Family Day - Viewing All Comments

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Posted by Barry:

Many people, including myself don’t have a “happy family” and/or we have “family relatives” who don’t speak to each other anymore, and never get together for any holiday, including Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Years. So those of us who have been ostracized, end up living as “hermits”, who when NOT working, have no contact with family members, relatives, and so-called friends. “Family Day” is a painful reminder that I am all alone!!

Posted by Amarjeet:

I am celebrate today for bringing over 50 family members to Canada last year

Posted by Bob:

I'd rather see family day in June, where you could actually do things as a family. Who wants to go outside in a -15C blistering wind with blowing snow. Personally, I'd take one Stat per month from May to October, all day long.

Posted by Julie:

It bothers me that I don’t have the day to spend with my family. They are all going to the Canal Rideau in Ottawa and I’m the only one missing out on this outing. They should make it a holiday for everyone in Ontario.

Posted by Sadie:

Some people on here commenting have mental issues! The article says everyone should get the same amount of days off. That’s it! Public sector or private sector, unions fought and died for workers right to be safe at work, to have paid sick days within reason. They continue to fight, and not just for themselves. For everyone. There are always people who abuse the system. Should everyone suffer for that? No mention of who is eligible to vote (suffrage).

Posted by someone:

@Flora we certainly can choose our family. hence called "Chosen Family" and its compromised not necessarily from blood relatives. also immigrant into this country with no other family, but I dont let that stop me from caring for others as if they were direct family. you are correct, we cannot choose who/where we are born or siblings, but the rest we can. @Guy - I feel you there, same here, Federally regulated but no holiday.

Posted by Diane:

It's seems a reliable outcome that whatever information I want to verify there are always people complaining about it. I just wanted to verify that it is family day since a neighbor has mentioned it to me. I will be glad to choose to enjoy my day whether I get to interact further with people or not.

Posted by Dean:

RE: It's interesting how public servants don't complain about this in the comments area the same way private sector workers complain about having to work on Easter Monday when public servants have the day of Could that be because of the plethora of days off, weekend flu days off etc public sector employees take off? How can public sector workers work any less and still justify their job? It would appear that whoever wrote this page is a suffragette public sector employee who wouldn't last a minute in the private sector.

Posted by Jo-Ann Weatherby:

Would love to see Family Day across Canada for everyone. We are all family

Posted by Flora:

Family day upsets me because I have no family left. Meaning my parents were immigrants to this country who came by themselves so I grew up without grandparents without cousins without knowing any relatives. The rest of my family has passed and as a single person I find it depressing. I would like to ask you change the name at least to Friends and Family day or something to do with togetherness but not necessarily family. We cannot choose our family or who we are born into or how many siblings etc. etc.. in this day and age of blended families I find this very old-fashioned. Please change the name to something more appropriate that fits all people and all ages.

Posted by Guy Richey:

The Goverment needs to make family day a federal Canada Holliday as my new job says i do not get it off with pay as they are a federal regulated company

Posted by J.Robinson:

I've worked in both Public Sector and Public servant positions and to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes means before judging someone, you must understand his/her experiences, challenges, thought processes, etc. Don't assume you know what each others positions are before you've been in them and don't compare or comment on the differences if you've never done either. Regardless holiday or no holiday the years and days keep flying by.

Posted by Bob:

Jay don't be that guy that corrects grammar.

Posted by Kim:

I work on Stat holidays and enjoy it as I get time and half which to is my way of celebrating the holidays. I am there to help those looking to improve their landscape or home. As for me holidays are not depressing and I really don't decorate my home for those holidays, I just enjoy the time whether outdoors or indoors doing clean up or helping shoppers find what they are looking for. Stat holidays are for just taking the time to do something for yourself and enjoying it in the mean time.

Posted by Ressa:

I used to take a vacation day around this time in February (usually a Friday) because my mom passed around that time. By the time I felt I did not need to take it off anymore, it because a holiday. Interesting.

Posted by Judith Ann Heenan:

You ask everyone to agree on 9 or 10 national hoidays:are you crazy? You can't get 9 or 10 people to agree on anything, anywhere, anytime.

Posted by Scott MacDonald:

If you are a Government worker then half of all your days are paid holidays, their production pace wouldn't fly in the private sector.

Posted by Andrea:

Family Day is depressing. Almost as depressing as Christmas. Please make it stop.

Posted by Jay:

Lalo, just to correct YOUR grammar: 'Which in itself can be a 'waste' of time.' This is not a sentence. It is a clause. It doesn't make sense for Nova Scotia to have the third Monday in February to be Family Day, because our weather is not like Ontario's. It is usually raining and/or there's no snow or ice. We are basically trapped indoors. Why not have Family Day on a day that everyone can a summer month!

Posted by Jake Beechey:

Can you try writing this with some compassion and dignity? The part where David adds info. Try just writing what it is about and why. All feelings aside.

Posted by federal employee:

Federal workers do not get family day because Quebec does not have family day, and is not interested in adopting a day of rest that is not culturally recognized as Quebecois or french in origin. Instead all federal workers are given "la fete nationale" a french national holiday celebrating the french revolution, that has no relationship to Canadian culture other than it is observed in Quebec. This means that if you are a federal worker who does not work in Quebec you are off when none of your friends and family are off.

Posted by David:

"(It's interesting how public servants don't complain about this in the comments area, the same way private sector workers complain about having to work on Easter Monday when public servants have the day off.)" Right... You don't mention the fact P.S. also take Remembrance day, and National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Public "Servant" using that term extremely loosely given reality. Gold-plated pensions and excellent benefits. Gobs of sick days, personal days, and paid overtime for any unionized, which is most. Not to mention being "Entitled to their Entitlements" of course.

Posted by Wayne O'Neill:

We have been having crokicurling at our place the last few years. All the kids and their families partake. We live in a rural area so lots of room to make the rink and have a bonfire and tons of outdoor fun.

Posted by CJ:

IN ONTARIO, August long weekend is not a Stat. but all Government offices, banks are closed? There are other holidays taken by the government employees but not rest of Canadians? Who makes these rules? Government employees get paid just to sneeze.

Posted by Lalo:

Any one who believes any holiday is a 'waist' of time needs to learn the english language. Which in itself can be a 'waste' of time. we have SO many phonetic rules..:) or is that Phonenetic...LoL enjoy everyday in your life regardless of status/pay/weather/worries/health/friends etc etc is your DaY so seize it....

Posted by Anoushka Mutti:

I didn't know government employee's didn't get Family Day off. If banks are closed then why not the post office and other government offices? Doesn't seem right, just my personal opinion.

Posted by Timothy:

If valentines day not enough salt on the wounds family day adds a nice lit cigarette to the wound worst part banks are closed and I can't receive any payments or transfers which means no work or money for me waist of time and just depression

Posted by Cathie:

That’s because Easter Monday is a religious holiday and family day is just a humanitarian day. Huge difference.

Posted by Elizabeth Thornton:

We spend time together as a family. My husband is a Mountie and he always finds time to spend with our son, our dog Rip, our horses Sarge and Jack III and myself. All of our friends & family members have families of their own so they do family stuff together (games, watch Netflix, etc)

Posted by Self-employed worker:

To all those commenting here, it is debatable how hard public servants work, what they are like etc... they include all sorts of profiles from young to old, poor to wealthy, hardworking to lazy. But you would think that people who are in the private sector, unemployed, self-employed etc would WANT their family members and friends who are public servants to get Easter Monday off to spend together, be able to go on a holiday etc. I know that when I worked over Christmas, it put off many family plans, and even if I was fine working, many people I cared for were upset. It isn't all just tit for tat. As a self-employed worker, I usually work all holidays and long weekends. Great time to catch up on paperwork, contracts etc, when clients are away from the office. And I don't get paid holiday pay, overtime, get any benefits etc. I don't spend all my time wanting the private sector not to have holidays.

