Boxing Day in 2015 - Viewing All Comments
Will you get a day of in lieu for Boxing Day in 2015? Will you work on Boxing Day? What are your work arrangements?
I got paid for Stat holidays, Christmas and boxing day, but I worked on the Tuesday which would be a holiday for Christmas I believe. If so should I have been paid Stat plus time and a half for working it?
Boxing Day is a statutory holiday. In 2016 it will be celebrated on Monday the 26th and The statutory holiday for Christmas will be on Tuesday December 27, 2016.
In Ontario it is a STAT Day and you are to receive the day off with pay. If you work it you are to receive time and a half plus stat pay does not matter what day it falls on. If you are Salary you are entitled to another day off in leiu.
Anyone that has questions about the labor law or needs to know what their rights are, I can facilitate wherw to get the right information. We are too use to been polite and correct mean while there are a lot of dishonest employers that would take advantage. Know your rights. Get informed. Teach others how.
In Ontario, Boxing Day is a stat holiday. Plain and simple. If you or someone you know didn't receive holiday pay, or a lieu day if you're on salary, it's up to you to react appropriately.
Boxing Day is not a Statutory holiday - you can tell because Costco is open ! Many businesses give a paid day off for Boxing Day, but it is not required by law.
The branches of the RBC that were in malls opened on Saturday, Dec 26 2015 but the other branches were closed both on Sat, Dec 26 and Mon, Dec 28 2015.
Monday the 28th was a day off in lieu of at my company.
In Ontario, Boxing Day is a "Public Holiday", it being on a Saturday is completely irrelevant. Read the act, if you were not given holiday pay, or a day off, you're employer is most likely wrong. There are of course exceptions, read up and find out if you apply.
Any inside into this scenario would be great. How about a shift worker, Salary supervisor and a Stat holiday not worked but you still work 48 hours regularly every week?
My brother who is a mechanic at a large car dealership had to work Boxing Day (Saturday) in Ontario. He did not receive a day off either prior or after, nor did he receive holiday pay for Saturday because his employer said its not a stat holiday. According to what I am reading it is a stat holiday and he should have at least received holiday pay. He questioned it and was told if he doesn't like it ... leave.
In retail, Boxing Day is a big day and the company does not give anything away to employees freely. (No Union) If you want the day off then you must book months in advance to even be considered. I took it off unpaid because I can't stand all the hoopla of Boxing Day Sales. (I spent the day visiting friends) Boxing Day should be a legislated, paid holiday for everyone in Canada. Companies rake in tons of money on that day and should be required to pay extra to have staff coverage that day. The American influence in Canada sucks big time.
What I want to know is whether Mon. Dec. 28 counts as a statutory holiday as far as hydro use goes. No website I've gone to has any answer.
I am giving my guys the day off with pay as it is a way of showing a degree of thanks for the rest of the year and not harbouring bitterness the rest of the year when I need the loyalty.
I think that R is a union employee perhaps a teacher. If production is down then pay should be down. No work, no pay. Some people need a wake up call
Alberta, Union Job, Full time employees dont work on Saturday but get Monday as lieu of Boxing Day, which means they get Friay, Saturday, Sunday, Monday off... So Full time people will get Monday off as a lieu of Boxing Day
Boxing Day is a stat holiday in ontario
I am a 12 hour shift worker and this xmas has me on Fr., Sat. and Sun. Both xmas and boxing day are on my shift. I claim 8 hrs. at 1.5 and 4 hrs. at double on both days. Those day workers are normally off on Sat. so they are given Fri. and Mon. off for the xmas break as well as some employers let them off at 12 on Thur.
From the Ministry of Labour website....
When a Public Holiday Falls on an Employee's Non-Working Day or During an Employee's Vacation
When a public holiday falls on a day that is not ordinarily a working day for an employee, or during the employee's vacation, the employee is entitled to either:
a substitute holiday off with public holiday pay;
public holiday pay for the public holiday, if the employee agrees to this in writing (in this case, the employee will not be given a substitute day off).
Okay Boxing Day in Canada is Saturday this year ... most employers know production is little or nothing at this time of the year. A fine gesture to show appreciation of your employees is to give them Monday 28th December .. paid of course ... this is the season of giving ... when you appreciate employees they will remember and respond in kind when it gets to a crunch time ... my employees are getting paid and off on the 28th of December
If you are a union worker and it's in your contract as a Stat, then you'll receive Stat pay. Some employers give it as a Stat. This is a kindness, as they don't have to. Boxing day is not the Stat holiday. Christmas day is the only day you would normally be paid for.
