Can't take a break from holiday gear
Christmas decoration, treats and gifts are in stores immediately after Halloween. Sometimes even earlier. Is this right?
Stores have surely crossed a line. The commercialization of every holiday, every day is sickening. While shopping for Halloween gear you will likely come across Christmas decor near the end of October. Then, the day after Halloween, Christmas marketing is in full gear. At department stores employees wear festive shirts early November. Aisle after aisle after aisle: full of Christmas decoration and treats.
This picture was taken on November 3rd.
After Christmas we get a break for a few weeks then everything all of a sudden is about Easter. In January! Then after Easter it's end-of-school deals and Canada Day then back-to-school madness then immediately after that it's Halloween again.
What do you think about the constant promotion of holiday gear?
As long as everything is manufactured outside of Canada and arrives in Canada on Cargo ships to the various ports in Canada , and once the distributer has the shipment they are having too get it redistributed so they can bill retailers. I'm fact the distributor in some may well have been required to pay for the entrire shipment in order to "land" (clear: paying the cost, import taxes and duties) to have the goods release d and csnnot carry those costs until they are paid by retailers! So at the end of the day, this is all
Leading to a single person my; holiday merch will be on the shelves when it is on the shelves and if we don't like that Christnsss appears at Costco before Halloween, we don't have to buy anything until we are ready too, or in need! They have Peanut Butter all year around but we don't have to buy it every visit if we don't need any!
It takes the joy out of holidays when they're promoted for so long. Now you see Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving, and Christmas decorations for sale all at the same time. Give us a break. Let's keep SOMETHING special, please!!!!!
It's all about the dollar and greed. The holidays are pushed more and now than when I was young. It's no wonder the impact and true meaning of these holidays has been lost or forgotten!
For as long as we are a free country (thank you Veterans!) I believe we have the right to do our own thing. If your thing is Veteran's Day, remember and honour as you please. If you want to mark other holidays or special days, do it as you please, it's really nobody else's business what you do as long as it's legal. I do not believe we have the right to tell anybody else to do what we want them to. Who's right? We are the masters of our own destiny, thanks to Christ and Veterans! We are not the masters of others.
Everyone says not til after November 11th to show respect to veterans however no one asks the veterans. First of all for most of the year people don’t pay any attention to veterans and for the sake of one day, they will shame those who enjoy decorating for Christmas. First all veterans past and present fought and sometimes died so we could enjoy our decorations and have the freedom to put them up anytime we like. Secondly those who enjoy their decorations have less occurrences of seasonal depression and third ask a vet! Oh by the way, I am a veteran and it makes me happy that decorations make you happy so celebrate your freedoms. They’ve come at a heavy price. And lastly, my tree is up!
we're suppose to be free country. If some folks think remembrance day is so important, just celebrate it your way, but DO NOT try to legislate the sale of a product
I think its important for people to observe Remembrance Day, if it's something they do, without having society go on to the next holiday. Having Christmas shoved in your face immediately after Halloween totally takes away from the significance of Christmas and other Winter holidays people observe, like Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, or Hanukkah.
Personally I think we shouldn't commercialize holidays and try to avoid all the hype with my family. As for Ron's comment on Remembrance Day, to me it's like Canada Day, not much for me or my family to celebrate with either.
Remembrance Day should be a holiday and it is up to the caregivers to observe it and inform their children of the importance of the day. Enough of sloughing it off to the school as some lazy people think should be done.
The Legion should rethink their stand on this and reinforce the importance of this day to the ADULTS!
As for certain provinces not observing this day as a holiday is downright disrespectful; they should have both-a Family Day and Remembrance Day-has holidays as they certainly go hand-in-hand. Once you realize the only reason we have a Family Day is because of why there is a Remembrance Day!!
I am not a "Vet" however I realize what Remembrance Day stands for!
As for Christmas shopping and displays before Remembrance Day-JUST DO NOT BUY!!