Posted by Private Worker:

Public servants working in all sectors of the governments (Federal, Provincial and Municipal) should have less holidays than those working in the Private Sector. I dont know if I should say work in their dictionary when all these farts are simply lazy and counting their days until they retire to get their pension. Yup, it's good to work for the Government.

Posted by Queen Of Goths:

Having worked in the private sector and as a public servant, I received similar pay but the same benefits, pensions, sick days, etc, and the same number of holidays (just on different days). There are MANY jobs that offer different perks (or lack of them) in the private sector - you just have to find those upstanding ones that don't skimp on perks or break the rules (Employment Standards Act).

Posted by Lloyd:

I’m in Alberta and our Post Office is definitely open today. Banks are closed.

Posted by Silva:

Private sector work longer hours and are unpaid for working overtime. And many don’t even receive benefits and or sick leave..Government sector when work past regular hours are paid overtime and receive ridiculous pension and benefits...that is why private sector complain about not having Easter Monday off..

Posted by Don Rivers:

what about Canada Post mail delivery for Feb.15

Posted by Colleen Ann Norman:

I like the way the French think. The entire month of August is a national holiday.

Posted by Andrea:

Federal employees in PEI don’t complain, because they have been told they would lose the civic holiday (first of August??) that everyone but PEI has.

Posted by GloBee:

Do you think maybe that they already get enough paid holidays? 5 days family leave, 15 days sick leave, ridiculous amounts of vacation leave, Easter Monday, Remembrance day , , , . I have been working 35 years in the private sector, no pension, 2 sick days per year and after all those years service, 4 weeks vacation time. They don't get Family day! I feel just so terrible for them :(

Posted by John K:

To paint all of the Public Servants with the same brush is unjust commentary! Having worked 35 + years, I never abused my sick leave benefits as I had over 95%! I did not get paid off for the unused sick leave. I lost 367 days of unused sick leave. I went to work and did my job unless I was too sick to do so, and after surgery, but not one day when I was well. Many years I did not use 1 singular day! I worked many more hours in a week than I got paid; if I was not busy, I looked for more to do to ensure the public did not pay for idol hands; and yes, there is plenty of work that the public do not see that Public Servants perform for the betterment of Canadians and our partners! There were many dedicated Public Servants, and no doubt some that deserved the commentary being presented, but we are not all a reflection of your cruel statements of our worth to Canada!

Posted by Philip :

"I have been working 46 years in the private sector, no pension, no sick leave and after all those years service, 3 weeks vacation time." You are bitter about how other people's career decisions have given them better benefits? Congratulations on working your whole life so you can live for 3 weeks off, no pension or sick leave. Maybe you should be looking at your own decision making and benefit negotiation skills instead of moaning about other people's.

Posted by Hugh D. :

Why insert ridiculous personal opinions such as the complaining of private sector vs public sector employees into this article? That and whining about “complicated laws” makes for a terrible read. It would not be so poorly written if you left out silly personal biases. Also the common activities you describe are just old stereotypes about what Canadians do in the winter and show a very narrow-minded, ridiculously opinionated and bitter author.

Posted by Robert:

hUH Do you think maybe that silly servants get enough paid holidays???? 5 days family leave, 15 days sick leave, ridiculous amounts of vacation leave, Easter Monday, Remembrance day , , , and on and on and on. I have been working 46 years in the private sector, no pension, no sick leave and after all those years service, 3 weeks vacation time. Poor silly servants don't get Family day! I feel just awful for them.

Posted by Katherine:

This is an odd statement because i reside in AB and not ONCE has our banks/post offices been opened on Family day, even before it was recognized in ON and NB as a "Holiday". I dont understand where this information arose from but in AB, our banks (Federally ran) are closed on Family Day. We do get Rememberance Day as a stat as well where i've always been paid for those days off (in an office position) when i didn't work them.

Posted by Mike:

This is the first time I reply on this type of platform but I feel that the comment regarding public servants not complaining about not having family day off is totally unacceptable. Instead of taking cheap shots at private sector workers, you should appreciate all of the time off you get as a public servant compared to private sector workers. Should I also mention that right now 80 percent of federal workers are sitting at home collecting full pay and benefits for doing not much in most cases.

Posted by TB:

It’s interesting that you brought in public vs private sector employees in a post about dates on a general info website. This kind of rhetoric is divisive and unnecessary. Shame on you for using this to drive comments. Comments ie. “engagement” is not some holy grail to aim for and we are not puppets to be manipulated online.

Posted by Ted:

When I was working way before 2008, there were NO Family Day but there is Simcoe Day. It is a statutory holiday so I got paid not working and the store would be closed. In late 2007, Ontario decided to have a new statutory holiday (Family Day) starting in 2008 (February 18). For new employee(s), whom started when the provincial government decided stated Februay 18, 2008 will be the new statutory holiday, started working for us between October 13 2007 and January 28, 2008 would get Family Day pay (not necessary for the full (8) hours, if working only part-time) but NOT Simcoe Day. New employee(s) started after NOT get paid for either holidays until 2009 and only Family Day.

Posted by Barb:

I’d like to re-iterate Don’s comment that Family Day was declared in 1990 by then Alberta Premier Don Getty. Don Getty truly valued his family and chose a day to provide all families the opportunity to have enjoy each other’s company. Unlike what many you have speculated, it had nothing (zero, none) to do with anything commercial. I’m confident that what has transpired in the past thirty years has been a plus for retailers, however, this did not enter into the decision to declare the day a holiday. To that end, those of you who believe Albertans are big complainers, feel free to be grateful to us for the day you’re able to spend with loved ones.

Posted by rob:

they can give up Easter Monday for family day in their home province that would make every 1 even

Posted by James Daley:

As far as I'm concerned. I'm a guy with 13 children. Every day is family day. There isn't a single day I'm not spending time with my wife and children. Why does there have to be a specific day in a year that you get to spend time with your family. And why make it a holiday. Wouldn't it make more sense to make it on a Saturday or Sunday as to not inturupt the provinces that celebrate it? No, it's just another excuse to have a day off of work for those jobs that celebrate it.

Posted by Charles:

I agree, remembrance should be a national holiday! Even Newfoundland, even though they were not part of Canada until nearly 4 years after WWII ended.

Posted by Charles:

I agree, remembrance should be a national holiday! Even Newfoundland, even though they were not part of Canada until nearly 4 years after WWII ended.

Posted by jay:

to make Remembrance Day a 'time off holiday' would diminish the reason for it. Focusing for just 2 minutes at 11AM wherever you are,whatever you're doing IS 'to the point, having the day would be at the malls, parents eleswhere and the REASON for 11th hr on the 11th day of the 11th month would be lost forever

Posted by Mandy:

The professionalism of this post is rather arrogant. Im interested how many people dislike this holiday due to having no family at all?

Posted by Bob:

Interesting comparator on federal public servants not complaining about not getting a provincial holiday off (family day reference) whereas people not feeding at the federal trough complain that the feds get Easter Monday off. The commentor fails to mention that they also get the Good Friday off as well. Not to mention that those at the federal trough get a plethora of benefits the rest of the Canadian tax payers are not entitled to.

Posted by Pete:

Remembrance Day is not a Federal holiday for two reasons: One, an effort to differentiate Canada from the USA, where November 11th is of course, Veterans Day; Two, an anti-military bias among many who view the warriors as rubes who are used as cannon fodder, certainly not something to be remembered or celebrated.