It is not a stat, so no day off or extra pay
Nobody has answered the question about Boxing Day on a Saturday this year. Yes, I know that if you normally don't work that day then you get another day off in lieu; usually the working day prior (which I can't) or the working day following (boss says I'm not allowed that day). I'll have to figure out what my rights are as I would like the Monday Dec 28th off. I've read that some stat holidays the day in lieu can be negotiated but Boxing Day isn't one of them. My question is for the people who may or may not normally work. Some of our staff rotate through working Saturdays; so yes, all of them work Saturdays just not all the time. How does this work for them? We are closed, so some would normally have had to work and others those people get a day in lieu or do all of them just get paid holiday pay for the day and nothing else? None of the literature covers the situation of only working occasional Saturdays.
In New Brunswick, when Christmas Day is a Friday, a Saturday or a Sunday, the holiday is the 24th to 27th days of December inclusive. As Boxing Day falls on a Saturday this year, the statutory holiday will be observed on Thursday, December 24, 2015.
At my place of employment, staff that normally work Saturday will have it off and get paid for it. Staff that do not work Saturday will have the choice of being off with pay either the 24th of December or the 31st of December. Seniority will start the decision process as all staff cannot be off and the same day. Therefore we will operate with a skeleton crew on the 24th and the 31st. This works for us yet may not work for all companies.
My freedom of speech is not about Boxing Day -- I have to say "What is wrong with this picture, we have a paid 'family Day' off when we should be making time for 'family' to begin with? What is really, really important is our Remembrance Day November 11th and this day should have been a paid Statutory Day off for all Provinces LONG AGO - Shame, shame on Canada it is a disgrace to not make this special day remembered and that we honour those whose who serve and served to give us freedom.
RE Anon's comment about shame Box. Day not for never was. It was an English custom where the gentry gave a 'box' of food/gifts to their servants/workers the day after Christmas...probably to also reward them for working like dogs on Christmas Day to make the meals, etc. for the wealthy!!!
7. What happens if a general holiday falls on a non-working day?
If New Year's Day, Canada Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, or Boxing Day falls on a Sunday or Saturday that is a non-working day for an employee, the employee is entitled to a holiday with pay on the working day immediately preceding or following the general holiday. If one of the other general holidays not listed above falls on a non-working day, then a holiday with pay may be added to the employee's annual vacation or granted at another mutually convenient time.
Coming from Ireland (16 years ago) I am always at a loss as to what is a stat holiday and having worked in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta and now Nova Scotia they all seem to be different so I look up your site just to check!
Why can't all Provinces/Territories have the same stat Holidays? Would make it so much easier!
I have 2 full time employees and I pay them stat holiday pay. Do I have to pay the part time employees stat holiday pay? The part timers work anywhere from 10 to 30 hours.
boxing day is a stat in Ontario!
Well with my current schedule, I will have Christmas and boxing day off. I will work Christmas if they want me to work it though. Boxing day I'd like to have off for store specials!
Boxing day is a total joke in my opinion. And Malls being open on the first day of the new year, even worse!!! It is all about money I guess..not family, too sad!!
Yes it should be a paid holiday it has been every year that it doesn't fall on a Saturday
As boxing day is not a general holiday in Alberta most organizations will not provide another day in lieu. However, as a company that has provided Boxing Day in the past another day needs to be provided as all stat holiday rules apply once the decision has been made to provide this holiday.
Boxing day in the province of Ontario IS a stat holiday. If you don't normally work, you should get the next work day off.
Statutory holidays are regulated provincially, not federally, so vary from province to province
RE : Remebrance day is not a Holiday in Ontario, only for Federal employees. For everyone else it is a regular working day.
In the average work place, Boxing day is not a stat holiday nor a public holiday. it may be treated as such if it has been a subject of prior negotiations within a union or similar. If it is not mandated as a holiday in your current place of employment, it is simply another working day left to the discretion of the Employer to give the day off or not.
Boxing Day is not a statutory holiday
Are most of the commenters on here under 21? This is not the first time Christmas or Boxing Day or New Years has fallen on a weekend. It's all been done before. It's been figured out for decades.
As stated in the Employment Standards act:
Public holiday not ordinarily a working day
29. (1) If a public holiday falls on a day that would not ordinarily be a working day for an employee or a day on which the employee is on vacation, the employer shall substitute another day that would ordinarily be a working day for the employee to take off work and for which he or she shall be paid public holiday pay as if the substitute day were a public holiday. 2000, c. 41, s. 29 (1).
(2) A day that is substituted for a public holiday under subsection (1) shall be,
(a) a day that is no more than three months after the public holiday; or
(b) if the employee and the employer agree, a day that is no more than 12 months after the public holiday. 2000, c. 41, s. 29 (2).
Oh my goodness. People need to grow up on here.
I just wanted to reiterate exactly what Sarah said about Anonymous' comment. Yes, this person is a complete idot. I can't even believe he/she would suggest moving Remembrance Day to make it a long weekend. There's a reason it's always on November 11th dimwit. Maybe you should read up on some history before opening your mouth.
In my Collective Agreement all permanent employees get December 24-January 1st off at a rate equal to their normal rate of pay for that time. It's a pretty sweet deal.