Remembrance Day is the most important day for me. I think employees should be permitted to take paid time off work for an hour and a half to attend a Remembrance day ceremony at 11 am. I don't think think Remembrance Day should be a holiday as many people do not think about or do anything related to remembrance on November 11 which is highly disrespectful. I agree that for families and others, Family day in February is a needed break - what a dismal grey winter was 2019.
In my opinion, Remembrance Day is one of THE most sacred days we have. It should not be treated any less important than Christmas, Labour Day, Thanksgiving or any other holiday. I think it should be a holiday across Canada and our children and their children be taught what the day truly means. As for the Christmas decorations, I don't think anyone is asking people to forego their freedoms - just the opposite, but for a mere 11 days after Halloween, to simply remember these brave women and men who fought and died for us, before starting your holiday season. "Lest we forget".
Well said andre,could not have put it better,we are an armed forces family,and are split on this, but we have been given the freedom enjoy it
People should be able to decorate their house with Christmas decorations any time they want. The point of serving this country is to ensure that we as citizens can be free to live ours lives. Stores are run by people, who themselves have goals, desires, dreams and freedom to manage their business how they see fit. As a serving member, I have no objection to allowing freedom. Wear the poppy, take a few moments to reflect, say thank you. Don't destroy your freedom, embrace it.
Correction on spelling: it is aisle, not isle. An isle is a small island or peninsula. I think it needs to be a law that CHristmass stuff does not hit shelves until November 15 minimum.
In this diverse world of ours.
I believe a holiday is what you make of it. If you are a material person then you buy into the commercialism of it all.
I like to celebrate our holidays as a world holiday. A time to put a smile on everyone's face. Presents come from the heart. We picked names this year and set a limit. My son gives experiences for a gift( 2 tickets to a concert or show ,time at the fun park for the kids). Nothing. To unwrap and throw away. This year I got my grandson swimming lessons.
The nice thing about Remembrance Day is that we have the FREEDOM of putting up our Christmas Decorations the day after Halloween. Remembrance Day is too somber for little children. We should always consider shutting off our outdoor Christmas lights the night before Remembrance Day and until after 10:00 pm out of respect for the veterans at service.
Stores sell Christmas decors very early coz some people buy them.. (Filipinos for example). They are a business and they want to make profit. If you'd rather not have them then dont buy.
I think it should be illegal to put Christmas decorations in stores before Remembrance Day. If it was not for the people that fought for us we would not have the lives we have. Respect should be shown to these people and Remembrance Day is the day we do it.
When should commercial establishments start promoting the Christmas Season? IMHO at least not until after the Canadian Thanksgiving and PREFERABLY after REMEMBRANCE DAY (veteran speaking here). The reality is that businesses usually make or break their year during this season....and....many employees (especially SEASONAL) make or augment their living from being employed by these businesses. It is unfortunate this commercialization is OVERDONE and thus making any holiday period less than special. I personally don't buy gifts or goods based on commercial hype...I buy all year round and mark holidays with a card. As with anything in life, be it commercial overindulgence...attending to the charity of one's this democracy we call Canada....we are free to participate or not.
ALL HOLIDAYS ARE OVER-COMMERCIALIZED, because of this I thank all the store and business owners because I don't have to waste any money buying anything cause no holiday is seen as special. It's nothing but cash grabs watch the prices go up and up as the holiday nears than.... wait for it.. a half price cut when the day is upon us.
Christmas items should be mid to late November. If this is about stores selling merchandise, and making a profit, I have to ask - where am I, the customer, going to get more money to shop? I only have $X.XX to spend at Christmas. Just because you have the product out early, doesn't mean I have more money to spend!
I was raised in a business but we also took the time to respect Remembrance Day. We did not put Christmas shopping before the people who died so that we can have the peaceful country we have today - even 150 years later! Thank those young people who died at Vimy Ridge to make Canada for the future generations. It is only one day for heaven sake!
I agree that stores have to merchandise and make money, but at least wait until Remembrance day is over. Coming from a family of Veterans-- that is all I ask!!!
Yeah that's nice but that's how stores make money. What am I going to do? Hide my merchandize?
I even saw christmas decor out before halloween was over!!!