Posted by Joanne :

We used to have family day every Sunday. But that’s when people actually did go to church and then spent the rest of the day being with family. Now we all work on Sundays and have no time for being with family. Stop complaining.

Posted by international student:

I came from Europe with the idea of better life here in Canada. Government promised a post graduate experience after have been enrolled in a public university. Spent thousands and thousands dollars. Graduate, never seen a post graduate and after 6 years I have to leave this country because someone at the immigration office doesn't know what must be done. Hospitals are unprepared, school system is messed up, immigration is worst . Hopefully this way to be one day will stop . You canada are making trillions with internationals students and offer fake promises . The word of mouth will do the job for you in order to let people understand what a shit place is this.

Posted by Gareeth:

It makes sense in a way that a province can create a stat but the need for a long weekend between New Years and the sometimes long wait for the Easter Weekend is surely national At this point enough provinces have it that the Federal govt. could win much needed approval ( wait we don't want that do we?) by bringing it in as a National Stat. Clearly no one has lived through the confusion of how Germany handles stats with 7 zones which vary in what is observed. In zone 7 even the more obscure Xian holidays are stats and others have distanced themselves from all but the ones people would riot not to have. Which would be fine until your zone 7 employer buys a zone 6 company and somehow overlooks that they are zone 6 and thus expected to be able to contact people when they couldn't and then the main office wonders if everyone suddenly took a day off. | Sure it's hard to make the case that other places handle this way worse than Canada as it really does make the case for at some point it may be important to make holidays Federal and this holiday is very needed. It's hard to contest that given Easter can fall past mid April. Even when it falls at the early end of the cycle so what? Your citizens are briefly more productive and less stressed with a top up in short order. | The only issue is as a Federal Holiday they might want one name. I dislike the name Family Day as it presumes this is a reality and it's proximity to Valentines Day makes the pile on of celebrating something not all Canadians have a bit much. People with families will spend them with them but there's no good reason given the importance of Louis Riel in history that it wouldn't be a strong contender for the name of a Federal Holiday if our MPs ever think hey we should make this Federal.

Posted by offended:

in regards to your comment about private sector complaining about easter monday while federal don" complain about family day (which I find highly unprofessional on a government website), the reason is probably that most private sector employees end up working their holiday with no extra monetary compensation, while federal employees always get their non-stat off with pay!

Posted by Lola:

I think Canada should celebrate all the same statutory holidays together. It would be fair this way. If Canada went to war as a country in WWII, why don't all provinces have Remebrance Day off to honour our fallen soldiers, and recognize the sacrifices they made for us? It simply makes no sense at all.

Posted by CheapSlave:

The governemnt is there just to make you a cheap slave nothing else, look what they did to ot for IT people never mind screwing everyone on holiday pay......I refuse to work, i will collect as long as i can till i get my pension

Posted by Parveen:

Family day should be considered as a statutory holiday.

Posted by Healthcare Grunt:

To those that use the "I pay your salary because I pay taxes" argument. I pay taxes too, so guess what, I pay my salary too! Can you say that - not likely because your boss/corporation/what-have-you pays your salary. So, the public sector assists to pay their own salary! What a concept. I absolutely agree that some public sector positions (can you say politician or upper upper management) are far overpaid, but please don't take that out on us little folk who are just working best we can to pay our bills, just like you.

Posted by NotBIGWIG:

Why are people so bitter about one day. If family isnt a good enough reason to have a day put aside So people can spend time with. I guess we should find a better reason to be off that day. Im dying to find out how the hell presidents day in the US influenced us to declare family day. Or how any BIGWIG can talk business or continue to work when the whole is on holiday. I get it. Bigwigs wanna work more and take on the general labourers jobs for fun. And talk about.

Posted by Rick Lizotte:

I certainly agree with having Remembrance Day as a full Federal statutory holiday. We are what we are today for the sacrifices others paid with their lives. As far as Family Day is concerned, it too aught to be a Federal holiday. The downfall of our society is the downfall of the family institution and anything that would encourage family time would be profitable.

Posted by Mike:

You know why private sector people complain, because private sector pays taxes that are then used to pay public servants. Are all servants serve the public WELL thus using private sector taxes efficiently?

Posted by Jamie:

Family Day is an extremely important holiday, giving a much-needed break between the long cold span between New Year's Day and Good Friday. February is typically an extremely depressing time of year, so it's good for the mental health of all who are fortunate enough to get this break! It's a great time to spend with family and enjoy winter versus fighting to get through winter weather to get your to-do list done. For those who say they would rather have Nov. 11 off, I feel that is misguided because most people would skip observing a Remembrance Day Ceremony if not at their school or place of business where ceremonies take place. Voluntarily going to service would not be a popular option if given a day off. Most would sit on their couch or do something else with their time off.

Posted by NB:

To Chas Niven and others complaining about Remembrance Day not being a holiday: The Royal Canadian Legion and other veterans' groups requested that Remembrance Day not be a holiday, so that children could stay in school and learn about Remembrance Day instead of simply having a day off. Their fear is that making it a holiday will just make it another day off to go hunting/fishing/etc. and people won't actually attend a service. So just show your respect and observe a silence at work or school, or ask for time off to attend a service for the hour or two it takes. You don't need a whole day to pay your respects.

Posted by Penny-Marie Wright:

The reason Canada Post works the day in February in Alberta is because they got to vote on it & chose to work it & keep the day in August as a holiday. The rest of the Alberta Federal Government had no choice but had to lose the day in August & take February because the Feds. decided it was a stat provincial day for Alberta. I think the feds. decided afterwards to go with Feb. as a work day in Feb. & get the Fed. stat holiday back in August. I hate winter so hated the day off then. Also it's called a FAMILY DAY but most people don't spend it together as a family, just check out the malls.

Posted by derrill hynick:

Supporting Canadian families the way we did decades ago is critical to the well being of our children. They need parental care 24/7 when the are young. Families need to raise their own children. It is critical to their mental health. This is a life long illness that is preventable by returning to the parental care program our parents used. I asked the government to give child care dollars directly to parents who want to raise their own children at home. The government said no. I talked to many young parents that want to do this for their children but cannot afford to. Government deserves a pat on the back for this half-hearted holiday.

Posted by Christine G:

I find it ironic that this holiday is named Family Day, when not everyone is entitled to have a day off to spend with their families. Why not call it Flag day or Mental Health day, some other name not referrencing "family". In my family, half of us have it off and the others have to work. So much for "family" time. And why doesn't the whole country get it off? Just another irony in Canadian politics. How disappointing?

Posted by Kim G:

Private companies that are federally regulated get neither family day nor Easter Monday. 😊

Posted by Kuing:

Better yet how come everyone doesn't just agree to a minimum of at least 1 monthly stat, with 2 or more as appropriate.

Posted by Al B:

Unfortunately Labour Day has lost its meaning. But then you get the information from the media which is paid for by the very people who really don't want labour to know the meaning of the day and the suffering that brought it about. Why would large corporations pay for commercials on the media for a show that made them look bad?

Posted by MaryJane:

Family day would be nice in the summer months. Why don’t we have a long weekend in June , we have long weekends in April, May, July, August, September and October nothing in June

Posted by Joe Bannister:

I am a Chef, I only get December 25th off, Must be nice to get holidays. Quit whining.

Posted by Michael:

Not sure why someone would be complaining about a Holiday to spend time with there family? Canada has one of the lowest holiday/paid days off in the world. To think you find spending an evening with your family is already too much , tells us exactly what type of mentality you have, all work and no play which I sure makes for your dull family. Try being positive, I think its a great holiday that should be paid for everyone.

