , posted by JS in BC
To Editor:
I'm totally outraged by your comments about how Rememberance Day should be replaced. You clearly don't live like the other millions of Canadians who spend Nov 11th remembering what so many Canadians died for. If your family is that important then the time you spend with them should be part of your daily, not annual, routine!
January 20, 2012
How long does your employer have to post your next work week schedule?
January 19, 2012 , posted by Sara
I worked on Christmas eve, Christmas day and the day free Christmas. I worked the same 3 days for new years as well. That being said, I am salary employee. When we asked our boss how the stat pay works she said that if we worked a stat day we will get 1 paid day off reserved for us. So I have few concerns about that. First of all, if I worked a stat day, I should be getting paid, 1.00 (time) + 1.5 ( time and half). So why is it that I should be getting only 1 paid day off? Also my boss said because I am still on my probation, I would have no paid days or vacation banked for. So how this work??? By the way, I\'m from B.C
January 19, 2012
I cannot believe that Ontario does not give Remembrance Day as a stat day - shame on you.
January 16, 2012
I would like to download the PDF version, but I get an error message each time I try.
January 9, 2012
Boxing day is NOT a stat in BC
January 9, 2012 , posted by shane
Hi I have 2 caregivers who work taking care of my mom.. They were both off from Dec 23 to Jan 7.. Am I obliged to pay them for Christmas, New years and Boxing day
Can someone help?
January 9, 2012 , posted by Vijay ,
If I work for a BC company but am stationed in Alberta, do I qualify for the Family day holiday?
January 6, 2012
Just a quick note: in BC Boxing Day is a stat holiday.
January 5, 2012 , posted by Bernie Leger ,
How are stat holidays calculated in New Brunswick example : If I work 5 consective weeks of 40hrs and one at 37.5hrs but I did work the day before and the day after and only received 6hrs of holiday pay instead of 8hrs what give is there a formula and if so what is it
January 5, 2012 , posted by K
I am a Salaried worker and the company I work for shuts down for 2-4 weeks at christmas. I am forced to use my vacation pay for this time otherwise I don not get paid. Is this right?
January 4, 2012
do you pay additional public holiday pay to salaried employees for stat holidays when business is closed for those days
January 4, 2012 , posted by JB ,
Statutory Holidays in NB New Years Day, Good Friday, Canada Day, NB Day, Labour Day, Remembrance Day and Christmas Day Boxing Day is not a stat holiday.
This being said: If you worked on Christmas Day (or any of the above holidays) you should receive 1.5 times your regular wages for those hours worked + your average shift. However there are exceptions to this rule Hotels, motels, restaurants, bars, resorts or any business that is classified as a continuous operation.
A continuous operation is a business that due to their nature can not shutdown for weekends or holidays or keep normal Monday to Friday business hours.
If you work in one of these business the employer can certainly pay you 1.5 times your regular wages for the time worked on a holiday plus your average shift OR they can pay you your normal wages for time worked and give you another day off with pay.
Most employees in continuous operations work on the holiday, getting their regular wages and have an extra sum of money (equivalent to their average shift) added to their next pay cheque.
If you are normally off on the weekend and a holiday is on your days off, you are entitled to a paid day off. Depending on your employer, you may need to request this day off but you will get paid for it.
If your employer does not schedule a day off for you and you do not request it you should have an extra days pay (or your average shift) on your next pay cheque. So, if you work 5 days and a holiday was on your day off = you should be paid for your 5 days + your average shift.
This does not mean that you will be in overtime as overtime is based off of hours worked. You would have to physically work over 44 hours to get paid overtime and the overtime would only count on the hours above 44 (calculated at 1.5 times minimum wage).
A company does not have to give the day after a holiday off to an employee. The day off is to be agreed upon by both the employer and the employee.
There are requirement to receiving stat pay such as:
You must have worked for your employer for at least 90 days in the 12 months before the holiday.
You must work your scheduled shift before and after the holiday Meaning if the holiday is on a Monday and your next workday is Friday, you need to work on the Friday to be eligible Unless you have a reasonable cause for not coming into work.
You must show up to work on the holiday if agreed upon unless you have reasonable cause not to do so.
To answer most peoples questions the holiday remains on the day it falls. New Years was Sunday January 1st. If your boss chose to give you the Monday off, that is up to your employer. If your employer chose to give you the Friday off, again this is their choice but it is not regulated only the minimum they must compensate you is regulated.
January 1, 2012 , posted by Jamie
I worked the week before Christmas 19th <-> 23rd.
Had 25/26 off (as per stat day)
And worked 27th <-> 31st.
Had the 1st Jan off (as per stat day)
I am scheduled to work this Monday the 2th <-> 6th Jan.
My question is: with the 3 stat holidays that have passed, is my employer obligated to pay me 1.5x pay for them and how many hours should be calculated per the stat day?
The week of Christmas would also push my hours past a 44hr week schedule with the 2 stats. Does this means I\'m also entitle to overtime pay?
January 1, 2012
You are no longer required to work the day before and after the statutory holiday as was previously the case in order to receive holiday pay. It is now based on your average day\'s earning during the previous 20 days.
January 1, 2012 ,
I am not a goverment employee and I am wondering if I have monday off? I worked friday and my boss has told us we have to work monday.
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Got something to say about federal, provincial or municipal statutory holidays in Canada? Your comments and stories are welcome in our forum.
We are unable to answer questions related to employment by-laws; if you wish to find out if you are entitled to (extra) pay on certain holidays under certain circumstances please contact your HR department or consult the official Canadian Human Resources website.