I know under my collective agreement if it falls on a day of rest (I.e. a weekend) we get the next business day off in lieu. That's just for me though not sure about any other companies, everyone is different.
The way i look at it, if you work you get paid extra by law and if you dont work you get paid straight time....your company knows the law so you get two days off a week and it is be a monday or any other day of that week or the week after things will work out.....
The top comment which will be just beneath my comment I assume, is a complete idiot. Boxing day regardless of who serves who, is a stat in Ontario. If you do not have it off, it is because of your career choice. If you are in retail, it is because they get paid double time and a half to work this day and it is critical for sales. Those that usually crumble like below are those that work it and are bitter. I worked this day for 7 years as a General Manager and it is a choice!!!! Change career or continue to work certain days of the year. As for the November 11th comment. That one is beyond disgusting! November 11th is not about having a long weekend!!! It is about those that died for us and deserve a day of silence ON THAT DAY! Not to make it more appealing for idiots~
First I don't know if these comments go anywhere important because Boxing Day should be a regular back to work day. If you're the one who has a day off ( paid ) and you're out shopping on Boxing Day then you are a hipocrit because you want other people to work. Who is serving you on Boxing Day? People who didn't get the day off. So it's really not fair. The actual Holiday begins Christmas Eve followed by Christmas Day. So the late night is usually Christmas Eve and earlier evenings Christmas Day. Boxing Day should be regular back to work day for everyone, including government jobs. November 11 th should be a holiday but not always on the 11 th. Since Monday's are the best Day off then maybe the 2 nd Monday of November and call it Rememberence Holiday
New Years day. January
Family day. February
March Break. March ( sometimes end of month is Good Friday)
Good Friday & Easter Sunday. April
Victoria Day. May
June - pick a 2nd Monday holiday ( called "appreciation day" ?)
Canada day July
Civic Holiday August
Labour day. September
Thanks giving October
Rememberence holiday. November. Then Christmas day in December ( forget Boxing Day)
Boxing Day being a required Statutory holiday is dependent upon the jurisdiction of your company's payroll. If you are Federally sanctioned it IS a Statutory holiday, and you are paid for the day while having the day off, or given the next business day off in lieu when, in this case it falls to a non-business day.
Boxing day is traditional holiday for so many years and people in Ontario used to have one day off on this date, even though it is a so-called "not stat" day. Previously When Christmas day and Boxing day fell to Saturday and Sunday, it took Monday and Tuesday for the make-up days. Why not December 28, 2015 to make up the Boxing day on Dec 26, 2015. I wonder.
Boxing day is a Stat in Ontario, If you work that day you get time and half plus your stat pay. I feel like employers will try and get out of paying people for it in 2015, but it should be either the stat pay OR a day in Lieu
Boxing Day is not a statutory holiday in BC. Some unions may have negotiated it as a paid holiday, but non-unionized employers are not required to give the day off, regardless of what day of the week it falls on. If an employer gives Boxing Day as a paid holiday, it is a gift. If Boxing Days falls on a non-working day, the employer gives a day in lieu, it is also a gift. There is no entitlement in BC.
Boxing Day is not a stat holiday everywhere - only in Ontario. (and for government?). Many employers give this day off anyway but often they don't have to!
Our organization does not support Boxing Day as a holiday.
My place of employment is open 7 days a week, with most people working M-F. I work over the weekend, so I get the day off, while those who do not work Sat/Sun will get a lieu day. We also get to leave early on the 24th (1pm) and 31st (3pm), workload permitting. But, if the stat falls on a weekend, our employer will often give us the Friday or Monday to compensate (or if Xmas/Boxing Days fall on Sat & Sun, Friday and Monday). The law states that, if you do not work on a day where a stat falls, you must be compensated with another day off that falls nearest to it (i.e., Xmas on Sat, Fri off), or a day in lieu - usually decided upon by the employer (an office can close, a store can't). Most employers will request that this day off be taken ASAP.
Last time I checked- Boxing Day was not considered a "Stat" Holiday.
It's entirely up to the employer as to whether they treat it as a holiday or not.
The laws that safeguard employees is either the Employment Standards Act or the Canada Labour Code. If you are an employee - get to know it. It should be taught in school so that people start working day one knowing what their rights are. Any Stat holiday that falls on a weekend is paid on agreement between the employer and worker if it is to be another day off or with pay. This applies to Monday Friday work hours. If normally working Saturday and the employer gives that day off then that is paid. Know your rights - Do not work the next 40 years "wondering"
we get Monday off for Sat
I get Monday in lieu as we are not open Saturday 's.
Isn't there some law that regulates boxing day pay?
Our company pays us stat pay for both Christmas day and Boxing day. When they fall on the weekend we get to take days in lieu of those days. Generally the office will close the 1(or 2) days after the weekend, or people can choose to take their days when they want, within reason.
Nevermind what happens with Boxing Day this year - it'll get super confusing next year with Christmas on a weekend! Ha, people will go nuts :)
I will get Thursday off before Christmas Day.