Posted by Chas Niven:

If Ontario is unwilling to honour Remembrance Day in addition to the Family Day I would rather have November 11th off each year to attend memorial services instead of just a minutes silence. How disrespectful it is to our war dead for Ontario to ignore the sacrifices of so many in all the wars Canada participated in but are willing to honour a queen that has been dead for 117 years. As far as federal workers not getting Family Day they do get Remembrance Day and Easter Monday. They also will get (and this is ironic) a holiday for them screwing up the residential school system.

Posted by Richard G.:

“Family Day” is merely some BS holiday designed to coincide with the USA’s Presidents’ Day... makes it easier for the bigwigs to conduct business among themselves. Wouldn’t want the Canadian subsidiaries to be open while their US counterparts are open, and vice versa.

Posted by mitch:

To the person who said teachers have the friday off for they don't. They go to professional dev seminars all day. Don't be so obtuse.

Posted by Patricia Casillas:

To all of you complaining, you should br grateful that they consider the family unit and that some can spend time with their loved ones. If you dont enjoy days off and act like its a privilege to have a life outside work, you should come to America. They like to work us like slaves here. Barely anytime off, no consideration for families, punished when needing emergency days off. If working and being unappreciated is what you are into, you will love it here.

Posted by Eric:

Not a gift to employee when small business have to pay unwillingly. Just another taxation burden on small business. Now min wage going up to $15, the ongoing scam of WSIB, absolutely ridiculous labor rights laws, all small business should declare themselves non profit foundations!

Posted by Jayna:

"I work and live in Ontario but the company I work for has it's head office in Quebec. Because of this we are told that we are to take the Quebec Holdays and not Ontario." You're holidays are not based on where your company is located but where YOU LIVE. Tell your "Quebec" based company to read the law's first. Not only are you entitled to family day off, they are obligated to pay you for it...

Posted by Kosta:

Family day is a total joke. I agree with the statement above. You’re with your family every day, just another reason for a day off and for more laziness and people to spend more money to go out and do things. A day off in between New Years and Easter?, really???Yes that’s pretty dam sad reason to have a long weekend. People work 5 days and most people have weekends off anyways. The laws here are really poor, so is our government unfortunately and the silly decisions they agree upon. All about the $$$$. A great example of silliness and stupidity is changing the words of the national anthem to”all of us command “. This is our national anthem of our country Canada and should remain how it is

Posted by WELLAND Enjoyment:

Oh people, if you're really bothered about this gift, please go into work for the day and don't spoil my day with my family.

Posted by Patricia Ann Rivers:

Isn't it coincidental that teachers ALWAYS have the Friday off for PD days on a Friday & now its another LONG weekend for them?????

Posted by lori:

If Monday is a holiday would Tuesday be considered as Monday sort of speak??

Posted by Lorraine Molyneaux:

I work and live in Ontario but the company I work for has it's head office in Quebec. Because of this we are told that we are to take the Quebec Holdays and not Ontario.

Posted by Sue Hutchings:

I work at an ice rink. The rink is open from 9am to 10pm on Family Day. I will be working my regular shift, as will the gentleman who will work the later shift. Won't see much of MY family on Family Day.

Posted by Fed up:

Small businesses cannot afford to pay their bills lately with all of the extra taxes,etc. never mind paying people for doing nothing and no way to bring in income. People are far too spoiled these days. If you want a day off, nobody should be responsible to pay it for you.

Posted by James Colwell:

I do not believe in paying or getting paid for any day that is not worked. I strongly believe that is a serious problem on our country. People getting paid for doing nothing. I’m 57 years old and have never peen paid to sit home and rotate nor would I except it.

Posted by Brad H:

The reason Public Servants don't complain about Family Day is because that they also get Remembrance Day (which the Private Sector doesn't get). So basically, Private Sector employees get one less holiday than Public Servants.

Posted by Justin Trudeau:

Its a miracle Government Workers don't have Family Day off. Go figure?

Posted by Cheryl:

Can someone answer this question for me......My husbands company, always makes him take family day later on, excuse is because it is an American owned Co and they do not have the same holidays....but where he works is in company gives it on the day it is supposed to be.....shouldn't they give it to the employees on the correct can we spend family day together if his company is not giving it to him on that day! Is this illegal? Or do they have the right to do what ever they want?

Posted by Aggitated:

If we cannot have the same stat holidays nationally, then I wish the provinces would legislate that no matter where the "head office" is, that the employees within each province be allotted that provinces "stat" holiday. IE Ontario company not allowing NB employees the new family day.

Posted by Dave Noble:

You mention Federal employees but you say nothing about Provincial employees such as city workers, garbage collectors etc etc.

Posted by L Gorrill:

In my house every day is family day. I don’t need a faceless nobody to tell me I should spend and enjoy any certain day with my family as I love every day above ground spent with family. As for the aboriginal injections, get over it. Nothing was done to you by me and if our ancestors played not nice it their problem. You want retribution? Seek it another day. Politicians being bullied buy big biz? You’re kidding right? Politicians are owned by big biz. And we freakin know it. But about all it’ll get is some folks off their couch fattened asses to the computer chair to blurt our idiocy they believe makes them involved participants in our world affairs. Yea right. Family day is every day of our lives. The holiday was a weak attempt to gain our favour. Period. What family day should be, once a year our should have to CEMENT in place a new law favouring the reparation of families destroyed by our dropping the ball and allowing our families to be destroyed by drugs, violence, racism, bad governing in general. That would be a day worth a nations celebration.

Posted by Russel Williams:

The only reason for another holiday is to let the shopping centres have big sales. If it was a true holiday everything would be closed. Holiday, remember!

Posted by Art C.:

I think that honouring "Family" with a day is a great idea. Let us see it enacted effectively. The way the provinces have or have not legislated the rules for wages on that day is the issue. ( the difficulty formalizing a stat holiday shows how the corporate world bullies our government!...our peoples' representation !). I believe a designated holiday is a holiday. ** if one's job is an essential service then the employer needs to offer either alternate time or money in lieu of THAT day off. In other situations an employer should be allowed to ASK people to come in for work.. for additional pay OR alternate time off. Workers should be allowed to decline that day off labour without fear of penalty or job loss. The point is paid time off, and companies recognizing the appointed day...despite federal and provincial nomenclature and scheduling issues. If companies have the audacity to try to get away with "forcing" people to work for straight wages when regular time-plus is set out by legislation; companies are thereby demonstrating a complete disregard for the family in efforts to pursue the almighty buck. It is shameful. The end message to workers is that they and their families are not valued. Isn't that disturbing? (I know a company that is suggesting this for monday...) Corporations need to respect the human factors that do not quantify into dollars saved immediately, but translate into long term loyalty, better morale and higher overall care and attention to tasks. Need we labour over the benefits of happy workers? Pay the labour, and be happy the work is done, and done right! For then we can rest , eh!

Posted by Mark Lowe :

Yes - we gave ourselves a meaningless holiday and yet refuse to respect the aboriginal people we stole the land from and declare Aboriginal day as a stat ! No wonder they are at the parliament demonstrating and hating Canadians . Canadians talk a lot about other countries who robbed others of their land (like Israel) but they themselves are to be ashamed of the lack of respect they have for aboriginal people in Canada ! It’s more important to “fill in” yet another stat to “hang out “ and “relax” then respect aboriginals??? So pretentious !

