Boxing Day pay in 2015
Do you get a day off in lieu of Boxing Day and perhaps take Monday off (28th) or get Thursday (24th) off? Or get no day off in lieu but receive (extra) pay? What if you normally work on Saturdays, will you get the day off?
If you get paid (extra), how much? Is this included in your employment contract?
We'd like to hear from everyone whose work is affected by Boxing Day being a Saturday this year!
Will you get a day of in lieu for Boxing Day in 2015? Will you work on Boxing Day? What are your work arrangements?
I got paid for Stat holidays, Christmas and boxing day, but I worked on the Tuesday which would be a holiday for Christmas I believe. If so should I have been paid Stat plus time and a half for working it?
Boxing Day is a statutory holiday. In 2016 it will be celebrated on Monday the 26th and The statutory holiday for Christmas will be on Tuesday December 27, 2016.
In Ontario it is a STAT Day and you are to receive the day off with pay. If you work it you are to receive time and a half plus stat pay does not matter what day it falls on. If you are Salary you are entitled to another day off in leiu.
Anyone that has questions about the labor law or needs to know what their rights are, I can facilitate wherw to get the right information. We are too use to been polite and correct mean while there are a lot of dishonest employers that would take advantage. Know your rights. Get informed. Teach others how.
In Ontario, Boxing Day is a stat holiday. Plain and simple. If you or someone you know didn't receive holiday pay, or a lieu day if you're on salary, it's up to you to react appropriately.
Boxing Day is not a Statutory holiday - you can tell because Costco is open ! Many businesses give a paid day off for Boxing Day, but it is not required by law.
The branches of the RBC that were in malls opened on Saturday, Dec 26 2015 but the other branches were closed both on Sat, Dec 26 and Mon, Dec 28 2015.
Monday the 28th was a day off in lieu of at my company.
In Ontario, Boxing Day is a "Public Holiday", it being on a Saturday is completely irrelevant. Read the act, if you were not given holiday pay, or a day off, you're employer is most likely wrong. There are of course exceptions, read up and find out if you apply.
Any inside into this scenario would be great. How about a shift worker, Salary supervisor and a Stat holiday not worked but you still work 48 hours regularly every week?