Posted by Referring to Anonymous:

Like to mention since someone posted that "anyone opposed ro the way things are done in Canada is welcome to leave" (paraphrased) that Canada is a democracy and therefore if you don't like something, you actually have the potential to change it, provided enough fellow Canadians share your feelings on whatever that is. This goes for every single issue in Canada, from the smallest road signs to the biggest government policies. This is also the comments section for a tiny little holiday which is already controversial. Anyone thinking that a person disagreeing with the specifics of such a trivial (and personal, since this is Family Day and every family is different and spends time together in different ways already) should relocate to a "better" country really sounds like they belong under an Orwellian-style dictatorship where they don't have to exercise any tiresome opinions on anything at all or deal with the apparently offensive burden of people discussing the value of various holidays.

Posted by Rose:

Please make all holidays fall on same dates across Canada!

Posted by No name:

"It's interesting how public servants don't complain about this in the comments area the same way private sector workers complain about having to work on Easter Monday when public servants have the day off." As somebody who's worked in both the public and private sectors, I would guess it's because public sector workers already have enough perks not to mention a more relaxed work atmosphere. Of course this is a simple generalization that isn't true for all positions, but it's been a common thread in my experience.

Posted by Doug:

Provinces have their own rules/holidays simply to retain their individuality. Much like the states in the USA do. To be make it universally equal we should synchronize with the USA holidays and laws as well. I am not a religious person in any sense of the term, but, why do we get only recognize the Christian holidays? I can understand that back when statutory holidays were created the majority of the voting population at the time were Christians, but, times change. It's bad enough that we essentially ignored the Jewish faith, but now we also ignore growing numbers of other religions. Holidays need to be renamed to simply the month they fall into, and let the people call them whatever they want. why do we need a specific day to remember the troops? Should this not be something you do on your own terms? It does not make any difference to the dead if a million think of them at once or if it is spread out over forever. I am left to wonder though, what about all those that died prior to WW1. Obviously we have not forgotten them, and we have managed to remember those wars without a special day. What does that say about needing a special day?

Posted by Jeff:

Complicated? What is so complicated about provinces being able to set holidays? Or are you also thinking it's overly complicated to have different levels of government?

Posted by Gail:

Yes we should go back to the old family day, "Sunday". Only emergency people should work.

Posted by Andy:

If you spend 1.5 hours a day spending time with your family then by the end of the week you have spent a whole day. Would be nice to have every Sunday off but buy some people are busy during the week. They can only work sat sun. That is what feeds them.shall we take that away? highschool kids can only work sat and sun DAY. Take that away? Family's that don't spend time together are not going to start because we now have a holiday ...

Posted by T. Whitney:

I personally dislike family day my sons are in the army in Edmonton and I am here in Ontario. I would have perfered Veterans Day as a holiday and show my respect at a service instead of of few minutes at work. Or at least given the choice but family day is alonely day and not much use.

Posted by Irshad Mahmood:

Family Day MUST be every week and that is SUNDAY. More special discounts must be given for fare etc. on Every SUNDAY for having FUNDAY for families having kids under 18 all over Canada. It will also boost businesses. Global Family Day, One Day of Peace and Sharing, need to be celebrated every January 1 as a global day of peace and sharing which is already started in some parts of the world. Even any calendar started ever, there were days and nights. Let us all switch New Year celebration to Global Family Day celebration for Love, Peace and Sharing with all Human without any Discrimination.

Posted by Anonymous:

Anyone who doesn't like the way things are done here in Canada has the option of relocating to a better country - good luck finding one.

Posted by Keena:

I agree that, on family day everything should be closed ....including restaurantes, sports bars, coffee shops...etc... FAMILY DAY FOR ALL

Posted by SJB:

I was thinking more about the emotional aspect of it for people without families. It seems almost cruel to have "family day" so close to valentine's day. I have a couple of friends who have come near suicide that week of the year as they didn't feel they had anyone to share any of these "special" times with. I love the idea of family day & appreciate the holiday, but question the timing. Rubbing salt in the wound for some. Just a thought.

Posted by Me:

We used to get family day every week. It was called Sunday and everything was closed and only emergency staff worked !!!

Posted by Andrew Taylor:

It's so funny that you forgot to emphasize that family day is about spending time with family, bonding among parents and siblings, and caring and loving each other. You focus more on workers getting this or not getting that. That is not the essence of Family Day.

Posted by Jay:

Yeah wouldn't that be a great family day if all malls, stores, restaurants and so on be completely close as anonymously commented! Hey kid's lets go to the beach then we will stop for lunch and later go for ice cream. Oh wait we can't everything is closed...... But i do agree that while some get the day off others don't.

Posted by notapublicservant:

"It's interesting how public servants don't complain about this in the comments area the same way private sector workers complain about having to work on Easter Monday when public servants have the day off." Well, considering that Public Sector Government workers earn, on average, 10% more than their private sector counterparts (not including benefits, pension, etc), they earn 315 days worth of wages for 287 days work..well, days of work minus the 13 (avg) days of work absence, 14 vacation days (that's 3 weeks) which is what you get to start, as well as the volunteer days, self development days, or whatever....yeah, I still think the Public Sector is coming out ahead.


lol 6 days a week


I think is very unfair for people whom work for federal companies on this day and not getting pay like the non-federal companies, which that means whomever are working on family day in whichever the provinces that have this holiday will not get pay as holiday pay. This country only have 5 days federal holidays in total, so how fare for the people whom are working for federal companies compare to non-federal companies?


I think it should be made more clear that even though a dentist or chiropractor may choose to have their office open on Family Day their support staff is still entitled to the day off are they not? or offered another day off. It should be made clear that this is a provincial holiday and just because the civic holiday in Aug is given does not mean the support staff is not entitled to Family Day as well. This is a holiday that everyone should have. It used to be family day was Sunday but with the retail being so greedy to not acknowledge this day of rest I think that when the province is trying to make a special day they should make it for all.

Posted by Theresa:

Haha article says that federal employees don't complain in the comments and then....boom....complaining. My company is a "federal employer" but nothing ever happened on family day so we shut down too because it cost us more money to operate.

Posted by Gord:

Interesting comment on Family Day. "too bad not everyone gets Family Day off' The Service Industry works all holidays. I think the government should create Statutory Holidays for all Canadians. Every business is closed. All malls, gas stations, restaurants, etc. Everything shut down in the country for all Statutory holidays. Then it would truly be a holiday. Not just for the rich.


Are you serious? Federal workers don't complain?! They complain like crazy about not having family day off. Too bad. They get Remembrance Day, Easter Monday and the August long weekend. Plus 90% pay for mat leave, benefits and a pension. Cry me a river.

Posted by furyman:

Family day should not be a paid holiday. There are too many holidays already. Everybody should work 6 days a week and Sundays should be a mandatory day off. There are far too many lazy people in Canada now who expect something for nothing.


I do believe that everyone should get family day off. Why call it family day if part of the family stays home and the other part has to go to work. It makes no "family"sense to me


Some of the comments here are adorable. Clearly nobody who has bothered to comment here has worked in the service industry.

Posted by Brian:

It's just fine and dandy if you're a government employee...the money you receive is our tax dollars , the small business is not making anything when we close .Goods can't be sold , profits can't be made therefore private citizens income is diminished .Bring back Sundays the day of rest ... unless it's essential or you're the actual owner and you're willing to pay double time.


I think Ground Hog day should also be considered, no make that, should be made a national holiday. That would give us 2 days off in one of the dreariest months of the year. I love sunshine coming through the office window, doesn't happen much in February.:(


Sure everyone can six weeks off. Unpaid since you are not of commercial interests like your job.

Posted by Tanya:

Family Day used to be called SUNDAY Nothing was open except movie theatres, corner stores and a few restaurants...


@gwen - I agree but if you think we're lucky, you should look up all the stat holidays that are observed in Japan.

Posted by Dawn Gray:

I think this should be a holiday for all. I am a Federal employee and I have a Family. I know here in Manitoba it is called Louis Reil Day but that shouldn't make a difference it should be holiday for all. My husband and family get the day off and I have to work. How is that. A "family day"

Posted by Benjamin Redden:

My Birthday is a holiday. I just don't go to work on that day. It is simple to make your own holiday. Join me on Aug 26th. I will call your boss for you if you can't do it. Be a leader and celebrate what is important to you instead of choosing just a few dollars more. Working a stat day pays for your day off.

Posted by Ed:

Family day was a great introduction as the standard work schedule is an outdated, drone-driven, five-day work week built to support greedy capitalism. What really disgusts me is that we owe everything to the people who died in WWWI and II, and yet most of us do not get Remembrance Day off to observe and give our thanks. Why do Government workers get the day off, and not the rest of us?


Stop all the complaining please , we are lucky to be Canadian . So the holiday happens to conflict with your life , get over it and just enjoy the day regardless . We are privileged, it makes me sick to hear petty complaints when we have so much, and if you happen to be blessed with children then all the more reason to be happy.

Posted by pablo:

we need more holidays - I say at least 6 weeks of the year for everyone. Too much time is spent at the behest of commercial interests - I saw Easter decorations for sale yesterday (january 30). It's rather disgusting how all our observances have devolved into celebrations of commerce.


I think it is ridiculous that we have this holiday in Ontario to spend with our families yet many have to work. Children are off from school so we pay for daycare and go to work...not spending anytime with our children.

Posted by Katie:

Business should go back to being closed on Sundays. Sundays should be family day. The only stat holidays should be Christmas Day , Good Friday , Easter Monday and Canada Day

Posted by Shireen Odho:

Family Day should be a holiday for everyone as most of us have family's so my not make a statutory holiday, I work in the retail and the hours we work and the holiday we can not participate are becoming more and ferquent. Most of our us and are family member are feeling short changed


Family Day is a good theory; unfortunately, it interferes with some vital work where time is of the essence: Cremations. A family member of ours passed away the day before Family Day. Her cremation was delayed 3.5 DAYS because of the number of bodies awaiting cremation. While families were out having fun with their kids, ours was sickened by the knowledge of the awful, deteriorating processes going on in her body. Some legislator did not provide thought for about essential services like this. Or have alternating crematoria operate in revolving order on Family Day to preserve the respect for the dead.

Posted by Gwen:

We are very lucky to live in a country that has so many Statutory Holidays. It would be nice to see some voices of appreciation, instead of condemnation. We have different provinces, because there are slight differences, and that is an inspiration to see our beautiful country thrive in acceptance of it all.


I think it's ridiculous that all of Canada dosen't have the same statutory holidays,especially on Rememberence Day. Of all the stat holidays this should be one that all of Canada should respect together .Now more than ever ,the way things are around the world!


How can we expect employers to continue this. Everyone wants to get paid for not working. This government is a great example of our future. How to progress without putting in.


"(It's interesting how public servants don't complain about this in the comments area the same way private sector workers complain about having to work on Easter Monday when public servants have the day off.)" Private sector workers outnumber public servants 15 to 1, so the likelihood of private sector workers commenting is much greater. There's really nothing interesting or conclusive about that observation.

Posted by Louis:

Are we supposed to get pay for this holiday?

Posted by Elliott:

If we had Sundays like we use to we certainly would not need such a holiday...I miss family Sunday dinners. We use to do a lot more "family oriented" gatherings with family as there were no stores open just corner stores and some tourist spots.

Posted by Admin:

I added the sentence "It's interesting how public servants don't complain..." to spark a debate. It worked. Often I see comments about Easter Monday, for example, when private sector workers work and public servants don't, remarking on the unfairness of such holidays. What can I say? The holiday system in Canada is c*r*a*z*y! Hence this website :-)


Nova Scotia celebrates this holiday as well

Posted by Dan:

I work decommissioning a federal nuclear site. They say we are federal employees so we don't get Louis Riel day off. Interesting how we are loosing our federal pension due to contractors taking over but we are still Feds when it comes to loosing General holidays

Posted by Susan Brewer:

Employers should be required to give family day off. My son only sees his dad on weekends and this weekend he should have been able to spend the long weekend with his dad but his dad's employer doesn't give family day off.

Posted by Jane:

Now that we have a new Prime Minister, perhaps it's time to petition him to lobby for Family Day to become a national statutory holiday for ALL Canadians? I work for a public company that is federally regulated and hence we don't get the day off. 1. This is supposed to be a day to spend with family and it's so hard to leave the house for work when the rest of the family are at home (and most of the city too), 2. Transit is on a 'holiday' schedule. 3. It's such a long time between New Year's Day and Easter, surely we deserve a bit of a break at this midpoint?

Posted by Rodney:

Too many holidays. People should be at work . It shows you how lazy society has become. Scrap family day, civic holiday in august also. Time to go to work!!!!


Public Servants don't have it any better than the private sector. I should know having worked in both. It's just a few whiny people who want to see Public Servants reduced to the lowest common denominator. Just jealousy I suppose. There was no need to add the comment about Public Servants in the article. It was just an opening for someone to take a swipe at them.


You are not really free in Canada. "True North Strong and Free" what a load of b.s. Our Government serves only corporate interests. It doesn't matter who or what party we vote for. In the end they answer to private bankers which we are indebted nationally too the tune of 700 billion dollars and climbing. In 1976 it was only 5 billion. Our politicians gave up our right to print our money in 1976 if we wanted to join the G8 . I read somewhere that our mint doesn't print our bills they are printed in Germany. "Family Day" what a joke two tier system. Legislation states at employers discretion. Yeah we have rights in Canada The right to shut up. Move to another job what jobs. Side note : The main stream news company' are also bought and paid for. Oh and with the new "radical laws" in Canada I am almost afraid to post these comments.


People working on holidays is a fact of life. If your customers are overseas or in the US where the holiday doesn't apply you have to work. Transportation is a great example. Its not about being greedy its about serving your customers that pay your bill. You should get a day off in lieu. Government workers are lucky that all their customers are local and they can take the day off, plus they have no competition to worry about, great to have a monopoly on services.

Posted by earl hope:

I voted for Christy Clarke only to keep out the NDP and would vote for her for the same reason on next election day but, I don.t think even the NDP would be so stupid to have made the 2nd Monday of February the Family day instead of the 3rd Monday like the rest of the sane Provinces. Our Premier makes "many" stupid decisions !!

Posted by Katherine Fairfield:

I find it insulting that this website has content such as "(It's interesting how public servants don't complain about this in the comments area the same way private sector workers complain about having to work on Easter Monday when public servants have the day off.)" I don't find it interesting! Obviously this worker, and I use that term lightly, should find a job in the private sector and see what it is really like out here. After all we do pay your wages!

Posted by Jill:

What good is the holiday if you can't do anything as a family. Too cold to take little ones out for long and not all of us have winter festivals anywhere near. I have called numerous locations and everything is closed. So what do i do with 4 and 6 year olds. I can go to work and forget this day as it is a money lose. No museums etc are open(we have the air museum locally) so just a baby sitting day for me


Family day is also celebrated in NS as of Feb 15,2015. It We should be listed on here as well!

Posted by JH:

totally agree with JM's comments inserted again here... BTW Is this a personal blog?! In which case, there's absolutely no credibility to this website on legal issues such as stat holidays. "It's interesting how public servants don't complain about this in the comments area the same way private sector workers complain about having to work on Easter Monday when public servants have the day off." Obviously written by an overpaid, entitled public servant. Public servants have benefits and pensions that those in the private sector can only dream of, and all of us in the private sector get to pay for those entitled public servants and their benefits, but those public servants aren't paying for my wages and benefits. "


It is disciminatory, injust, that only english provinces can celebrate Family Day..we all have familiies in Canada don't we?

Posted by Doug Smith:

Family Day was first proposed by the Students of the Federal Provincial Simulation held at UW in 1967. Students from High Schools from all Provinces participated. The idea has caught on to some extent but not with the enthusiasm the Students showed at the Centennial.


Government workers don't complain, that's rich

Posted by Office worker:

Government offices are OPEN


Family Day is a joke. Some get it off, others have to work. In The City of Vaughan, salaried employees and management get the day off, with pay. All other employees must work time and a half but no choice; it is a mandatory work day. I guess that the Mayor and his council can stay home, admire their fat paycheques and gloat. What a joke!


Nova Scotia is celebrating a provincial holiday Feb. 15 called Heritage day, I think this is the first year. Sorry about those of you who don't yet have a provincial holiday in Feb. Maybe Valentine's could be a national holiday and that would simplify the job of naming each province/territory differently and give provinces a common a common bond. Those who print the calendars would probably be a bit happier as well.

Posted by Sandra:

I work at a retirement home and if we didn't work holidays the residents would go hungry lol😂


I am a Public Servant. I can tell you that this Holiday is a sore spot with the majority of Public Servants. I take the constant abuse from my employer, the constant cut backs, the extra work because they are not replacing retirees, but what really pisses me off is when people think they pay for my pension and benefits. Maybe you should ask a public servant how much comes off their pay a month to pay for the benefits and how great their medical is, you may be surprised to find its not what you thought. Enjoy your day off, I 'll be working and yes paying taxes as well.


I had 52 famely days now I have only one what happen to 51 God ?


I am single, but, although I have neither spouse nor children, I still have a brother and sister with whom I'm happy to share some time on 'Family Day'. I also have a couple of friends I consider family. At my age and with my health problems, I doubt if marriage is in my future, but not having a special 'Singles' Day' doesn't, nor would it have, in younger, healthier times, bother me. After all, isn't Friday evening through Sunday morning Singles' Time? It's all about putting a holiday in February, anyway, isn't it?


Can't you just leave the worms in the can alone and stop complaining.


i think Canada Post should observe Family Day across the board. it might be hard for us to deliver mail the next day but, it would really boost moral and support for the corporation as a whole. while Canada post observes other Federal Stat holidays, i feel it is wrong for us letter carriers to be seen walking the streets while our families have to be without us.


Nova Scotia now has a stat in Feb as well. This year its Joseph Howe day. Feb 15

Posted by Uncle Doug:

Since the date of this holiday was established to coincide with the US markets closure for Washington's Birthday/President's Day why wasn't it called John A Mcdonald's Day or Prime Miniters Day?


public sector works harder and longer hours, that's why we may complain more!

Posted by Matt:

"I work for a municipal government community centre and find it unfair that the government office has Monday off. I feel that Family Day should be nation-wide if the idea is to spend time with our family." With respect, the public sector has it very, very good. Extraordinarily high pay for labour and skills that simply are not worth close to what the government pays, outside of the public sector. This includes ancillary perks such as phenomenal benefits, the pension, and job security because of a strong human resources system. I don't hold public sector employees in contempt even if it may sound that way. But those government workers also need to be respectful that private sector employees need to "take what they can get" and if it's one holiday that you do not get, believe me, when the balance of the ledger is taken into account I do not grieve for your loss.

Posted by MG:

What a strange website to have political commentary. Why is there a little aside that attacks private sector workers within the stat holiday write-up?


There is a misconception in this country that government employees are overpaid and have a plethora of benefits. I pay dearly for my pension ($5k per year). My benefits covered more when I worked pay time in a grocery store. I net $1500 every two weeks..but on paper I make $60k a year. For a job that requires education. Not a great wage in a country with a high cost of living.

Posted by landra:

so if the holiday is on the Mon the fifteenth are we supposed to be paid on the previous Fri and does anyone know how many days in alberta they have to pay you when you are dismissed ?


I work for Canada post. Yes I need to work on family day while my kids and husband are at home. I'm quite ok with it. I'm grateful I have a job and it gives my husband some one-on-one time which is overdue. I'm off Saturday and Sunday every week so very happy I have those two days off every week to spend time with my family.


I work for a municipal government community centre and find it unfair that the government office has Monday off. I feel that Family Day should be nation-wide if the idea is to spend time with our family.


Does Quebec have family day?

Posted by JM:

"It's interesting how public servants don't complain about this in the comments area the same way private sector workers complain about having to work on Easter Monday when public servants have the day off." Obviously written by an overpaid, entitled public servant. Public servants have benefits and pensions that those in the private sector can only dream of, and all of us in the private sector get to pay for those entitled public servants and their benefits, but those public servants aren't paying for my wages and benefits. Easter Monday? I get to pay for you to have a day off, yet school is closed, day care is closed, and I go to work for regular pay. I doubt any public sector worker would give up their job to go to the private sector for one lousy stat, cause they know they got a good thing going, like pigs at a trough. How many paid sick days does a postie get? Boxing Day? Easter Monday? Public servants have no right to complain, they don't know how good they got it, and wouldn't last a second in the private sector.

Posted by classified :

so why isn't their a single day, a day where single people have to enjoy their day, there are many holidays that include family's or couples yet there are no single people holidays why is that ?? so if you have a family you can celebrate these holidays yet if you are single there is not a single holiday that is based on that, therefore if you have kids perfect if you are single well there is only one thing I can think of and it is vulgar but in short "fuck you' or to bad.


How can a holiday that is available be insulting and unfair? If anything, it is your employer that is unfair. Work elsewhere and you may get family day off. (Polite way of saying "If you don't like your employment, then leave")

Posted by Irene:

I also Sunday should be a day to spend with your family,like it used to be.why does CEOs have to be greedy for the almighty $$!! Quality time with family is so important,maybe our children can grow up believing how important this is.1 day a week is not too much to ask for.Give the young people a time and purpose with family and their children.The young might have a little more respect if they have family bonding.people have children but don't get quality time raising their too busy working to give kids them immaterial things and then they get into trouble.TEACH THEM THE IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE.LOVE RESPECT HONESTY.

Posted by Jocelyn:

My company recognizes family day which in turn means my pay is shortened and living on a two income family we depend on my full pay. If this is to be a true family day as the government puts it and some employers abide by it then us as employees should not suffer by losing our so important full pay checks.

Posted by Nava:

In Italy there is still every week family day. In fact, each Sunday, everybody with their family and friends, from child to elderly people get together, in the morning to evening doing fun activities together and spending very healthy bonding family time together that its memories last for their entire life. A fantastic relationship that support and comfort each other in the moments of difficulties, as well as in their joys. This is what I'm missing here in Canada. I hope on day in Canada too, we could have one day per week as statuary family day that everybody, especially members of the same family could be really all together in one day to enjoy each other.


I work for a national company - not government. There's no union, so no special pay for having to work. We all have to work and we all have families. This "holiday" is insulting and unfair.

Posted by dmc:

I suspect BC's Family Day (2nd Monday of Feb.) was chosen for consumerism. U.S. President's Day holiday(3rd Monday of Feb.) allows visitors to B.C. to shop when all retailers are open...and vice-versa


Oh yes, the ole mighty dollar, I remember when Sundays, everyone had off, and was a much happier world, we should all world wide refuse to work on Sundays, and go back to how it was.

Posted by Paula :

I was just thinking what I saw posted by Anonymous.....Family Day = Sunday.

Posted by Peter Kellett:

Sunday is the original Family Day and should be celebrated every week.


I'm not complaining at all! I live and work in alberta and get both BC day and family day off as paid holidays :)


I agree with annonymus! I find it absolutely bizarre at the need to create a holiday, to spend with family. It's pathetic actually..goes to show you where our priorities have fallen away. Annonymous!

Posted by preston :

every holiday over time, double time, triple time, witch some people cant quite fathom ,lunch breaks were all fought for tooth and nail on picket lines in the cold by trade union members, to say a few es ,even union bashers , benefit from there blood and sweat. if the young people of today new Canadians, as well aren't care full it will be gone right before there very eyes wake up they have stripped away most of the good decent brother hood using one against the other.


I work minimum wage serving pasta in a mall and I get time and half for working this day, which is good for myself. The buses don't run, so that's very inconvenient for people who have to work.

Posted by Brian Colgate:

Sunday is still a Family Day if you want it to be ... that's up to you. Unionised employees don't get paid double time when it is not a statutory holiday for them. The various Family Days and their other-named ilk in PEI, NS, and MB are Provincial holidays, which don't apply to Federal employees. BC should change the day back to Heritage Day so people would not complain about the day it is celebrated :-D


I agree 100000 % that we used to have a family day every week and it was called Sunday Right on


I remember when there was a family day every week. It was called Sunday.

Posted by Randynvan:

I question the bias of the author. Union workers get paid double time when working a holiday, so why would they complain?

Posted by Cathy:

I moved to B.C. from Ontario. How ridiculous that B.C. has Family Day on a different day from other provinces. What if you wanted to get together with your Family from a province that celebrates Family Day on the 3rd Monday in February?! This was actually originally Heritage Day which was fine and appropriate. Thought the idea was supposed to be to get a holiday break from winter for all. Not everything is closed so the merits of this holiday is pointless. Oh yes, The U.S. has a holiday the 3rd Monday in February so for business this would be helpful to coordinate but of course the B.C. government is out of step with common sense.


Do you actually think federal MP"s are going to work on Family Day??


I live in Vancouver, BC and my family live in the UK. It's a bit too far to go even if I make a long weekend of it.


I am a Federal Government Employee and think we should have BC Family Day off! Our collective agreement terminated 2 years ago !


I never take it - I opt to take the August long weekend instead (which is not a stat here in Alberta). I am NOT a winter person so a long weekend in February is useless to me! lol


I wish Family Day was celebratedon the SAME Monday in February by all the Provences who participate!


"...shut down retail and live like families again!" Well put. True words to live by.


Go figure. One - Not sure where you get your conspiracy information from. But that is not correct. Two - Your comment is completely invalidated by the fact there is no such thing as "Presedent's" day....its actually spelled precedent. Which isn't even a holiday...I think what you meant was 'President's day".... Posted by Go figure: The US masters wanted it this way to match presedent's day.


Family Day was originally created to give people time to spend with their families and yet, it is not a holiday, therefore the parents have to go to work! That makes so much sense.

Posted by Jerome:

I have noticed that Family Holiday is not posted for NOVA SCOTIA

Posted by Go figure:

The US masters wanted it this way to match presedent's day.

Posted by Amer Sattar:

Statutory holidays are paid holidays for helping employees to enjoy. Temporary employees are again at loss on these occasions also. Industries usually lay off temporary employees just before statutory holidays, on one pretext or other. This saves them the holiday pays, which otherwise have to be paid. I was working for 3 months as temporary employee and was just laid off before Christmas and New year holidays. How on the earth I am going to enjoy these holidays? Remember there is large section of Canadians who are temporary employees.


Yeah why not make all Saturday and Sundays family day, shut down retail and live like families again!

Posted by scott:

the federal government gets off Nov 11 and we have off family day (fair is fair) would like some time off to attend services though BUT NOT THE WHOLE DAY.


Figures the shortest month of the year has a stat. Way to go


Newton Figley REALLY?! "Also, with regards to Canada's complicated laws and such, things could be much worse for you James, you could be living in the U.S.A." At least the U.S.A. celebrates holidays in unison and not broken up by territory. Before you bash another country you should research and look at your own.


I would also like to point out something. Why doesn't Saskatchewan also celebrate Louis Riel Day? Isn't Saskatchewan more of a history for Louis Riel compared to Manitoba?

Posted by Liz:

Would be helpful for employers to know how many days need to be worked in order to be eligible for the stat day.

Posted by Newton Figley:

Now that we're all confused thanks to James, let me clarify that Family Day is not celebrated in Manitoba. Louis Riel Day is celebrated on the same day as Family Day, the third Monday in February and not on February 3rd as James has said. Also, with regards to Canada's complicated laws and such, things could be much worse for you James, you could be living in the U.S.A.

Posted by WJP:

My comment to the question of holidays is that all holidays here in Canada should be Federally regulated Statuary holidays and we should have 10 days per year. Every employee including civil servants and all government including MPs should observe. NO MORE UN-EQUALITY BETWEEN ANY ONE IN CANADA.


What a shame federal employees work on family day. One such poor soul left me a message on my answering machine which I cannot respond to because it would be illegal. My business must be closed today, at a cost to me, so my question is this. If employers are closed today who the hell is our government looking after (calling) and at what cost?? Well I guess they are not doing any less than usual. I wonder how many called in sick today??

Posted by JC:

Why is it so hard to get a single, country wide, Family Day? Why must we always place regional differences ahead of national unity? Why not share a common bond, united in harmony rather than pushing individual agendas? Canada is my adopted home, I'm proud to call myself Canadian and it saddens me to see so many obstacles placed in the path of national unity but then, at 72 I should know better the silent majority will never come out and speak its mind, so sad.


If it is called Family Day, then it should apply to all workers not just to a select few. If it does not apply to everyone, then it should not be called Family Day.

Posted by Don:

Family day in Alberta was established when Alberta Premier Don Getty ( 1985-92) decided Alberta needed a "Family Day " after his son was arrested for cocaine possession . In his public address he stated that he and his wife had failed his family and he wanted to correct that by changing the August civic holiday to February . People were furious with many stating " what the hell can you do with your family in February ? You can't go camping or have a BBQ !" Eventually the Alta. Govt. kept the old Aug. holiday as well as the Feb/ Family Day.

Posted by John:

What is wrong with each province making its own decision?


Speaking as a struggling small business owner that makes up a really good percentage of true (Canadian) owned business,We have families too.It,s hard enough to make a living whithout yet more paid holidays. Time to be satified with what we got and be happy to have a job.Make Saturday and SUNDAY family days. Keep small business afloat and don't be greedy.

Posted by James Sheldrick:

What is it about family day that makes everyone so confused? Is there any sense to it at all? Family is not a statutory holiday and it is observed only in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Two other provinces have February holidays: Islander day is celebrated in Prince Edward Island on the third of February and Louis Riel day is celebrated also on the third of February in Manitoba. Since Family Day is not a federally established holiday, all federal workers go to work on Family day including Public Servants and Post Office employees. Family day was originally created to give people time to spend with their families, but it also provides a day off during the three month interval between New Years Day and March Break. As mentioned above, not all provinces celebrate Family Day. It is a mystery why all provinces cannot agree on 9 or 10 common statutory holidays and this remains a good indicator of our complicated laws across the country.

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